In the most common use-cases, the Lab Notebook part of the openBIS ELN-LIMS contains a personal Space (i.e. folder) for each scientist. Within this Space, scientists can organise their work using the openBIS Projects, Experiments and Objects.
An openBIS Experiment is defined as a specific scientific question. The individual attempts to answer this question, are Objects of type Experimental Step. At this level, the user can create links to materials and methods registered in the Inventory that were used to perform the Experimental Step. These are entered as Parents of the Experimental Step. All data produced in the Experimental Step and further processed and analysed can be added at this level.
It is also possible to organise the Lab Notebook on Projects, rather than on personal Spaces. This should be configured by an Instance admin.
## Register Projects
In a personal folder, users can register one or more *Projects* they
currently work on. *Projects* in openBIS only have a **Description**
field, no additional fields can be added.
1. Navigate to the relevant *Space* in the *Lab Notebook* menu and