Dropbox script for uploading a .lsm/ .czi file. Images contained in the file are displayed in openBIS and metadate is extracted from the lsm file and
Dropbox script for uploading a .czi file. Images contained in the file are displayed in openBIS and metadata is extracted from the czi file and
stored in a file called "metadata.txt" uploaded in the dataset. The lsm or czi file needs to be put in a directory inside the incoming folder. The name of this directory is then taken as sample name for openBIS.
stored in a file called "samplename-metadata.txt" uploaded in the dataset. The czi file needs to be put in a directory inside the incoming folder.
The name of this directory should be Y-X, where Y is name of the project (already existing in openBIS) and X the name of the experiment
where the sample will be uploaded. If the experiment does not exist yet, it will be created.
As many samples are created as many czi files are contained in the incoming directory. The samples are named like the czi file.