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    # Excel Import Service
    ## Introduction
    The Excel import service reads xls definitions for both types and
    entities and send them to openBIS. It is the replacement of the old
    master data scripts adding support for the creation of openBIS entities.
    **The goals are:**
    For common users an import format with the following features to avoid
    the shortcomings of the old format:  
    -   Recognisable labels as column names.
    -   Multi-type imports.
    -   Parents/Children creation and linking on a single import.
    For advanced users like consultants and plugin developers a tool that
    allows to specify on an Excel sheet:
    -   Metadata model.
    -   Basic entity structures used for navigation.
    ## Modes
    To support different use cases the import service supports the next
    modes, specifying one of them is mandatory.
    -   UPDATE IF EXISTS: This one should be the default mode to use to make
        incremental updates.
    -   IGNORE EXISTING: This mode should be used when the intention is to
        ignore updates. Existing entities will be ignored. That way is
        possible to avoid unintentionally updating entities and at the same
        time adding new ones.
    -   FAIL IF EXISTS: This mode should be used when the intention is to
        fail if anything is found. That way is possible to avoid making any
        unintentional changes.
    ## Organising Definition Files
    All data can be arranged according to the needs of the user, in any
    number of files and any number of worksheets. All files have to be in
    one directory.
    The names of the files and worksheets are ignored by the service, the
    user is advised to use descriptive names that they can quickly
    remember/refer to later.
    If there are dependencies between files they should be submitted together or an error will be shown.
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    We want to define vocabularies and sample types with properties using
    these vocabularies. We can arrange our files in several ways:
    1.  put vocabulary and sample types in separate files named i.e
        vocabulary.xls and sample\_types.xlsx respectively
    2.  put vocabulary and sample types in different worksheets in the same
        xls file
    3.  put everything in one worksheet in the same file
    ## Organising Definitions
    **Type definitions:**
    The order of type definitions is not important for the Excel import
    service, with exception of Vocabularies, those need to be placed before
    the property types that use them.
    **Entity definitions:**
    Type definitions for the entities should already exist in the database
    at the time when entities are registered. Generally Entity definitions
    are placed at the end.
    ### Text cell formatting (colours, fonts, font style, text decorations)
    All types of formatting are permitted, and users are encouraged to use
    them to make their excel files more readable. Adding any non text
    element (table, clipart) will cause the import to fail.
    ![image info](img/94.png)
    (A valid, but not easily readable, example)
    ### Definition, rows and sheet formatting
    -   A valid sheet has to start with definition on the first row.
    -   Each definition has to be separated by one empty row.
    -   Two or more consecutive empty rows mark the end of the definitions.
    -   Empty spaces at the beginning or end of headers are silently
    If any content is placed after two consecutive empty rows it will result in an error. This is to alert the user and avoid silently ignoring content.
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    Header rows **NEED TO BE** a valid attribute of the entity or entity type, property label or property code.
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    Any unintended header will result in an error. This is to avoid possible
    misspellings and avoid silently ignoring content.
    ## Entity Types Definitions
    All entity types can be created*.* There are differences due to the
    nature of the defined elements themselves.
    ### Vocabulary and Vocabulary Term
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    Vocabulary Term
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    |1|RACK|Rack Validation||
    |1|BOX|Box Validation||
    |1|BOX_POSITION|Box Position Validation||
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    Experiment Type
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    |--- |--- |
    |Validation script|Yes|
    |Ontology Id|No|
    |Ontology Version|No|
    |Ontology Annotation Id|No|
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    |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |
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    |Version|Code|Description|Validation script||||||||
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    ### Sample Type
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    |--- |--- |
    |Auto generate codes|Yes|
    |Validation script|Yes|
    |Generate code prefix|Yes|
    |Ontology Id|No|
    |Ontology Version|No|
    |Ontology Annotation Id|No|
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    |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |
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    |Version|Code|Description|Auto generate codes|Validation script|Generated code prefix|
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    ### Dataset Type
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    |--- |--- |
    |Validation script|Yes|
    |Ontology Id|No|
    |Ontology Version|No|
    |Ontology Annotation Id|No|
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    |Version|Code|Description|Validation script|
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    ### Property Type
    A property type can exist unassigned to an entity type or assigned to an
    entity type.
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    |Headers|Mandatory Assigned|Mandatory Unassigned|
    |--- |--- |--- |
    |Show in edit views|No|Yes|
    |Property label|Yes|Yes|
    |Data type|Yes|Yes|
    |Vocabulary code|Yes|Yes|
    |Dynamic script|No|No|
    |Ontology Id|No|No|
    |Ontology Version|No|No|
    |Ontology Annotation Id|No|No|
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    A property type requires a data type to be defined, valid data types
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    |Data type|Description|
    |--- |--- |
    |VARCHAR|Text of any length but displayed as a single line field.|
    |MULTILINE_VARCHAR|Text of any length but displayed as a multi line field.|
    |SAMPLE|Sample of any type.|
    |SAMPLE:<SAMPLE_TYPE>|Sample of the indicated type.|
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    **Example Unassigned Property**
    In this case, the property is registered without being assigned to a
    type, and  the block of property types uses the PROPERTY\_TYPE block.
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    |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |
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    |Version|Code|Mandatory|Show in edit views|Section|Property label|Data type|Vocabulary code|Description|
    |2|$BARCODE|FALSE|FALSE||Custom Barcode|VARCHAR||Custom Barcode|
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    **Example Assigned**
    In this case the property types are assigned to a sample type and the
    block of property types belong to the entity type block (SAMPLE\_TYPE in
    this case).
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    |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |
    Marco Del Tufo's avatar
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    |Version|Code|Description|Auto generate codes|Validation script|Generated code prefix||||||
    |Version|Code|Mandatory|Show in edit views|Section|Property label|Data type|Vocabulary code|Description|Metadata|Dynamic script|
    |1|$NAME|FALSE|TRUE|General info|Name|VARCHAR||Name|||
    |1|$SHOW_IN_PROJECT_OVERVIEW|FALSE|TRUE|General info|Show in project overview|BOOLEAN||Show in project overview page|||
    |1|$DOCUMENT|FALSE|TRUE|General info|Document|MULTILINE_VARCHAR||Document|{ "custom_widget" : "Word Processor" }||
    |1|$ANNOTATIONS_STATE|FALSE|FALSE||Annotations State|XML||Annotations State|||
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    ### Entity Type Validation Script and Property Type Dynamic Script
    Scripts have to reside in *.py* files in the *scripts* directory within
    the folder that contains the Excel files.
    Within *scripts,* files can be organised in any suitable setup:
    In order to refer to a validation or dynamic script
    (e.g. *storage\_position\* below), the relative path (from
    the *scripts* directory) to the file has to be provided in the relevant
    column. See the example columns below.
    ![image info](img/932.png)
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    |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |
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    |Version|Code|Description|Auto generate codes|Validation scriptƒgre|Generated code prefix||||||
    |Version|Code|Mandatory|Show in edit views|Section|Property label|Data type|Vocabulary code|Description|Metadata|Dynamic script|
    |1|$STORAGE_POSITION.STORAGE_CODE|FALSE|TRUE|Physical Storage|Storage Code|VARCHAR||Storage Code|||
    |1|$STORAGE_POSITION.STORAGE_RACK_ROW|FALSE|TRUE|Physical Storage|Storage Rack Row|INTEGER||Number of Rows|||
    |1|$STORAGE_POSITION.STORAGE_RACK_COLUMN|FALSE|TRUE|Physical Storage|Storage Rack Column|INTEGER||Number of Columns|||
    |1|$STORAGE_POSITION.STORAGE_BOX_NAME|FALSE|TRUE|Physical Storage|Storage Box Name|VARCHAR||Box Name|||
    |1|$STORAGE_POSITION.STORAGE_BOX_POSITION|FALSE|TRUE|Physical Storage|Storage Box Position|VARCHAR||Box Position|||
    |1|$STORAGE_POSITION.STORAGE_USER|FALSE|TRUE|Physical Storage|Storage User Id|VARCHAR||Storage User Id|||
    |1|$XMLCOMMENTS|FALSE|FALSE||Comments|XML||Comments log|||
    |1|$ANNOTATIONS_STATE|FALSE|FALSE||Annotations State|XML||Annotations State|||
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    ### Entity Types Versioning
    #### General Usage 
    Version is a mandatory field for entity types, it just starts at 1; and
    during updating a type definition is expected to increment it;
    otherwise, the system will ignore the changes.
    #### Explanation
    Additionally, use the keyword FORCE to reinstall the type even if is
    present and has been deleted.
    The system keeps track of what versions of entities have been installed
    storing this information, so in the future when one updates their types,
    the version specified in the spreadsheet is checked against the stored
    For every TYPE found in the Excel sheet the next algorithm is performed:
    IF ENTITY OR (TYPE.Version > STORED_VERSION) OR (TYPE.Version == FORCE): // If is a new version
        IF ITEM NOT EXISTS in openBIS:
            CREATE ITEM                             
        ELSE: // Doesn't exist branch
            IF FAIL_IF_EXISTS:
                THROW EXCEPTION
            IF UPDATE_IF_EXISTS:
                UPDATE ITEM
                PASS // Ignore as requested
        PASS // Ignore object that have not been updated
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    ## Entity Definitions
    Most entities can be created, excluding DataSets*.* There are
    differences due to the nature of the defined elements themselves.
    General Rules:
    -   Header order is arbitrary.
    -   When referring to another entity only Identifiers are allowed.
        Sample Variables are the only exception.
    -   Vocabulary values in property value rows can be referred to by
        either the vocabulary term code or the vocabulary term label.
    If a mandatory header is missing it results in an error.
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    Repeated headers will result in an error, in case a Property shares Label with an Attribute is encouraged to use the property code instead.
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    ### Space
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    |ELN_SETTINGS|ELN Settings|
    |DEFAULT_LAB_NOTEBOOK|Default Lab Notebook|
    |METHODS|Folder for methods|
    |MATERIALS|Folder for th materials|
    |STOCK_CATALOG|Folder for the catalog|
    |STOCK_ORDERS|Folder for orders|
    |PUBLICATIONS|Folder for publications|
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    ### Project
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    |--- |--- |
    |Identifier|Yes on UPDATES, ignored on INSERT|
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    ### Experiment
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    |--- |--- |
    |Identifier|Yes on UPDATES, ignored on INSERT|
    |Property Code|No|
    |Property Label|No|
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    |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |
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    |Experiment type|||||
    |Identifier|Code|Project|Name|Default object type|
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    ### Sample
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    |--- |--- |
    |Identifier|Yes on UPDATES, ignored on INSERT|
    |Auto generate code|No|
    |Property Code|No|
    |Property Label|No|
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    |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |
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    |Sample type|||||||
    |$|Identifier|Code|Space|Project|Experiment|Order Status|
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    #### Defining Parent and Children in Samples
    Parent and child columns can be used to define relations between
    samples. Samples can be addressed by:
    1.  $ : Variables, only really useful during batch inserts for samples
        with autogenerated codes since Identifiers can't be known. Variables
        SHOULD start with $.
    2.  Identifiers
    Parents and children SHOULD be separated by an end of line, each sample should be in its own line.
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    |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |
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    |Sample type|||||||||
    |$|Parents|Children|Identifier|Code|Space|Project|Experiment|Order Status|
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    ### Properties and Sample Variables
    As a general rule, properties would only accept data of the specified
    Sample properties would typically require an Identifier to be given but
    a variable '$' could be used instead for a sample declared at any point
    of the document, including cyclical dependencies. This is useful for
    scenarios where Sample codes are autogenerated and can't be known in
    ### Entity Versioning
    They don't have versioning, only entity types have versioning.
    ## Master Data as a Core Plugin
    The master data plugin is an AS core plugin.
    Directory structure **(important)** :
    ![image info](img/1806.png)
    Use standard handle as it is ingested by
    openbis on startup. **Excel files** should be organised **in
    *master-data*** **directory** in the same plugin and **scripts** should
    be contained in ***scripts* directory** under master-data.
    Contents of
    from ch.ethz.sis.openbis.generic.server.asapi.v3 import ApplicationServerApi
    from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.server import CommonServiceProvider
    from import CustomASServiceCode
    from ch.ethz.sis.openbis.generic.asapi.v3.dto.service import CustomASServiceExecutionOptions
    from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.server.jython.api.v1.impl import MasterDataRegistrationHelper
    import sys
    helper = MasterDataRegistrationHelper(sys.path)
    api = CommonServiceProvider.getApplicationContext().getBean(ApplicationServerApi.INTERNAL_SERVICE_NAME)
    sessionToken = api.loginAsSystem()
    props = CustomASServiceExecutionOptions().withParameter('xls', helper.listXlsByteArrays()) \
        .withParameter('xls_name', 'ELN-LIMS-LIFE-SCIENCES').withParameter('update_mode', 'UPDATE_IF_EXISTS') \
        .withParameter('scripts', helper.getAllScripts())
    result = api.executeCustomASService(sessionToken, CustomASServiceCode("xls-import-api"), props)
    Marco Del Tufo's avatar
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    There are following parameters to fill (Easiest is to use
    MasterDataRegistrationHelper to evaluate parameter values):
    -   'xls': Array of excel files. It can be easily acquired by calling
        helper.listXlsByteArrays or listCsvByteArrays.
    -   'xls\_name' - Name for the batch, it is used by versioning system.
    -   'update\_mode' - See "Modes" section.
    -   'scripts' - if you have any scripts in your data, provide them here.
        It is easiest to get it with MasterDataRegistrationHelper
        getAllScripts function.
    'results' object is a summary of what has been created.
    For an complete up to date example, please check the
    eln-lims-life-sciences plugin that ships with the installer or on the
    official Git repository:
    Or download the complete plugin using the next link:
    ## Known Limitations
    -   Property type assignments to entity types cannot be updated since
        the current V3 API does not support this functionality. This means
        that a change in the order of assignments or group names during an
        update will be ignored.