- Nov 18, 2019
Juan Fuentes authored
Juan Fuentes authored
felmer authored
SSDM-8929: ELN: data set Locking/unlocking implement. Cancle button added to popup 'Create Jupyter Notebook'
- Nov 15, 2019
mpukhliak authored
mpukhliak authored
Juan Fuentes authored
Juan Fuentes authored
mpukhliak authored
- Nov 14, 2019
mpukhliak authored
Juan Fuentes authored
felmer authored
felmer authored
SSDM-4600: ELN: project creation button in space view removed if user has no rights to create a project
felmer authored
felmer authored
SSDM-4600: ELN: Experiment creation elements not shown in project view if user isn't allowed to create an experiment
felmer authored
SSDM-4600: GetRightsExecutor refactored. Checking experiment creation right implemented. tests added to GetRightsTest
- Nov 13, 2019
felmer authored
felmer authored
felmer authored
felmer authored
SSDM-4600: ELN: disable settings sample editing. fixing bugs concerning sample creation operation in sample table view and experiment view
mpukhliak authored
felmer authored
Swen Vermeul authored
Swen Vermeul authored
Swen Vermeul authored
fixed typo when downloading datasets
Swen Vermeul authored
Swen Vermeul authored
Swen Vermeul authored
felmer authored
- Nov 12, 2019
piotr.kupczyk@id.ethz.ch authored
piotr.kupczyk@id.ethz.ch authored
SSDM-7583 : ObjectTypeForm - make checkbox focus visible + solve an issues with duplicated onClick events when a checkbox label was clicked
piotr.kupczyk@id.ethz.ch authored
piotr.kupczyk@id.ethz.ch authored
Swen Vermeul authored
Swen Vermeul authored
fixed nasty threading bug that occured when downloading or uploading many dataSets
Swen Vermeul authored
Swen Vermeul authored
Swen Vermeul authored
felmer authored
SSDM-4600: Sample creation right checked. Creation button disabled in ELN if no sample are allowed to create