#in each Cluster directory there are subdirectories for each gene. Now we create a sample for each gene and set the cluster it belongs to as a container sample.
#Each gene has a pdf file and 10 movies, so tehy will be uploaded as datasets
#This part of the script assumes that the gene directories are inside the cluster directories.
# #in each Cluster directory there are subdirectories for each gene. Now we create a sample for each gene and set the cluster it belongs to as a container sample.
# #Each gene has a pdf file and 10 movies, so tehy will be uploaded as datasets
# if not glob.glob(os.path.join(incoming.getPath(), 'tiffs')):
# for genes, pdfGene in zip(glob.glob(os.path.join(incoming.getPath(), '*')), glob.glob(os.path.join(incoming.getPath(), '*/*.pdf'))):