* openbis and dss system.properties files for a local instance of openbis
* etc
* A python drop-box script for dss that imports plates and analysis data
* data-set-handler-microscope.py -- A python drop-box that imports microscopy images
* data-set-handler-features.py -- A python drop-box that imports feature vectors
* data-set-handler-splitted.py -- A python drop-box that imports plates comprised multiple single-channel images
* data-set-handler-plate.py -- A python drop-box script for dss that imports plates and analysis data
* source
* admin-console
@@ -23,15 +29,19 @@ Manifest
database for the test data if no database exists.
* python
* generate-test-plate.py
* A python script that generates raw-images for a plate. It can be configured,
by modifying the source, to generate time and/or depth points and produce merged (RGB) or
split (R, G, B in separate files) files.
* Later, this will be expanded to produce overlay images as well
* running generate-test-plate.py will produce a folder named PLATONIC containing images
in the current directory
* generate-test-plate-analysis.py -- A script that generates analysis data (csv files)
* generate-test-plate-overlays.py -- A script that generates overlay-images for a plate
* n.b. This script will only run on MacOS 10.5+
* generate-test-plate.py -- A script that generates raw-images for a plate.
* It can be configured, by modifying the source, to generate time and/or depth points and produce merged (RGB) or split (R, G, B in separate files) files.
* running generate-test-plate.py will produce a folder named PLATONIC containing images in the current directory
* n.b. This script will only run on MacOS 10.5+
* generate-test-series.py -- A script that generates a microscopy image series