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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database configuration
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The database instance local unique identifier. Used when the new database is created.
database-instance = DEFAULT

# The host and optionally port. Default is 'localhost'.
# database.url-host-part =
database.kind = prod
# User who owns the database. Default: Operating system user running the server.
database.owner =
database.owner-password =
# Superuser of the database. Default: database-dependent.
database.admin-user = 
database.admin-password =
# Max. number of active database connections. Default: 20. 
database.max-active-connections =
# Max. number of idle database connections to keep open. Default: 20.  
database.max-idle-connections = 
# Log interval (in seconds) between two regular log entries of the number of active database 
# connections. Default: 3600s. = 

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Master data by Excel sheets
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to the file which stores version information of master data imported from Excel sheets. 
# Default value: ../../../xls-import-version-info.json. The file will be created. 
# It should be <openbis installation path>/servers/openBIS-server. 
# Note, that the folder containing this file has to exist. 
# xls-import.version-data-file = ../../../xls-import-version-info.json

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Imaging database for screening and microscopy (optional, only used if screening technology switched on)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# imaging-database.url-host-part = localhost
# imaging-database.kind = prod
# imaging-database.owner = 
# imaging-database.password = 

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Proteomics database (optional, only used if proteomics technology switched on)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# proteomics-basic-database-name = proteomics
# proteomics-database-kind = productive
# proteomics-database-owner = 
# proteomics-database-password = 

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authentication configuration
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Supported Authentication options are:
# 'file-authentication-service'
# 'ldap-authentication-service'
# 'crowd-authentication-service'
# 'file-crowd-authentication-service'
# 'file-ldap-authentication-service'
# 'stacked-authentication-service' : ldap - crowd
# For a detailed description please have a look at the Installation and Administrator
# Guide of the openBIS Server: 
authentication-service = file-authentication-service

# When a new person is created in the database the authentication service is asked by default whether this
# person is known by the authentication service. 
# In the case of single-sign-on this doesn't work. In this case the authentication service shouldn't be asked.
# and the flag 'allow-missing-user-creation' should be set 'true' (default: 'false')
# allow-missing-user-creation = false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Crowd configuration
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =
crowd.service.port = 8443 = openbis
crowd.application.password =

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# LDAP configuration
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The space-separated URLs of the LDAP servers, e.g. "ldap://,DC=ethz,DC=ch"
ldap.server.url = <LDAP URL1> <LDAP URL2> ...
# The distinguished name of the security principal,
# e.g. "CN=carl,OU=EthUsers,DC=d,DC=ethz,DC=ch" = <distinguished name to login to the LDAP server>
# Password of the LDAP user account that will be used to login to the LDAP server to perform the queries = <password of the user to connect to the LDAP server>
# The security protocol to use, use "ssl" or "none", default is "ssl" =
# The authentication method to use: "none" (no authentication), "simple", "strong" (SASL), defaults to "simple" =
# The referral mode:
# "follow" - follow referrals automatically (the default)
# "ignore" - ignore referrals
# "throw" - throw ReferralException when a referral is encountered
ldap.referral =
# The search base. 
ldap.searchBase =
# The attribute name for the user id, defaults to "uid" =
# The attribute name for the email, defaults to "mail" =
# The attribute name for the first name, defaults to "givenName" =
# The attribute name for the last name, defaults to "sn" =
# Set to true to also query for email aliases
ldap.queryEmailForAliases = true
# The query template, needs to contain %s which will be filled with the query term, e.g. uid=username
# The default is:
# ldap.queryTemplate = (&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(%s))
# which is known to work for many Active Directory installations.
# For OpenLDAP, replace by: 
# ldap.queryTemplate = (&(%s))
# For restriction to BSSE accounts in OpenLDAP, set to: 
# ldap.queryTemplate = (&(objectClass=bssePosixAccount)(%s))
ldap.queryTemplate = 
# The number of times a failed LDAP query is retried at the max. Default: 1.
ldap.maxRetries = 
# The timeout (in ms) to wait for an LDAP query to return, -1 for "wait indefinitely". Default: 10000. 
ldap.timeout = 
# Time time (in ms) to wait after a failure before retrying the query. Default: 10000. 

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Anonymous login configuration (optional)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Login of the existing user whose settings will be used for anonymous login 
#user-for-anonymous-login = <user-login>

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Project authorization
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled if set to 'true'. Default: disabled 
authorization.project-level.enabled = true
# Regular expression for user ids allowed to have a project role 
authorization.project-level.users = .*

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Project samples
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enabled if set to 'true'. Default: disabled 
# Note: Changing to 'true' turns experiment samples to project samples 
# which can not be reverted after setting this flag back to 'false'. Also
# the sample identifier will change for such samples.
project-samples-enabled = true

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Client configuration
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name of the file that stores Web Client configuration
web-client-configuration-file = etc/

# A comma-separated list of trusted cross-origin domains, that are allowed to
# query openBIS content. Typically these are lightweight webapps that integrate with openBIS 
# via JSON-RPC services, but are not directly hosted within the openBIS application.
# Example 1 (two different domains configured):
# trusted-cross-origin-domains=,
# Example 2 (match every domain):
# trusted-cross-origin-domains= *
# The '*' matches any arbitrary domain. It should be used with care as it opens openBIS 
# for potential cross-site scripting attacks.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Session configuration
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The time after which an inactive session is expired by the service (in minutes).
session-timeout = 720

# Session time (in minutes) in case of presents of file etc/nologin.html. Should be < 30. 
#session-timeout-no-login = 10

# Maximum number of sessions allowed per user. Zero means unlimited number of sessions. Default value is 5.
# max-number-of-sessions-per-user = 5

# Comma separated list of users allowed to have unlimited number of sessions. Default: Empty list.
# Note: The DSS (user 'etlserver' by default, see property 'username' of DSS
# should be added to this list.
users-with-unrestricted-number-of-sessions = etlserver 

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Business rules configuration
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# When set to "true" enables the system to store material codes containing non-alphanumeric characters.
# Regardless of the value of this property no white spaces are allowed in the material codes.

# Comma-separated list of regular expression of data set types which do not require that the data set 
# is linked to an experiment. If not linked to an experiment a link to a sample with space is required.
data-set-types-with-no-experiment-needed = .*

# When set to 'true' the sequence of sample codes is gap less for each type if all samples are created by
# batch registrations. 
#create-continuous-sample-codes = false

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Entity History
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enables history of deleted entities
#entity-history.enabled = false

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CIFEX connection configuration.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The URL of the CIFEX server
cifex-url =
# Cifex users that will receive and automatically manage uploaded data.
# The user names should be prepended with 'id:' prefix for example. 
# Example:
# cifex-recipient = id:dropboxuser, id:backpuser
cifex-recipient = 

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hibernate Search
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The working directory. = ./indices
# If not specified, default (SKIP_IF_MARKER_FOUND) is taken. = SKIP_IF_MARKER_FOUND
# Defines the maximum number of elements indexed before flushing the transaction-bound queue.
# Default is 1000. = 1000
# Maximum number of search results = 100000
# If 'async', the update of indices will be done in a separate thread.
# How long fulltext searches can take (in seconds) before they are timed out. 
# When not defined, there is no timeout.
# fulltext-timeout = 30

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Online Help
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Online help is broken into two sections -- generic and specific. Generic help links back to
# the CISD. Specific help is provided by the host of the installation
# OpenBIS needs to know the root URL for the online help and a template for the individual pages.
# The template should have on parameter, called title, and should be constructed to automatically
# create the page if it does not already exist.
# The template can be created by going to the root page, adding a new link to the page, and
# replacing the title of the new page with the ${title}
onlinehelp.generic.root-url = =${title}&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=40633829
#onlinehelp.specific.root-url = =${title}&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=40633829

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JMX memory monitor
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Interval between two runs of the memory monitor (in seconds). 
# Set to -1 to disable the memory monitor.
memorymonitor-monitoring-interval = 60
# Interval between two regular log call of the memory monitor (in seconds).
# Set to -1 to disable regular memory usage logging. 
memorymonitor-log-interval = 3600
# The percentage of memory that, if exceeded, triggers a notify log of the memory manager, 
# Set to 100 to disable.
memorymonitor-high-watermark-percent = 90

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database Configurations for Query module (optional)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Comma separated keys of databases configured for Query module.
# Each database should have configuration properties prefixed with its key.
# Mandatory properties for each <database> include: 
#   <database>.label                - name shown to the openBIS user when adding or editing a customized query
#		<database>.database-driver      - JDBC Driver of the database (e.g. org.postgresql.Driver)
#   <database>.database-url	        - JDBC URL to the database (e.g. jdbc:postgresql://localhost/openbis)
# Optional properties for each <database> include:
#   <database>.database-user        - name of the database user (default: from system properties)
#   <database>.database-password    - password of the database user
#   <database>.creator-minimal-role - minimal role required to create/edit queries on this database (default: POWER_USER)
#   <database>.data-space           - If NOT specified OBSERVER of any space will be allowed to perform 
#                                     queries and <creator-minimal-role> of any space will allowed 
#                                     to create/edit queries on this DB.
#                                   - If specified only OBSERVER of the space will be allowed to perform 
#                                     queries and <creator-minimal-role> of the space will allowed 
#                                     to create/edit queries on this DB.
#query-databases = openbisDB
#openbisDB.label = openBIS meta data = CISD
#openbisDB.creator-minimal-role = SPACE_ADMIN
#openbisDB.database-driver = org.postgresql.Driver
#openbisDB.database-url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost/openbis_${database.kind}
#openbisDB.database-username =
#openbisDB.database-password =

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Maintenance plugins configuration (optional)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Comma separated names of maintenance plugins.  
# Each plugin should have configuration properties prefixed with its name.
# Mandatory properties for each <plugin> include: 
#   <plugin>.class - Fully qualified plugin class name
#   <plugin>.interval - The time between plugin executions (in seconds)
# Optional properties for each <plugin> include:
#   <plugin>.start - Time of the first execution (HH:mm)
#   <plugin>.execute-only-once - If true the task will be executed exactly once, 
#                                interval will be ignored. By default set to false.
#maintenance-plugins = demo
#demo.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.server.task.DemoMaintenanceTask
#demo.interval = 60
#demo.property_1 = some value
#demo.property_2 = some value 2

# Internal - do not change

# Authorization
# Supported: 'no-authorization' and 'active-authorization'
authorization-component-factory = active-authorization

script-folder = .


# V3 API #

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The configuration below reflects the default values used by the V3 API.
# Please uncomment and change the chosen values to overwrite the defaults.  
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A path to a directory where operation execution details are stored.
# = operation-execution-store
# A thread pool that is used for executing all asynchronous operations.  
# = operation-execution-pool
# api.v3.operation-execution.thread-pool.core-size = 10
# api.v3.operation-execution.thread-pool.max-size = 10
# api.v3.operation-execution.thread-pool.keep-alive-time = 0
# A name of a thread that updates operation execution progress information.
# api.v3.operation-execution.progress.thread-name = operation-execution-progress
# An interval that controls how often operation execution progress information gets updated. The interval is defined in seconds.
# api.v3.operation-execution.progress.interval = 5
# Availability times control for how long information about an operation execution is stored in the system. 
# There are 3 levels of such information:
# * core information (code, state, owner, description, creation_date, start_date, finish_date)
# * summary information (summary of operations, progress, error, results)
# * detailed information (details of operations, progress, error, results)
# Each level of information can have a different availability time.
# The availability times can be defined at the moment of scheduling an operation execution.
# If a time is not provided explicitly then a corresponding 'default' value is used. 
# The maximum possible value that can be used for a given availability time is controlled with the 'max' property.
# All availability times are defined in seconds.
# Examples of values: 31536000 (1 year), 2592000 (30 days), 86400 (1 day), 3600 (1 hour).
# api.v3.operation-execution.availability-time.default = 31536000
# api.v3.operation-execution.availability-time.max = 31536000
# api.v3.operation-execution.availability-time.summary.default = 2592000
# api.v3.operation-execution.availability-time.summary.max = 2592000
# api.v3.operation-execution.availability-time.details.default = 86400 
# api.v3.operation-execution.availability-time.details.max = 86400
# Maintenance tasks responsible for marking and deleting timed out operation executions. Intervals are defined in seconds.
# = operation-execution-mark-timeout-pending-task
# api.v3.operation-execution.availability-update.mark-timeout-pending-task.interval = 60
# = operation-execution-mark-timed-out-or-deleted-task
# api.v3.operation-execution.availability-update.mark-timed-out-or-deleted-task.interval = 300
# Maintenance task responsible for marking new, scheduled and running operation executions as failed after server restart.
# = operation-execution-mark-failed-after-server-restart-task