|evalue |Defines the threshold of so-called "Expect Value" of found matches (for details see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/Blast.cgi?CMD=Web&PAGE_TYPE=BlastDocs&DOC_TYPE=FAQ#expect and http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~dgonze/TEACHING/stat_scores.pdf). Higher values means more found matches. Default value is 10. |
|evalue |Defines the threshold of so-called "Expect Value" of found matches (for details see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/Blast.cgi?CMD=Web&PAGE_TYPE=BlastDocs&DOC_TYPE=FAQ#expect and http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~dgonze/TEACHING/stat_scores.pdf). Higher values means more found matches. Default value is 10. |
|word_size|Word size for initial match. Decreasing word size results in increasing number of matches. Default values (if task parameter hasn't been specified): 11 for blastn and 3 for blastp. |
|word_size|Word size for initial match. Decreasing word size results in increasing number of matches. Default values (if task parameter hasn't been specified): 11 for blastn and 3 for blastp. |
|task |Defines values for a set of parameters of the tools blastn and blastp. Possible values are <ul><li>blastn: Default value blastn</li></ul><ul><li>blastp: Default value blastp</li></ul>
|task |Defines values for a set of parameters of the tools blastn and blastp. Possible values are <ul><li>blastn: Default value blastn</li></ul>|Value |Description |Default value of word_size|
|blastn-short|blastn program optimized for sequences shorter than 50 bases |7 |
|blastn |Traditional blastn requiring an exact match of 11 |11 |
|dc-megablast|Discontiguous megablast used to find more distant (e.g., interspecies) sequences |11 |
|megablast |Traditional megablast used to find very similar (e.g., intraspecies or closely related species) sequences|28 |<ul><li>blastp: Default value blastp</li></ul>|Value |Description |Default value of word_size|