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# The integration test scenario for yeastx workflow.

# --- include external sources ------------------------ 

source common.bash

# --------------------


# --------------------

# Prepare template incoming data and some destination data structures
function prepare_data {
		# Prepare empty incoming data
    rm -fr $MY_DATA
    mkdir -p $MY_DATA
    clean_svn $MY_DATA
function build_and_install_yeastx {
		unzip -u $INSTALL/datastore_server_plugin-yeastx-*.zip -d $WORK/datastore_server_yeastx
		chmod_exec $WORK/datastore_server_yeastx/
		echo Dropping metabolomics database
		$psql_cmd -U postgres -c "drop database $METABOL_DB" 

function check_file_exists {
    local file=$1
    if [ -e $marker ]; then echo true; else echo false; fi

function assert_correct_incoming_content {
	local dir_name=$1
	local expected_file_count=$2
	local has_error_marker=$3
	local dir=$MY_DATA/incoming/$dir_name
	assert_dir_exists $dir
	if [ ! -e $dir ]; then
	assert_files_number $dir $expected_file_count
	local marker=$dir/_delete_me_after_correcting_errors
	local error_log=$dir/error-log.txt
	if [ "$has_error_marker" = "true" ]; then
		assert_file_exists $marker
		assert_file_exists $error_log
		assert_file_not_exists $marker
		assert_file_not_exists $error_log

# prints all the error messages from incoming folder in a canonic form 
function print_incoming_errorlog_fingerprint {
	local incoming_dir=$1

	for dir in `ls -1 $incoming_dir | sort`; do
			echo $dir --------------------
	    local error_log=$incoming_dir/$dir/error-log.txt
	    if [ -e $error_log ]; then
	        while read line; do
	            # remove all prefixes with dates
	            # remove all warnings
	            echo $line
	        done < $error_log

# checks that the error messages for the folders which could not be processed 
# in the incomming folder are correct
function assert_correct_errorlogs {
	local incoming_dir=$1
	local errorlogs=$WORK/incoming_current_content.txt
	print_incoming_errorlog_fingerprint $incoming_dir > $errorlogs
	echo [INFO] Comparing error logs in the incoming directory with the expected template $TEMPLATE_INCOMING_CONTENT.
	diff -w $TEMPLATE_INCOMING_CONTENT $errorlogs

	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
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		report_error "Unexpected content of the error logs in the incoming directory (compare $TEMPLATE_INCOMING_CONTENT with $errorlogs)."
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function count_db_table_records {
	local db=$1
	local table=$2
  local psql=`run_psql`
  local count=`$psql -U postgres -d $db -c "select count(*) from $table"  \
       | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | awk '{gsub(/ /,"");print}'`
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	echo $count

function assert_correct_datasets_metabol_database {
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    local eicms_runs=`count_db_table_records $METABOL_DB eic_ms_runs`
    local fiams_runs=`count_db_table_records $METABOL_DB fia_ms_runs`
    local mzxml_runs=`count_db_table_records $METABOL_DB mz_ms_runs`
		# one run comes from the incoming and one from incoming-*ml
    assert_equals "Wrong number of eic MS runs in the metablomics db" 2 $eicms_runs  
    assert_equals "Wrong number of fia MS runs in the metablomics db" 2 $fiams_runs
    assert_equals "Wrong number of mzXML  runs in the metablomics db" 1 $mzxml_runs

    local quantms_runs=`count_db_table_records $METABOL_DB ms_quantifications`
    local quantms_concentrations=`count_db_table_records $METABOL_DB ms_quant_concentrations`
    local quantms_component_ids=`count_db_table_records $METABOL_DB ms_quant_compounds`
    assert_equals "Wrong number of quantifications in the metablomics db" 1 $quantms_runs
    assert_equals "Wrong number of quant. concentrations in the metablomics db" 2 $quantms_concentrations
    assert_equals "Wrong number of quant. component ids in the metablomics db" 3 $quantms_component_ids

	  local mz_scans=`count_db_table_records $METABOL_DB mz_scans`
	  assert_equals "Wrong number of mz scans in the metablomics db" 19 $mz_scans

function assert_correct_incoming_contents {
	local incoming_dir=$1

	# check content of incoming directory for faulty or ignored datasets
  assert_files_number $incoming_dir 12
	assert_correct_incoming_content faulty-duplicated-mapping 4 true
	assert_correct_incoming_content faulty-experiment-code 4 true
	assert_correct_incoming_content faulty-mapped-file-does-not-exist 3 true
	assert_correct_incoming_content faulty-no-email-specified 3 true
	assert_correct_incoming_content faulty-no-mapping 4 true
	assert_correct_incoming_content faulty-non-unique-mapping 6 true
	assert_correct_incoming_content faulty-to-many-mapping-files 4 true
	assert_correct_incoming_content faulty-unknown-property 4 true
	assert_correct_incoming_content faulty-unknown-mapping 8 true
	assert_correct_incoming_content faulty-wrong-conversion 5 true
	assert_correct_incoming_content ignore-empty-dir 0 false
	assert_correct_incoming_content ignore-no-index 1 false
	assert_correct_errorlogs $incoming_dir
	# check content of dropboxes
	assert_files_number "$MY_DATA/dropbox-eicml/TEST&TEST_PROJECT&EXP_TEST.*.mzXML" 6
	assert_files_number "$MY_DATA/dropbox-fiaml/TEST&TEST_PROJECT&EXP_TEST.*.mzXML" 2
	assert_dir_empty $MY_DATA/incoming-quantml
	local registered_datasets=18
	# check content of the store	
	local store=$MY_DATA/store/1
	local store_files_count=`find $store -type f | wc -l`
	# there will be one additional blob file for the quantML dataset
	assert_equals "Wrong number of files in the store $store" $(($registered_datasets+1)) $store_files_count
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	# check the number of datasets in openbis database	
	local datasets=`count_db_table_records $DATABASE data`
	# there will be one additional dataset placeholder for the incoming-*ml files which specify 
	# the parent code which does not exist
  assert_equals "Wrong number of datasets in the openbis db" $(($registered_datasets+1)) $datasets
	# check each dataset in openbis database.
	# Result set columns are:
	#   id;experiment_code;data_store_code;code;is_placeholder;data_id_parent;is_complete;data_producer_code;production_timestamp
	local pattern="[0-9]*;EXP_TEST;DSS1;20[0-9]*-[0-9]*;[ft];[0-9]*;[TFU]*;;.*"
	local i=2; 
	while [ $i -lt $(($registered_datasets+2)) ]; do 
		assert_correct_dataset_content_in_database $i $pattern
		i=$(( $i +1))

function integration_tests_yeastx {
    switch_dss "on" datastore_server_yeastx

		sleep 90
    assert_correct_incoming_contents $MY_DATA/incoming
    switch_dss "off" datastore_server_yeastx
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    shutdown_openbis_server $OPENBIS_SERVER

# -- MAIN ------------
if [ "$1" = "--clean" ]; then
    parse_cli_args $@
    integration_tests_yeastx $install_dss $install_dmv $install_openbis $use_local_source $reinstall_all