5. If they are on the store, you need to set the status to available
5. If they are on the store, you need to set the status to available
again using a SQL statement.
again using a SQL statement.
openbis_prod=> UPDATE external_data SET status = 'AVAILABLE', present_in_archive = 'f' WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM data where code in ('20170712111421297-37998', '20171106181516927-39987'));
61 | 20171106185354378-40002-20171108-130342.tar | f
60 | 20170712111421297-37998-20171108-105339.tar | f
61 | 20171106185354378-40002-20171108-130342.tar | f
NOTE: We have never seen it but if there is a container with data
NOTE: We have never seen it but if there is a container with data
sets in different archiving status then, you need to recover the
sets in different archiving status then, you need to recover the
ARCHIVED data sets from the container and copy them manually to the
ARCHIVED data sets from the container and copy them manually to the
data store before being able to continue.
data store before being able to continue.
multi_dataset_archive_prod=> SELECT * FROM data_sets WHERE ctnr_id IN(SELECT ctnr_id FROM data_sets WHERE CODE IN('20170712111421297-37998', '20171106181516927-39987', '20171106183212074-39995', '20171106185354378-40002'));
6. After deleting the files clean up the multi dataset archiver
6. After deleting the files clean up the multi dataset archiver
openbis_prod=> DELETE FROM containers WHERE id IN (SELECT ctnr_id FROM data_sets WHERE CODE IN('20170712111421297-37998', '20171106181516927-39987', '20171106183212074-39995', '20171106185354378-40002'));