Marco Del Tufo authoredMarco Del Tufo authored
User Registration
openBIS roles
This role can be assigned to the whole openBIS instance (Instance Observer) or to specific Spaces or Projects (Space or Project Observer). Users with this role have read-only access to the whole openBIS (Instance Observer), or to a specified Space or Project (Space or Project Observer).
An Observer can see and search everything in an openBIS instance or the Space/Project which they have access to. They can also download datasets. They cannot modify nor delete anything.
Space/Project User
Extends Observer permissions with some creating and editing functionality. Permissions are limited to specified Space(s) or Project(s).
Can do everything that Observer and additionally:
- create
- objects
- collections
- edit
- objects
- collections
- projects
Space/Project Power User
Extends Space/Project User permissions with some deleting, editing and processing functionality. Permissions are limited to specified Space(s) or Project(s).
Can do everything that Space/Project User and additionally:
- create projects
- delete
- projects
- data sets
- objects
- collections
Please note that this role cannot be assigned via the ELN UI, only via admin UI.
Space/Project Admin
Extends Space/Project Power User permissions allowing to manage roles and projects inside given Space(s) or Project(s).
Can do everything that Space/Project Power User and additionally:
- assign and remove Space/Project roles
Instance Admin
Has the full access to given openBIS instance.
Can do everything that Space/Project Admin and additionally:
- create
- space
- material
- person
- property type
- vocabulary
- material type
- object type
- collection type
- data set type
- create/delete instance admin role
- edit
- material
- property type
- property type assignment
- vocabulary
- material type
- object type
- collection type
- data set type
- assign/unassign property type
- delete
- space
- vocabulary terms
- material type
- sample type
- experiment type
- data set type
Please note that this role cannot be assigned via the ELN UI, only via admin UI.
Updated on April 26, 2023
User Profile
In the User Profile, a user who is logged in into openBIS can find the following information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- openBIS session token
- Zenodo API Token (Export to Zenodo)
First name, last name and email are automatically filled in when LDAP or SSO are used for authentication.
In case of file-based authentication, this information can be entered here directly from the user.
For file-based authentication, users can also change their password here, from the Change Password option under the More.. dropdown.
Updated on June 28, 2022
Assign home space to a user
When a home space is assigned to a user, this becomes marked as My Space for that user in the lab notebook, as shown below.
When users are registered via the ELN UI, a Space with their username is created (see User Registration) and this is automatically set as home space for the user.
The same happens in multi-group instances where spaces are created for each user in the lab notebook section.
An instance admin can change the home space of a user or assign one to a user that does not have a home space assigned from the admin UI, as shown below.
Please note that when a user is inactivated, the home space assigned to that user is moved in the ELN UI to the folder Others (disabled). If this is not desired, the space should be removed as home space from the inactivated user. This can be done by an instance admin.
Updated on April 26, 2023