PLATE_MATERIAL_REVIEWER_HELP_INFO:"Specify a list of gene symbols and press the search button to find all the wells in this experiment where the specified genes have been suppressed.",
PLATE_MATERIAL_REVIEWER_SPECIFY_METERIAL_ITEMS:"List of gene symbols separated by commas (\",\") or one gene symbol per line.",
PLATE_MATERIAL_REVIEWER_HELP_INFO:"Specify a list of material codes contained in the wells (e.g. gene symbols, control names or compound names). Press the search button. The content of all wells in this experiment will be checked and wells containing specified materials will be shown.",
PLATE_MATERIAL_REVIEWER_SPECIFY_METERIAL_ITEMS:"List of material codes contained in the wells (e.g. gene symbols, control names or compound names) separated by commas (\",\") or one code per line.",