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Commit f79f4851 authored by felmer's avatar felmer
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SP-1060, SWE-36: ArtifactRepository: print statements added. Basic framework defined.

SVN: 30201
parent cd643532
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Setup infrastructure common for all tests.
import sys
import os.path
import time
# Base URL of the CI server which hosts the artifacts.
reuseRepository = False
cmd = sys.argv[0]
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
firstArgument = sys.argv[1]
if firstArgument == '-r':
reuseRepository = True
if firstArgument == '-h':
print "Usage: %s [-h|-r]\n-h: prints this help\n-r: reuses artifact repository" % os.path.basename(cmd)
dirname = os.path.dirname(cmd)
sys.path.append("%s/source" % dirname)
sys.path.append("%s/sourceTest" % dirname)
from systemtest.artifactrepository import JenkinsArtifactRepository
REPOSITORY = JenkinsArtifactRepository(CI_BASE_URL, "%s/targets/artifact-repository" % dirname)
if not reuseRepository:
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ class ArtifactRepository():
self.localRepositoryFolder = localRepositoryFolder
if not os.path.exists(localRepositoryFolder):
print "Artifact repository: %s" % localRepositoryFolder
def clear(self):
......@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ class ArtifactRepository():
path = "%s/%s" % (self.localRepositoryFolder, f)
if os.path.isfile(path):
print "Artifact repository cleared."
def getPathToArtifact(self, project, pattern='.*'):
......@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ class ArtifactRepository():
files = [f for f in os.listdir(self.localRepositoryFolder) if re.match(pattern, f)]
if len(files) > 1:
raise Exception("More than one artifact in '%s' matches the pattern '%': %s"
raise Exception("More than one artifact in '%s' matches the pattern '%s': %s"
% (self.localRepositoryFolder, pattern, files))
if len(files) == 0:
f = self.downloadArtifact(project, pattern)
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
import traceback
import util
INSTALLER_PROJECT = 'gradle-installation'
OPENBIS_STANDARD_TECHNOLOGIES_PROJECT = 'gradle-openbis-standard-technologies'
PLAYGROUND = 'targets/playground'
class TestCase():
def __init__(self, artifactRepository, filePath):
self.artifactRepository = artifactRepository
self.project = None
fileName = os.path.basename(filePath) = fileName[0:fileName.rfind('.')]
self.playgroundFolder = "%s/%s" % (PLAYGROUND,
if os.path.exists(self.playgroundFolder):
def runTest(self):
Runs this test case. This is a final method. It should not be overwritten.
startTime = time.time()
print "\n/''''''''''''''''''' %s started at %s ''''''''''" % (, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
success = True
success = False
raise Exception("%s failed" %
duration = time.time() - startTime
if success:
print "\...........SUCCESS: %s executed in %d seconds .........." % (, duration)
print "\............FAILED: %s executed in %d seconds .........." % (, duration)
def execute(self):
Executes this test case. This is an abstract method which has to be overwritten in subclasses.
def installOpenbis(self, instanceName = 'openbis', technologies = []):
Installs openBIS from the installer. The instanceName specifies the subfolder in the playground folder
where the instance will be installed. The technologies are an array of enabled technologies.
An instance of OpenbisController is returned.
installerPath = self.artifactRepository.getPathToArtifact(INSTALLER_PROJECT, 'openBIS-installation')
installerFileName = os.path.basename(installerPath).split('.')[0]
exitValue =['tar', '-zxf', installerPath, '-C', self.playgroundFolder])
if exitValue > 0: raise Exception("Couldn't untar openBIS installer.")
consolePropertiesFile = "%s/%s/" % (self.playgroundFolder, installerFileName)
consoleProperties = util.readProperties(consolePropertiesFile)
installPath = os.path.abspath("%s/%s" % (self.playgroundFolder, instanceName))
consoleProperties['INSTALL_PATH'] = installPath
consoleProperties['DSS_ROOT_DIR'] = "%s/data" % installPath
for technology in technologies:
consoleProperties[technology.upper()] = True
util.writeProperties(consolePropertiesFile, consoleProperties)
p = subprocess.Popen("%s/%s/" % (self.playgroundFolder, installerFileName), stdin = subprocess.PIPE)
exitValue = p.wait()
if exitValue > 0: raise Exception("Couldn't install openBIS.")
return OpenbisController(installPath)
def _getAndCreateFolder(self, folderPath):
Creates a folder inside the playground. The argument is a relative path to the playground.
The returned path is relative to the working directory.
path = "%s/%s" % (self.playgroundFolder, folderPath)
return path
class OpenbisController():
Class to control AS and DSS of an installed openBIS instance.
def __init__(self, installPath):
self.installPath = installPath
self.asServicePropertiesFile = "%s/servers/openBIS-server/jetty/etc/" % installPath
self.asProperties = util.readProperties(self.asServicePropertiesFile)
self.dssServicePropertiesFile = "%s/servers/datastore_server/etc/" % installPath
self.dssProperties = util.readProperties(self.dssServicePropertiesFile)
def readProperties(propertiesFile):
Reads a Java properties file and returns the key-value pairs as a dictionary.
with open(propertiesFile, "r") as f:
result = {}
for line in f.readlines():
trimmedLine = line.lstrip().rstrip()
if len(trimmedLine) > 0 and not trimmedLine.startswith('#'):
splittedLine = line.split('=', 1)
key = splittedLine[0].lstrip().rstrip()
value = splittedLine[1].lstrip().rstrip()
result[key] = value
return result
def writeProperties(propertiesFile, dictionary):
Saves the specified dictionary as a Java dictionary file.
with open(propertiesFile, "w") as f:
for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
f.write("%s=%s\n" % (key, value))
import unittest
from systemtest.artifactrepository import ArtifactRepository
from testcasewithfiles import TestCaseWithFiles
class ArtifactRepositoryTest(TestCaseWithFiles):
def setUp(self):
self.testRepository = ArtifactRepository(self.createPath("test-repository"))
def test_clear(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import unittest
class TestCaseWithFiles(unittest.TestCase):
workspace = 'targets/python-test-workspace'
def setUp(self):
shutil.rmtree("%s/%s" % (self.workspace, self.__class__.__name__))
def createPath(self, relativePath):
path = "%s/%s/%s" % (self.workspace, self.__class__.__name__, relativePath)
parent = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.path.exists(parent):
return path
import unittest
import systemtest.util as util
from testcasewithfiles import TestCaseWithFiles
class UtilTest(TestCaseWithFiles):
def test_readProperties(self):
example = self.createPath("")
with open(example, "w") as out:
out.write("# a comment\n\n")
out.write(" \n")
out.write(" alpha = beta \n")
out.write(" non=\n")
keyValuePairs = util.readProperties(example)
self.assertEqual('beta', keyValuePairs['alpha'])
self.assertEqual('', keyValuePairs['non'])
self.assertEqual(2, len(keyValuePairs))
def test_writeProperties(self):
example = self.createPath("my.props")
util.writeProperties(example, {'alpha': 4711, 'beta': 'hello'})
with open(example, "r") as f:
self.assertEqual(['alpha=4711\n', 'beta=hello\n'], sorted(f.readlines()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
Runs all test cases in alphabetical order. A test case is a file of type '.py' and starts with 'test-'.
Exit value will 0 if all test cases succeeded otherwise it will be 1.
import os
import os.path
import sys
import time
import settings
startTime = time.time()
numberOfTestCases = 0
numberOfFailedTestCases = 0
for f in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__))):
splittedFileName = f.rsplit('.', 1)
if len(splittedFileName) > 1:
moduleName = splittedFileName[0]
fileType = splittedFileName[1]
if moduleName.startswith('test_') and fileType == 'py':
numberOfTestCases += 1
numberOfFailedTestCases += 1
print '====================================='
print "%d test cases executed in %d seconds" % (numberOfTestCases, time.time() - startTime)
if numberOfFailedTestCases == 0:
print "no test case failed"
if numberOfFailedTestCases == 1:
print "1 test case failed"
print "%d test cases failed" % numberOfFailedTestCases
import settings
import systemtest.testcase
class TestCase(systemtest.testcase.TestCase):
def execute(self):
openbisController = self.installOpenbis(technologies = ['screening'])
print openbisController.asProperties
TestCase(settings.REPOSITORY, __file__).runTest()
import settings
import systemtest.testcase
class TestCase(systemtest.testcase.TestCase):
def execute(self):
TestCase(settings.REPOSITORY, __file__).runTest()
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