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openBIS Sync


This allows to synchronize two openBIS instances. One instance (called Data Source) provides the data (meta-data and data sets). The other instance (called Harvester) grabs these data and makes them available. In regular time intervals the harvester instance will synchronize its data with the data on the data source instance. That is, synchronization will delete/add data from/to the harvester instance. The harvester instance can synchronize only partially. It is also possible to gather data from several data-source instances.

Data Source

The Data Source instance provides a service based on the ResourceSync Framework Specification (see This service is provided as core plugin module openbis-sync which has a DSS service based on Service Plugins.

This DSS service access the main openBIS database directly. If the name of this database isn't {{openbis_prod}} the property database.kind in DSS should be defined with the same value as the same property in AS Example:


database.kind = production


database.kind = production

The URL of the service is <DSS base URL>/datastore_server/re-sync. The returned XML document looks like the following:

<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:rs="">
    <rs:ln href="https://localhost:8444/datastore_server/re-sync/?verb=about.xml" rel="describedby"/>
    <rs:md capability="description"/>
    <rs:md capability="capabilitylist"/>

The loc element contains the URL which delivers a list of all capabilities:

https://localhost:8444/datastore_server/re-sync/?verb=resourcelist.xml ```

From capabilities described in the ResourceSync Framework Specification only resourcelist is supported. The resourcelist returns an XML with all metadata of the data source openBIS instance. This includes master data, meta data including file meta data.

Two optional URL parameters filter the data by spaces:

  • black_list: comma-separated list of regular expressions. All entities which belong to a space which matches one of the regular expressions of this list will be suppressed.
  • white_list: comma-separated list of regular expressions. If defined only entities which belong to a space which matches one of the regular expressions of this list will be delivered (if not suppressed by the black list).


  • Basic HTTP authentication is used for authentication.
  • The resourcelist capability returns only data visible for the user which did the authentication.


In order to get the data and meta-data from a Data Source openBIS instance a DSS harvester maintenance task has to be configured on the Harvester openBIS instance. This maintenance task reads another configuration file each time the task is executed.

class = ch.ethz.sis.openbis.generic.server.dss.plugins.sync.harvester.HarvesterMaintenanceTask
interval = 1 d
harvester-config-file = ../../data/harvester-config.txt

The only specific property of HarvesterMaintenanceTask is harvester-config-file which is absolute or relative path to the actual configuration file. This separation in two configuration files has been done because is only read once (at start up of DSS). Thus changes in Harvester configuration would be possible without restarting DSS.

This DSS service access the main openBIS database directly in order to synchronize timestamps and users. If the name of this database isn't {{openbis_prod}} the property database.kind in DSS should be defined with the same value as the same property in AS Example:


database.kind = production


database.kind = production

Harvester Config File

Here is an example of a typical configuration:



resource-list-url = https://<data source host>:<DSS port>/datastore_server/re-sync

data-source-openbis-url = https://<data source host>:<AS port>/openbis/openbis
data-source-dss-url = https://<data source host>:<DSS port>/datastore_server
data-source-auth-realm = OAI-PMH
data-source-auth-user = <data source user id>
data-source-auth-pass = <data source password>
space-black-list = SYSTEM
space-white-list = ABC_.*

harvester-user = <harvester user id>
harvester-pass = <harvester user password>

keep-original-timestamps-and-users = false
harvester-tmp-dir = temp
last-sync-timestamp-file = ../../data/last-sync-timestamp-file_HRVSTR.txt
log-file = log/synchronization.log

email-addresses = <e-mail 1>, <e-mail 2>, ...

translate-using-data-source-alias = true
verbose = true
#dry-run = true
  • The configuration file can have one or many section for each openBIS instance. Each section start with an arbitrary name in square brackets.
  • <data source host><DSS port> and <AS port> have to be host name and ports of the Data Source openBIS instance as seen by the Harvester instance.
  • <data source user id> and <data source password> are the credential to access the Data Source openBIS instance. Only data seen by this user is harvested.
  • space-black-list and space-white-list have the same meaning as black_list and white_list as specified above in the Data Source section.
  • <harvester user id> and <harvester user password> are the credential to access the Harvester openBIS instance. It has to be a user with instance admin rights.
  • Temporary files created during harvesting are stored in harvester-tmp-dir which is a path relative to the root of the data store. The root store is specified by storeroot-dir in DSS The default value is temp.
  • By default the original timestamps (registration timestamps and modification timestamps) and users (registrator and modifier) are synchronized. If necessary users will be created. With the configuration property  keep-original-timestamps-and-users = false no timestamps and users will be synchronized. 
  • The last-sync-timestamp-file is a relative or absolute path to the file which store the last timestamp of synchronization.
  • The log-file is a relative or absolute path to the file where synchronization information is logged. This information does not appear in the standard DSS log file.
  • In case of an error an e-mail is sent to the specified e-mail addresses.
  • translate-using-data-source-alias is a flag which controls whether the code of spaces, types and materials should have a prefix or not. If true the prefix will be the name in the square bracket followed by an underscore. The default value of this flag is false.
  • verbose flag adds to the synchronization log added, updated and deleted items. Default: false or true if dry-run flag is set.
  • dry-run flag allows to run without changing Harvester openBIS instance. This allows to check config errors or errors with the Data Source openBIS instance. A dry run will be performed even if this flag is set. Default: false
  • master-data-update-allowed flag allows to update master data as plugins, property types, entity types and entity assignments. Note, that master data can still be added if this flag is false. Default: false
  • property-unassignment-allowed flag allows to unassign property assignments, that is, removing property types from entity types. Default: false
  • deletion-allowed flag allows deletion of entities on the Harvester openBIS instance. Default: false
  • keep-original-timestamps-and-users flag yields that time stamps and users are copied from the Data Source to the Harvester. Otherwise the entities will have harvester user and the actual registration time stamp. Default: true
  • keep-original-frozen-flags flag yields that the frozen flags are copied from the Data Source to the Harvester. Otherwise entities which are frozen on the Data Source are not frozen on the Harvester. Default: true

What HarvesterMaintenanceTask does

In the first step it reads the configuration file from the file path specified by harvester-config-file in Next, the following steps will be performed in DRY RUN mode. That is, all data are read, parsed and checked but nothing is changed on the Harvester. If no error occured and the dry-run flag isn't set the same steps are performed but this time the data is changed (i.e. synced) on the Harvester.

  1. Read meta data from the Data Source.
  2. Delete entities from the Harvester which are no longer on the Data Source (if deletion-allowed flag is set).
  3. Register/update master data.
  4. Register/update spaces, projects, experiments, samples and materials.
  5. Register/update attachments.
  6. Synchronize files from the file service.
  7. Register/update data sets.
  8. Update timestamps and users (if keep-original-timestamps-and-users flag is set).
  9. Update frozen flags (if keep-original-frozen-flags flag is set).
  • Data are registered if they do not exists on the Harvester. Otherwise they are updated if the Data Source version has a modification timestamp which is after the last time the HarvesterMaintenanceTask has been performed
  • If translate-using-data-source-alias flag is set a prefix is added to spaces, types and materials when created. 
  • To find out if an entity already exist on the Harvester the perm ID is used.

Master Data Synchronization Rules

Normally all master data are registered/updated if they do not exists or they are older. But for internal vocabularies and property types different rules apply. Internal means that the entity (i.e. a vocabulary or a property type) is managed internally (visible by the prefix '$' in its code) and has been registered by the system user.

  1. Internal vocabularies and property types will not be created or updated on the Harvester.
  2. An internal vocabulary or property type of the Data Source which doesn't exist on the Harvester leads to an error.
  3. An internal property type which exists on the Data Source and the Harvester but have different data type leads to an error.
  4. Terms of an internal vocabulary are added if they do not exists on the Harvester.