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Commit e296d8c6 authored by felmer's avatar felmer
Browse files

LMS-2214 Implemented: Loading of images, caching of images, loading of data...

LMS-2214 Implemented: Loading of images, caching of images, loading of data sets, uploding of data sets. No tests.

SVN: 21145
parent 5e997575
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......@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
......@@ -26,9 +25,13 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.client.api.v1.IDataSetDss;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.v1.NewDataSetMetadataDTO;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.client.cli.Login;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.plugin.screening.client.api.v1.IScreeningOpenbisServiceFacade;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.plugin.screening.client.api.v1.ScreeningOpenbisServiceFacade.IImageOutputStreamProvider;
......@@ -81,6 +84,57 @@ import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.plugin.screening.shared.api.v1.dto.WellPosition;
public class OpenBISScreeningML
private static interface ITileNumberIterable extends Iterable<Integer>
public void setMaximumNumberOfTiles(int numberOfTiles);
public int getMaximumNumberOfTiles();
private static final class ImageReferenceAndFile
private final PlateImageReference imageReference;
private final File imageFile;
private BufferedOutputStream outputStream;
ImageReferenceAndFile(PlateImageReference imageReference, File imageFile)
this.imageReference = imageReference;
this.imageFile = imageFile;
public PlateImageReference getImageReference()
return imageReference;
public File getImageFile()
return imageFile;
public OutputStream open() throws IOException
if (outputStream == null)
outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(imageFile));
return outputStream;
public void close() throws IOException
if (outputStream != null)
outputStream = null;
private static File temporarySessionDir;
private static Map<PlateImageReference, File> loadedImages;
private static IScreeningOpenbisServiceFacade openbis = null;
private static List<ExperimentIdentifier> experiments = null;
......@@ -112,13 +166,15 @@ public class OpenBISScreeningML
* The required version ("major.minor") of the screening API on the openBIS application server.
public static final String REQUIRES_OPENBIS_AS_API = "1.2";
public static final String REQUIRES_OPENBIS_AS_API = "1.7";
* The required version ("major.minor") of the screening API on the openBIS datastore server.
public static final String REQUIRES_OPENBIS_DSS_API = "1.1";
private static File dataSetsDir;
// Authentication methods
......@@ -148,6 +204,18 @@ public class OpenBISScreeningML
private static void init()
File tempDir = new File(System.getProperty(""));
dataSetsDir = new File(tempDir, "openbis_datasets");
if (dataSetsDir.isDirectory() == false && dataSetsDir.mkdirs() == false)
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create a data set directory.");
temporarySessionDir = new File(tempDir, "openbis_" + System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + "_temp_dir");
if (temporarySessionDir.mkdirs() == false)
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create a temporary directory.");
loadedImages = new HashMap<PlateImageReference, File>();
experiments = openbis.listExperiments();
for (ExperimentIdentifier e : experiments)
......@@ -278,7 +346,7 @@ public class OpenBISScreeningML
return result;
* Lists the plates of <var>experiment</var>.
* <p>
......@@ -440,14 +508,118 @@ public class OpenBISScreeningML
return openbis.listAvailableFeatureNames(Arrays.asList(featureDatasets.get(0)));
// Data Sets
* Loads data sets for specified plate code. For each data set the path to the root of the data
* set is returned. If it is possible the path points directly into the data set store. No data
* is copied. Otherwise the data is retrieved from the data store server.
* <p>
* Matlab example:
* <pre>
* % Load all data sets of plate P005 in space SPACE
* dsinfo = loadDataSets('/SPACE/P005')
* % Get the data set codes
* dsinfo(:,1)
* % Get root path of first data set (assuming there is at least one)
* dsginfo(1,2)
* </pre>
* @param augmentedPlateCode The augmented plate code.
* @return Each row contains information about one data set:
* <p>
* <code>{ data set code, data set root path }</code>
public static Object[][] loadDataSets(String augmentedPlateCode) {
Plate plateIdentifier = getPlate(augmentedPlateCode);
List<IDataSetDss> dataSets = openbis.getDataSets(plateIdentifier);
Object[][] result = new Object[dataSets.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < dataSets.size(); i++)
IDataSetDss dataSet = dataSets.get(i);
File file = new File(dataSetsDir, dataSet.getCode());
if (file.exists() == false)
file = dataSet.getLinkOrCopyOfContents(null, dataSetsDir);
result[i] = new Object[] {dataSet.getCode(), file.getPath()};
return result;
} catch (Exception ex)
throw new RuntimeException("Loading data sets for plate '" + augmentedPlateCode
+ "' failed: " + ex, ex);
* Uploads specified data set for specified plate. The data set code will be returned.
* <p>
* Matlab example:
* <pre>
* % Upload data set /path/to/my-data-set with properties DESCRIPTION and NUMBER for
* % plate P005 in space SPACE
* properties = {'DESCRIPTION' 'hello example'; 'NUMBER' 3.14}
* datasetcode = uploadDataSet('/SPACE/P005', '/path/to/my-data-set', 'HCS_IMAGE', properties)
* </pre>
* @param augmentedPlateCode The augmented plate code.
* @param dataSetFilePath Path to the data set file/folder to be uploaded.
* @param dataSetType Data set type.
* @param dataSetProperties A two dimensional array where the first column contains the property
* codes and the second column the corresponding property values.
public static Object uploadDataSet(String augmentedPlateCode, String dataSetFilePath,
String dataSetType, Object[][] dataSetProperties)
Plate plateIdentifier = getPlate(augmentedPlateCode);
File dataSetFile = new File(dataSetFilePath);
if (dataSetFile.exists() == false)
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown data set file path '" + dataSetFilePath + "'.");
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (Object[] objects : dataSetProperties)
if (objects.length == 2)
map.put(objects[0].toString(), objects[1].toString());
IDataSetDss dataSet =
openbis.putDataSet(plateIdentifier, dataSetFile, new NewDataSetMetadataDTO(
dataSetType, map));
return dataSet.getCode();
} catch (Exception ex)
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't upload data set for plate '" + augmentedPlateCode
+ "'.", ex);
public static Object testProperties(Properties properties)
return properties.toString();
// Images
* Loads the TIFF images for the given well location and all channels and stores them in
* temporary files. The temporary files will be removed automatically when the Java Virtual
* Loads the TIFF images for the given well location, all tiles and all channels and stores them
* in temporary files. The temporary files will be removed automatically when the Java Virtual
* Machine exits.
* <p>
* Matlab example:
......@@ -481,9 +653,45 @@ public class OpenBISScreeningML
* Loads the TIFF images for the given well location and list of channels and stores them in
* temporary files. The temporary files will be removed automatically when the Java Virtual
* Machine exits.
* Loads the TIFF images for the given well location, tile number, and all channels and stores
* them in temporary files. The temporary files will be removed automatically when the Java
* Virtual Machine exits.
* <p>
* Matlab example:
* <pre>
* % Load the images for all channels of well B10 and tile 3 of plate P005 in space SPACE
* imginfo = OpenBISScreeningML.loadImages('/SPACE/P005', 2, 10, 3)
* % Get the plate-well descriptions of all locations
* imginfo(2,:,3)
* % Show the third image (assuming there are at least three images)
* imtool(imginfo(1,3))
* </pre>
* @param plate The augmented plate code
* @param row The row in the plate to get the images for
* @param col The column in the plate to get the images for
* @param tile The tile number. Starts with 0.
* @return <code>{ names of TIFF files, image annotation }</code>
* <p>
* Each of <code>names of TIFF files</code> and <code>image annotation</code> is a
* vector of length of the number of images.
* <p>
* <code>image annotation</code> contains
* <code>{ channel name, tile number, plate well description,
* plate augmented code, plate perm id, plate space code, plate code, row, column,
* experiment augmented code, experiment perm id, experiment space code,
* experiment project code, experiment code, data set code }</code>
public static Object[][][] loadImages(String plate, int row, int col, int tile)
return loadImages(plate, row, col, tile, (String[]) null);
* Loads the TIFF images for the given well location, list of channels, and all tiles and stores
* them in temporary files. The temporary files will be removed automatically when the Java
* Virtual Machine exits.
* <p>
* Matlab example:
......@@ -512,13 +720,128 @@ public class OpenBISScreeningML
* experiment project code, experiment code, data set code }</code>
public static Object[][][] loadImages(String plate, int row, int col, String[] channels)
return loadImages(plate, row, col, channels, new ITileNumberIterable()
private int maximumNumberOfTiles;
public void setMaximumNumberOfTiles(int numberOfTiles)
this.maximumNumberOfTiles = numberOfTiles;
public int getMaximumNumberOfTiles()
return maximumNumberOfTiles;
public Iterator<Integer> iterator()
return new Iterator<Integer>()
private int index;
public boolean hasNext()
return index < maximumNumberOfTiles;
public Integer next()
return index++;
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Loads the TIFF images for the given well location, tile number, and list of channels and
* stores them in temporary files. The temporary files will be removed automatically when the
* Java Virtual Machine exits.
* <p>
* Matlab example:
* <pre>
* % Load the images for channel DAPI of well H10 and tile 3 of plate P005 in space SPACE
* imginfo=OpenBISScreeningML.loadImages('/SPACE/P005', 8, 10, 3, 'DAPI')
* % Get the channel names of all locations
* imginfo(2,:,1)
* % Show the second image (assuming there are at least two images)
* imtool(imginfo(1,2))
* </pre>
* @param plate The augmented plate code
* @param row The row in the plate to get the images for
* @param col The column in the plate to get the images for
* @param tile The tile number. Starts with 0.
* @param channels The names of the channels to get the images for
* @return <code>{ names of TIFF files, image annotation }</code>
* <p>
* Each of <code>names of TIFF files</code> and <code>image annotation</code> is a
* vector of length of the number of images.
* <p>
* <code>image annotation</code> contains
* <code>{ channel name, tile number, plate well description,
* plate augmented code, plate perm id, plate space code, plate code, row, column,
* experiment augmented code, experiment perm id, experiment space code,
* experiment project code, experiment code, data set code }</code>
public static Object[][][] loadImages(String plate, int row, int col, final int tile,
String[] channels)
return loadImages(plate, row, col, channels, new ITileNumberIterable()
public void setMaximumNumberOfTiles(int numberOfTiles)
if (tile >= numberOfTiles)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tile number " + tile
+ " is not less than number of tiles " + numberOfTiles + ".");
public int getMaximumNumberOfTiles()
return 1;
public Iterator<Integer> iterator()
return new Iterator<Integer>()
private boolean delivered;
public boolean hasNext()
return delivered == false;
public Integer next()
delivered = true;
return tile;
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public static Object[][][] loadImages(String plate, int row, int col, String[] channels,
ITileNumberIterable tileNumberIterable)
final Plate plateId = plateCodeToPlateMap.get(plate);
if (plateId == null)
throw new RuntimeException("No plate with that code found.");
final Plate plateId = getPlate(plate);
final List<ImageDatasetReference> imageDatasets =
final List<ImageDatasetMetadata> meta = openbis.listImageMetadata(imageDatasets);
......@@ -535,32 +858,25 @@ public class OpenBISScreeningML
imageChannels = Arrays.asList(channels);
final List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences =
new ArrayList<PlateImageReference>(imageDatasets.size());
final List<File> imageFiles =
new ArrayList<File>(imageDatasets.size() * imageChannels.size()
* meta.get(0).getNumberOfTiles());
final List<ImageReferenceAndFile> imageReferencesAndFiles =
new ArrayList<ImageReferenceAndFile>(imageDatasets.size());
final Object[][][] result = new Object[2][][];
result[0] =
new Object[imageDatasets.size() * imageChannels.size()
* meta.get(0).getNumberOfTiles()][1];
result[1] =
new Object[imageDatasets.size() * imageChannels.size()
* meta.get(0).getNumberOfTiles()][15];
int numberOfTiles = tileNumberIterable.getMaximumNumberOfTiles();
result[0] = new Object[imageDatasets.size() * imageChannels.size() * numberOfTiles][1];
result[1] = new Object[imageDatasets.size() * imageChannels.size() * numberOfTiles][15];
int dsIdx = 0;
int resultIdx = 0;
for (ImageDatasetReference ds : imageDatasets)
final ImageDatasetMetadata m = meta.get(dsIdx);
for (String channel : imageChannels)
for (int tile = 0; tile < m.getNumberOfTiles(); ++tile)
for (Integer tile : tileNumberIterable)
final PlateImageReference ref =
new PlateImageReference(row, col, tile, channel, ds);
final File imageFile = createImageFileName(plateId, ref);
imageReferencesAndFiles.add(new ImageReferenceAndFile(ref, imageFile));
result[0][resultIdx][0] = imageFile.getPath();
final Object[] annotations =
new Object[]
......@@ -583,26 +899,36 @@ public class OpenBISScreeningML
loadImages(imageReferences, imageFiles);
} catch (IOException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
return result;
* Saves images for a given list of image references (given by data set code, well position,
* channel and tile) in the specified files.<br>
* The number of image references has to be the same as the number of files.
* channel and tile) and files.
* @throws IOException when reading images from the server or writing them to the files fails
private static void loadImages(List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences,
List<File> imageOutputFiles) throws IOException
private static void loadImages(List<ImageReferenceAndFile> imageReferencesAndFiles)
throws IOException
final Map<PlateImageReference, OutputStream> imageRefToFileMap =
createImageToFileMap(imageReferences, imageOutputFiles);
List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences = new ArrayList<PlateImageReference>();
final Map<PlateImageReference, ImageReferenceAndFile> imageRefToFileMap =
new HashMap<PlateImageReference, ImageReferenceAndFile>();
for (ImageReferenceAndFile imageReferenceAndFile : imageReferencesAndFiles)
PlateImageReference imageReference = imageReferenceAndFile.getImageReference();
File file = loadedImages.get(imageReference);
if (file == null)
imageRefToFileMap.put(imageReference, imageReferenceAndFile);
openbis.loadImages(imageReferences, new IImageOutputStreamProvider()
......@@ -610,57 +936,35 @@ public class OpenBISScreeningML
public OutputStream getOutputStream(PlateImageReference imageReference)
throws IOException
return imageRefToFileMap.get(imageReference);
return imageRefToFileMap.get(imageReference).open();
}, false);
} finally
private static void closeOutputStreams(Collection<OutputStream> streams) throws IOException
for (OutputStream stream : streams)
private static Map<PlateImageReference, OutputStream> createImageToFileMap(
List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, List<File> imageOutputFiles)
throws FileNotFoundException
assert imageReferences.size() == imageOutputFiles.size() : "there should be one file specified for each image reference";
final Map<PlateImageReference, OutputStream> map =
new HashMap<PlateImageReference, OutputStream>();
for (int i = 0; i < imageReferences.size(); i++)
OutputStream out =
new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(imageOutputFiles.get(i)));
map.put(imageReferences.get(i), out);
Collection<ImageReferenceAndFile> values = imageRefToFileMap.values();
for (ImageReferenceAndFile imageReferenceAndFile : values)
PlateImageReference imageReference = imageReferenceAndFile.getImageReference();
loadedImages.put(imageReference, imageReferenceAndFile.getImageFile());
return map;
private static File createImageFileName(Plate plate, PlateImageReference image)
final WellPosition well = image.getWellPosition();
final File f =
File.createTempFile("img_", "_" + plate.getPlateCode() + "_"
+ image.getDatasetCode() + "_row" + well.getWellRow() + "_col"
+ well.getWellColumn() + "_" + image.getChannel() + "_tile"
+ image.getTile() + ".png");
return f;
} catch (IOException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
final WellPosition well = image.getWellPosition();
File imageDir = new File(temporarySessionDir, "images");
final File f =
new File(imageDir, "img_" + plate.getPlateCode() + "_"
+ image.getDatasetCode() + "_row" + well.getWellRow() + "_col"
+ well.getWellColumn() + "_" + image.getChannel() + "_tile"
+ image.getTile() + ".tiff");
return f;
// Feature matrix
......@@ -1131,6 +1435,16 @@ public class OpenBISScreeningML
return result;
private static Plate getPlate(String augmentedPlateCode)
Plate plateIdentifier = plateCodeToPlateMap.get(augmentedPlateCode);
if (plateIdentifier == null)
throw new RuntimeException("No plate with that code '" + augmentedPlateCode + "' found.");
return plateIdentifier;
private static void arraycopy(double[] src, Object[] dest)
for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; ++i)
......@@ -376,7 +376,6 @@ public class ScreeningOpenbisServiceFacade implements IScreeningOpenbisServiceFa
public List<IDataSetDss> getDataSets(WellIdentifier wellIdentifier)
throws IllegalStateException, EnvironmentFailureException
checkASMinimalMinorVersion("getDataSets", WellIdentifier.class);
final Sample wellSample = getWellSample(wellIdentifier);
return getDataSets(wellSample);
......@@ -391,7 +390,7 @@ public class ScreeningOpenbisServiceFacade implements IScreeningOpenbisServiceFa
public List<IDataSetDss> getDataSets(PlateIdentifier plateIdentifier)
throws IllegalStateException, EnvironmentFailureException
checkASMinimalMinorVersion("getDataSets", PlateIdentifier.class);
checkASMinimalMinorVersion("getPlateSample", PlateIdentifier.class);
Sample sample = openbisScreeningServer.getPlateSample(sessionToken, plateIdentifier);
return getDataSets(sample);
......@@ -431,6 +430,7 @@ public class ScreeningOpenbisServiceFacade implements IScreeningOpenbisServiceFa
private Sample getWellSample(WellIdentifier wellIdentifier)
checkASMinimalMinorVersion("getWellSample", WellIdentifier.class);
return openbisScreeningServer.getWellSample(sessionToken, wellIdentifier);
......@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ public class ScreeningOpenbisServiceFacade implements IScreeningOpenbisServiceFa
NewDataSetMetadataDTO dataSetMetadataOrNull, File dataSetFile) throws IOException
final NewDataSetMetadataDTO dataSetMetadata =
(dataSetMetadataOrNull == null) ? new NewDataSetMetadataDTO() : null;
(dataSetMetadataOrNull == null) ? new NewDataSetMetadataDTO() : dataSetMetadataOrNull;
final DataSetOwner dataSetOwner =
new DataSetOwner(DataSetOwnerType.SAMPLE, sample.getIdentifier());
final String dataSetFolderNameOrNull = null;
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