1. Go to the **Supplier Collection** folder under **Stock** -> **Stock Catalog** -> **Suppliers** in the main menu.
2. Click on the **+ New Supplier** button in the *Collection* page.
3. Follow the steps explained in the [Register Entries](https://openbis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-documentation/general-users/inventory-of-materials-and-methods.html#register-single-entries-in-a-collection) documentation page.

To register several suppliers at once, follow the steps described in
[Batch register entries in a Collection.](https://openbis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-documentation/general-users/inventory-of-materials-and-methods.html#batch-register-entries-in-a-collection)
3. For each product it is necessary to register one supplier as parent. Select the correct supplier from the list of suppliers registered in the **Supplier Collection.** The process for adding parents is the same as described for Experimental Steps: [Add parents](https://openbis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-documentation/general-users/lab-notebook.html#add-parents-and-children-to-experimental-steps).

@@ -82,8 +70,7 @@ To build the catalog of all products purchased in the lab:
To register several suppliers at once, follow the steps described in
[Batch register entries in a Collection.](https://openbis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-documentation/general-users/inventory-of-materials-and-methods.html#batch-register-entries-in-a-collection)
> The quantity, i.e. how many units of the product are requested, needs
> to be specified.
> 2\. add a product that is not yet registered in the Catalog. In this
> case the information shown in the picture below needs to be provided.
> After creating the request, the product entered here is automatically
> registered in the Product Catalog.
Please note that only 1 product can be added to 1 request.
3. When you fill in the form the following information needs to be provided:
1. **Order Status**. Options are **Delivered**, **Paid**, **Ordered**, **Not yet ordered**. When you create a request set this field to **Not yet ordered.** Only requests with this **Order Status** can be processed to orders.
2. Add the product you for which you want to place a request for order. This can be done in two ways:
1. add a product that is already present in the catalog. This process is the same as described for adding parents in Experimental steps: [Add parents](https://openbis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-documentation/general-users/lab-notebook.html#add-parents-and-children-to-experimental-steps). The quantity, i.e. how many units of the product are requested, needs to be specified.
2. add a product that is not yet registered in the Catalog. In this case the information shown in the picture below needs to be provided. After creating the request, the product entered here is automatically registered in the Product Catalog.
Please note that only 1 product can be added to 1 request.

> 4. Click **Save** on top of the form.
4. Click **Save** on top of the form.
@@ -152,60 +116,29 @@ based on the requests created in the Stock Catalog by every lab member.
To create orders of products from requests created in the Stock Catalog:
> 1. Go to the **Order Collection** folder under **Stock** *->*
> **Stock Orders***->* **Orders** in the main menu.
> 2. Click the **+ New Order** button in the *Collection* page.
1. Go to the **Order Collection** folder under **Stock** -> **Stock Orders** -> **Orders** in the main menu.
2. Click the **+ New Order** button in the *Collection* page.

> 3\. If you do not see the **Code** in the form, select **Show
> Identification Info** from the **More..** dropdown
3. If you do not see the **Code** in the form, select **Show Identification Info** from the **More..** dropdown
> If no template is available, the relevant fields in the form need to
> be filled in with the relevant information.
3. If an **order****template** form is available (see [Create Templates for Objects](https://openbis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-documentation/general-admin-users/admins-documentation/create-templates-for-objects.html)), this template can be used and most fields will be automatically filled (see [Use templates for Experimental Steps](https://openbis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-documentation/general-users/lab-notebook.html#use-templates-for-experimental-steps)). If no template is available, the relevant fields in the form need to be filled in with the relevant information.

> 4\. Enter the **Order Status.** This field is mandatory. Available
> options are **Delivered**, **Paid**, **Ordered**, **Not yet ordered**.
> When you first create the order, you should set the status to **Not
> yet ordered**.
> 5. Add one or more requests to the Order. Only requests with Order
> Status set to **Not yet ordered** will be displayed and can be
> selected.
> 6. Click **Save** on top of the form.
4. Enter the **Order Status.** This field is mandatory. Available options are **Delivered**, **Paid**, **Ordered**, **Not yet ordered**. When you first create the order, you should set the status to **Not yet ordered**.
5. Add one or more requests to the Order. Only requests with Order Status set to **Not yet ordered** will be displayed and can be selected.