@@ -58,7 +58,10 @@ is provided with the V3 API jar and provides 3 methods:
session token used for the operation, the operation result and any
exception that happened during the operation.
| :warning: Implicit Requirements |
| **Requirement 1: The Listener should be Thread Safe Code**<br/><br/>A single instance of the Listener is created during the server startup.<br/><br/>Since a single instance is used to serve all requests thread safe code is a requirement.<br/><br/>We strongly suggest to not to keep any state.<br/><br/>**Requirement 2: The Listener should not throw Exceptions**<br/><br/>If the listener throw an exception it will make the API call fail.<br/><br/>**Requirement 3: The Listener should use IOperation and IOperationResult as indicated below**<br/><br/>All API Operations go through every listener so the method signatures should use IOperation and IOperationResult.<br/><br/>Please use instanceof for safe casting. |