piotr.kupczyk@id.ethz.ch authored
SSDM-14011 : V3 JS API : provide UMD and ESM bundles - minify new (UMD and ESM) bundles and solve a known problem with minification of RequireJS bundle (change from r.js to uglifyjs to support ES6+ syntax)
piotr.kupczyk@id.ethz.ch authoredSSDM-14011 : V3 JS API : provide UMD and ESM bundles - minify new (UMD and ESM) bundles and solve a known problem with minification of RequireJS bundle (change from r.js to uglifyjs to support ES6+ syntax)
build.sh 1.75 KiB
pushd $(dirname $0) > /dev/null
NODE_DIR=$(echo ${CURRENT_DIR}/../node/nodejs/node-*/bin)
# create an empty temporary folder
rm -rvf $TEMP_DIR
mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR
# create a list of all *.js files from chosen V3 folders
cd $V3_DIR
find ./as ./dss ./util -name "*.js" | sed 's/^.\//"/g' | sed 's/.js$/",/g' > $TEMP_DIR/files.js
# create config files from their templates by replacing '__FILES__' with a content of 'files.js'
cat r.config.template.js | sed -e '\|__FILES__|{' -e "r $TEMP_DIR/files.js" -e 'd' -e '}' > $TEMP_DIR/r.config.js
cat config.bundle.template.js | sed -e '\|__FILES__|{' -e "r $TEMP_DIR/files.js" -e 'd' -e '}' > $TEMP_DIR/config.bundle.js
cat config.bundle.min.template.js | sed -e '\|__FILES__|{' -e "r $TEMP_DIR/files.js" -e 'd' -e '}' > $TEMP_DIR/config.bundle.min.js
cat webpack.config.v3api.generate.entry.template.js | sed -e '\|__FILES__|{' -e "r $TEMP_DIR/files.js" -e 'd' -e '}' > $TEMP_DIR/webpack.config.v3api.generate.entry.js
# install npm dependencies needed for bundles creation
npm install
# create AMD (RequireJS) bundle
node r.js -o $TEMP_DIR/r.config.js baseUrl=$V3_DIR optimize=none out=$TEMP_DIR/openbis.bundle.js
uglifyjs $TEMP_DIR/openbis.bundle.js -o $TEMP_DIR/openbis.bundle.min.js
# create UMD and ESM bundles
node $TEMP_DIR/webpack.config.v3api.generate.entry.js > $TEMP_DIR/webpack.config.v3api.entry.js
npm run v3api.esm
npm run v3api.umd
# copy relevant files to the V3 public folder
cp $TEMP_DIR/config.bundle.js $TEMP_DIR/config.bundle.min.js $TEMP_DIR/openbis.bundle.js $TEMP_DIR/openbis.bundle.min.js $V3_DIR
cp $TEMP_DIR/openbis.esm.* $TEMP_DIR/openbis.umd.* $V3_DIR
popd > /dev/null