* This class is used to pass the symbol table and the type processor to the method processor. It was meant for easier refactoring
* of the methods below.
* @author Simone Baffelli
@@ -49,7 +51,11 @@ class ProcessingContext {
* This extension adds method and constructor signatures to the generated typescript interfaces. The methods are extracted from the java classes.
* This extension for the typescript-generator ({@link cz.habarta.typescript.generator}) Gradle <a href="URL#https://github.com/vojtechhabarta/typescript-generator">plugin</a> adds method and constructor signatures to the generated typescript interfaces.
* The methods are extracted from the java classes using reflection. Currently, it can only create interface signatures to be exported in a d.ts. file, not the implementation.
* The extensions can be configured to process certain classes as RPC classes, i.e. the methods of these classes will return a promise instead of a value.
* @author Simone Baffelli
@@ -67,6 +73,7 @@ public class MethodExtension extends Extension {
* Constructor used by the gradle plugin to pass the configuration of the extension.
* @param asyncClasses a json string with the list of classes whose methods should return a promise
@@ -75,6 +82,7 @@ public class MethodExtension extends Extension {
* This method is used to filter out the methods that should not be added to the typescript interface.
* @param method the method to be filtered
* @return true if the method should be added to the typescript interface, false otherwise
@@ -131,8 +139,9 @@ public class MethodExtension extends Extension {
* Constructs a typescript constructor signature from a java constructor
* @param constructor the java constructor
* @param beanModel the bean model that contains the constructor
* @param constructor the java constructor
* @param beanModel the bean model that contains the constructor
* @param model
* @param processingContext the context of the processing used for type resolution
* @return the typescript constructor signature or null if the constructor is not public