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Commit aeece056 authored by Henry Luetcke's avatar Henry Luetcke
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implement better dialog box for user login

parent 2632d124
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1 merge request!40SSDM-13578 : 2PT : Database and V3 Implementation - include the new AFS "free"...
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ classdef OpenBis
function login(obj)
% Login to openBIS with username and password
[url, user, pw] = user_url_pw_inputdlg;
[user, pw] = user_pass_input;
obj.pybis.login(user, pw, pyargs('save_token', 1))
function [user, pw] = user_pass_input
% UI window to obtain user name and pwword for openBIS
% check if Java is available (Matlab not started with -nojvm flag)
if ~usejava('awt')
error('This function requires Java. Start Matlab with Java enabled.')
% default values
user = ''; pw = '';
% Setup figure for UI window
sz = get(0, 'ScreenSize');
dlgName = 'openBIS Credentials';
% setup figure window
hFig = figure(WindowStyle='modal', Position=[(sz(3:4)-[350 100])/2 350 100], Name=dlgName, ...
Resize='off', NumberTitle='off', Menubar='none', Color=[0.9 0.9 0.9], CloseRequestFcn=@(~,~)uiresume);
% setup text field for user name
hUser = uicontrol(hFig, Style='edit', Position=[80 70 250 20], KeyPressFcn=@userKeyPress, ...
FontSize=10, BackGroundColor='w', String=user);
% setup text field for password
hPw = uicontrol(hFig, Style='edit', Position=[80 40 250 20], KeyPressFcn=@pwKeyPress, ...
FontSize=10, BackGroundColor='w', String='');
% labels for text fields
annotation(hFig, 'textbox', Units='pixels', Position=[00 70 80 20], String='Username', ...
EdgeColor='n', VerticalAlignment='middle', HorizontalAlignment='right')
annotation(hFig, 'textbox', Units='pixels', Position=[00 40 80 20], String='Password', ...
EdgeColor='n', VerticalAlignment='middle', HorizontalAlignment='right')
% OK / cancel buttons
hOK = uicontrol(hFig, Style="pushbutton", Position=[140 7 50 20], Callback=@okClick, String='OK');
hCancel = uicontrol(hFig, Style="pushbutton", Position=[215 7 50 20], Callback=@cancelClick, String='Cancel');
uicontrol(hUser) % give focuse to username field
uiwait % wait for uiresume command
user = hUser.String;
function userKeyPress(~, event)
if event.Key == "return"
uiresume, return %done
elseif event.Key == "escape"
hUser.String = ''; pw = '';
uiresume, return %abort
function pwKeyPress(~, event)
if event.Key == "backspace"
pw = pw(1:end-1); %shorten pwword
elseif event.Key == "return"
uiresume, return %done
elseif event.Key == "escape"
hUser.String = ''; pw = '';
uiresume, return %abort
elseif contains(event.Character,num2cell(char(32:126)))
pw(end+1) = event.Character; % append key to password
function redrawPassField(pw)
% redraw the entire password text field with the entered value
% hidden
hPw = uicontrol(hFig, Style='edit', Position=[80 40 250 20], KeyPressFcn=@pwKeyPress, ...
FontSize=10, BackGroundColor='w', String=repmat(char(8226),size(pw)));
function okClick(source, event)
uiresume, return
function cancelClick(source, event)
% default values
hUser.String = ''; pw = '';
uiresume, return
\ No newline at end of file
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