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- bis-738-afs-archiving
- BIS-1789-new-widget-integrate--eln-ui-IV
- bis-1715-ro-crate-import
- BIS-1032-RC-Zenodo-exports
- BIS-1611-spectra-locator
- 6.7.x
- 20.10.x
- BIS-1789-new-widget-integrate--eln-ui-IV-copy
- bis-1797-afs-api-chunking-mechanism
- bis-1767-fix-tests-again
- bis-1767-fix-tests
- bis-1767-import-multiple-semantic-annotations
- bis-1802-shared-identifi
- BIS-1789-new-widget-integrate--eln-ui-III
- BIS-1789-new-widget-integrate--eln-ui-III-copy
- BIS-1789-new-widget-integrate--eln-ui-II
- BIS-1789-new-dss-data-store-widget-integrate-into-eln-ui
- bis-1804
- BIS-1717-img-dataset-filters-ui
- Tags 20
- 6.7.0
- 443.0
- 442.0
- 441.0
- 440.0
- 20.10.11
- 435.0
- 434.0
- 6.6.0
- 20.10.10
- 433.0
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- 429.0
- 20.10.9
- 428.0
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- 423.0
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Aaron Ponti pontia
Adam Laskowski alaskowski
Administrator root
Andrei Plamada plamadaa
Artur Pedziwilk apedziwilk
Diana CS dcoman
Franziskus Liem frliem
Gerhard Bräunlich brgerhar
Gian Lorenzo Pontrandolfi gpontrand
Henry Luetcke hluetcke
Marco Del Tufo marcodelfuto
Mario Emmenlauer mario
Mihai Danaila mdanaila
Peter Strassmann strpeter
Philipp Wissmann wiphilip
Swen Vermeul vermeul
ailnicka ailnicka
anttil anttil
balazsl balazsl
barillac barillac
- Sep 30, 2013
SWE-22 / SP-612: Build project 'datastore_server' with Gradle. · a2a753deanttil authored
SVN: 29838
- May 02, 2013
SWE-22 / SP-641: build 'authentication', 'dbmigration', 'openbis_api' with gradle · c369148aanttil authored
SVN: 28949
- Apr 30, 2013