Adam Laskowski authoredAdam Laskowski authored
README.md 7.75 KiB
Repository organization
The repository contains these kind of modules used to build the openBIS distributable:
- api-*: API Facades
- app-*: Applications
- build: Build scripts
- core-plugins-*: Core plugins distributed with openBIS
- lib-*: Internally maintained libraries used to build openBIS
- server-*: Server components
- test-*: Integration tests
- ui-*: User interfaces
Software Requirements
- JDK 17
- Postgres 15
Change log
Change log is available here
Building openBIS
Step By Step:
git clone https://sissource.ethz.ch/sispub/openbis.git
cd app-openbis-installer/
./gradlew clean
./gradlew build -x test "-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=--add-opens=java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.font=ALL-UNNAMED"
Where the build is found?
Why we disable tests to make the build?
They increase the time to obtain a build plus some tests could have additional environment requirements.
Why the core UI made using GWT is not build anymore?
The core UI is deprecated for removal on next mayor release and requires JDK8.
For now it can be build following the next commands and only with JDK8:
git clone https://sissource.ethz.ch/sispub/openbis.git
cd core-plugin-openbis/
./gradlew clean
./gradlew buildCoreUIPackageUsingJDK8 -x test
How to compile the V3 JS bundle used by the new Admin UI in production?
git clone https://sissource.ethz.ch/sispub/openbis.git
cd api-openbis-javascript/
./gradlew clean
./gradlew bundleOpenbisStaticResources -x test
The output can be found at: server-application-server/source/java/ch/systemsx/cisd/openbis/public/resources/api/v3
config.bundle.js config.bundle.min.js openbis.bundle.js openbis.bundle.min.js
Development of openBIS
- Software Requirements
- IntelliJ IDEA CE
Step By Step
File -> New -> Project From Existing Sources
Select the build folder to load the gradle model
After the model is loaded execute the tasks:
Source Code Auto Formatting
OpenBIS source code uses a particular style preset that guarantees all code is formatted uniformly.