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Additional Functionalities
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## Print PDF 

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For every entity in openBIS it is possible to generate a pdf using the **Print PDF** option from the **More..** dropdown menu. 

The generated pdf file can be printed or downloaded from the browser. 
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An example for a Space is shown in the picture below.

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![image info](img/print-pdf-2.png)
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## Visualise Relationships

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Parent-child relationships between *Objects* can be visualised as trees
or tables in the ELN.

To see the genealogical tree, select the **Hierarchy Graph** option from the **More…** dropdown in an entity form.
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![image info](img/Screenshot-2020-03-10-at-11.14.21-300x229.png)


Large trees can be pruned, by selecting how many levels of parents
and/or children and which types to show.

![image info](img/hierarchy-graph-1024x392.png)


To view the genealogy of an *Object* in a tabular format, select the **Hierarchy Table** option from the **More…** dropdown.
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## Tables

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All tables in the ELN have a similar format and functionalities. The
tables have been redesigned for the 20.10.3 release of openBIS.

Here we give an overview of the main functionalities of the tables.


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Two filter options are available form the **Filters** button: **Filter
Per Column** and **Global Filter**. The first allows to filter on
individual columns, or multiple columns, whereas the second filters
terms across the entire table using the **AND** or **OR** operator. 

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![image info](img/filter-per-column-tables-1024x248.png)
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![image info](img/global-filter-tables-1024x219.png)

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It is possible to sort individual columns or also multiple columns. For
multi-column sorting, you should click on the column header and press
the **Cmd** keyboard key. The order of sorting is shown by a number in
each column, as shown below.


![image info](img/multi-colums-sorting-1024x334.png)

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Tables can be exported in different ways, using the export button shown

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![image info](img/export-tables-1024x419.png)

> 1.  1.  **Import Compatible**:
>         1.  **Yes**: in this case some columns which are incompatible
>             with imports (i.e. registration date, registrator,
>             modification date, modifier) are not exported even if
>             selected; some columns that are required by openBIS for
>             imports are added to the exported file even if not
>             selected (i.e. code, identifier, $ column). Moreover text
>             fields are exported in HTML, to keep the formatting upon
>             import.
>         2.  **No**: in this case all columns or selected columns are
>             exported.
![image info](img/export-tables-import-compatible.png)
> 2\. **Columns**:
> 1.  1.  1.  **All (default order)**. All columns are exported, in
>             accordance with the selection explained above for import
>             compatibility.
>         2.  **Selected (shown order)**. Selected columns are exported,
>             in accordance with the selection explained above for
>             import compatibility.
![image info](img/export-table-columns.png)
>  3. **Rows**:
> 1.  1.  1.  1.  **All Pages**. All pages of the table are exported.
>             2.  **Current Page**. Only the currently visible page of
>                 the table is exported.
>             3.  **Selected Rows**. Only selected rows in the table are
>                 exported.
![image info](img/export-table-rows.png)
> 4\. **Value**:
> 1.  1.  1.  **Plain Text**. Text fields are exported in plain text,
>             without any formatting. This option is not available if
>             the export is import-compatible.
>         2.  **Rich Text**. Text fields are exported in HTML format.
![image info](img/export-table-values.png)
> Tables are exported to **XLS** format. Exported tables can be used for
> updates via the **XLS Batch Update Objects**. 
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Note: Excel has a character limit of 32767 characters in each cell. If you export entries where a field exceeds this limit, you get a warning and the exported Excel file will not contain the content of the cell which is above this limit and the cell is highlighted in red, as shown below.

![image info](img/Excel-character-limit-warning.png)

![image info](img/Excel-download-exceeded-chraracter-limit.png)

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Users can select which properties to display in the table clicking on
the **Columns** button. It is also possible to show all properties or
hide all properties. The position of the columns can also be changed by
placing the cursor next to the = sign in the list and moving the fields.
This information is stored in the database for each user.


![image info](img/columns-in-tables-1024x571.png)


#### **Spreadsheets**
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If a table contains *Objects* which have a spreadsheet field which is
filled in, a spreadsheet icon is displayed in the table. Upon clicking
on the icon, the content of the spreadsheet can be expanded.  

![image info](img/Screenshot-2022-03-02-at-00.16.41-1024x411.png)
![image info](img/Screenshot-2022-03-02-at-00.17.26-1024x467.png)

#### Text fields
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If a table contains Objects which have long text fields, only the
beginning of the text is shown and can be expanded. If the text contains
a picture or a table, an icon is shown in the table and the content of
the text becomes visible by clicking on the icon.

![image info](img/Screenshot-2022-03-01-at-23.57.58-1024x398.png)

### **Selection of entries in table**
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Single entries in a table can be selected using the checkbox in the row.
By clicking the checkbox in the table header, all entries of the table
are selected. After selection of entries, some actions become available:

> -   **Delete**: allows to move the selected entries to the trashcan.
> -   **Move**: allows to move the selected entries to a different existing
>     *Collection/Experiment* or to a new one.
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> -   **Generate barcodes**: allows to generate custom barcodes for the
>     selected entries.
> -   **Update custom barcodes/QR codes**: allows to update existing custom
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>     barcodes of the selected entries.
> -   **Clear selection**: allows to clear the selection made.


![image info](img/Object-table-buttons-on-selection.png)
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In *Object* tables inside *Experiments/Collections* there is an
**Operations** column, which allow users to perform certain tasks on an

> 1.  Upload a file to the *Object*
> 2.  Move the *Object* to another exiting *Experiment/Collection*.
> 3.  Update Barcode/QR code.
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> 4.  Open the hierarchy graph. This is the graph showing parent/child
>     connections of the *Object*.
> 5.  Open the hierarchy table. This is the table showing parent/child
>     connections of the *Object*.


![image info](img/Object-table-operations-column.png)
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## Browse Entries by Type

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The **Object Browser** under the **Utilities** main menu allows to see
all entries of the same type and all *Experimental Steps*, which may be
contained in different *Experiments/Collections* and *Projects*. 

![image info](img/Screenshot-2020-02-27-at-14.52.07-300x248.png)

This is useful when there are entries of a certain type that belong to
different *Collections* (e.g. protocols of the same type stored in two
different protocol collections), or to have an overview of all
*Experimental Steps*, independently of the *Experiment* they belong to.


![image info](img/exp-step-object-browser-1024x646.png)

From the **Object Browser** page, it is also possible to **Batch
register** or **Batch update** *Objects* using an XLS or TSV template.


![image info](img/batch-register-entries-object-browser-2.png)



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## Trashcan

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When *Experiments*, *Objects* and *Datasets* are deleted, they are moved
to the openBIS **trashcan**, under the **Utilities** main menu. Items
can be removed from the trashcan only by someone with *Space admin* or
*Instance admin* role. Deletion from the trashcan is **IRREVERSIBLE**.


Note: *Spaces* and *Projects* are directly permanently deleted, they are
not moved to the trashcan first.


To empty the whole trashcan, click the blue **Empty Trash** button above the table.
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To delete permanently single entries choose one of two options from the
Operations dropdown:


-   **delete permanently**: deletes permanently only the selected entry.
-   **delete permanently (including dependent deletions)**: if the
    selected entry had children which are also in the trashcan, this
    option allows to permanently delete both the entry and its children.


If one entity was unintentionally deleted, the operation can be reverted
at this stage by choosing the **Revert Deletions** option from
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the **Operations** drop down in the table.


![image info](img/trashcan-1024x302.png)

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## Visualize Available Storage Space

The storage space available in an openBIS instance can be visualized by navigating to **Other Tools** in the navigation menu and clicking on the **Show available storage space** button.

![image info](img/Tools-available-storage-space.png)

Before uploading large datasets, the available storage space should always be checked.

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## Vocabulary Browser

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The **Vocabulary browser** is accessible from the **Utilities** main
menu. This shows all controlled vocabularies registered in openBIS and
the terms they contain. Vocabularies are predefined lists of values to
choose from in given fields. Vocabularies can be created/modified by an
openBIS *Instance admin* (see [New Entity Type
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This information is needed for filling the forms for **Batch
Upload **or**Batch Update** of *Objects* via TSV file. If an *Object*
has a property of type *Controlled Vocabulary*, the codes of the
vocabulary have to be entered in the .tsv template file. This is not the
case for XLS Batch registration or update, where labels can be used.


![image info](img/vocabulary-browser-1024x483.png)

## Freeze Entities

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Each level of the openBIS hierarchy (Space, Project,
Experiment/Collection, Object, Dataset) can be frozen, so it can be no
longer edited and/or deleted.

At every level, everything contained underneath is selected by default
to be frozen. E.g. if I choose to freeze a Space, everything contained
in the Space is automatically selected to be frozen. Single entities can
be manually unselected.

A Space admin role is necessary to freeze entities in a given Space.  

**IMPORTANT: the freezing is IRREVERSIBLE!**  

This operation cannot be undone from any UI, not even by an *Instance admin.* Please freeze entities only when you are absolutely sure that
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they should not be further modified!

###  **How to freeze an entity**

At each level of the openBIS hierarchy (*Space, Project,
Experiment/Collection, Object, Dataset*) the **Freeze Entity** option is
available under the **More..** dropdown menu. See the example for a
*Space* below.


![image info](img/freeze-space.png)




If you select this, a list of entities contained or connected to the one
selected will be presented to you, as shown below. By default everything
is selected, so you need to unselect entries that you do not want to



![image info](img/freze-selection-1024x469.png)


To freeze one or several entities, you need to provide your login
password and save.

**Rules for freezing**


1.  **Freeze Space only**

||Allowed|Not allowed|
|--- |--- |--- |
|Create new Project||x|
|Create new Experiment/Collection|x||
|Create new Object||x|
|Create new Dataset in existing Experiment/Collection|x||
|Create new Dataset in existing Object|x||
|Edit existing Project|x||
|Edit existing Experiment/Collection|x||
|Edit existing Object|x||
|Edit existing Dataset|x||
|Delete Space||x|
|Delete Project||x|
|Delete Experiment/Collection|x||
|Delete Object|x||
|Delete Dataset|x||
|Move Experiment/Collection|x||
|Move Object|x||
|Copy Object||x|
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1.  **Freeze Project only**

||Allowed|Not allowed|
|--- |--- |--- |
|Create new Experiment/Collection||x|
|Create new Object||x|
|Create new Dataset in existing Experiment/Collection|x||
|Create new Dataset in existing Object|x||
|Edit Project||x|
|Edit existing Experiment/Collection|x||
|Edit existing Object|x||
|Edit existing Dataset|x||
|Delete Project||x|
|Delete Experiment/Collection||x|
|Delete Object||x|
|Delete Dataset||x|
|Move Experiment/Collection||x|
|Move Object||x|
|Copy Object||x|
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**3. Freeze Experiment/Collection only**

||Allowed|Not allowed|
|--- |--- |--- |
|Create new Object||x|
|Create new Dataset in existing Experiment/Collection||x|
|Create new Dataset in existing Object||x|
|Edit existing Experiment/Collection||x|
|Edit existing Object|x||
|Edit existing Dataset|x||
|Delete Experiment/Collection||x|
|Delete Object||x|
|Delete Dataset||x|
|Move Experiment/Collection||x|
|Move Object||x|
|Copy Object||x|
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**4. Freeze Object only**

||Allowed|Not allowed|
|--- |--- |--- |
|Create new Dataset in existing Object||x|
|Edit existing Object||x|
|Edit existing Dataset in Object|x||
|Delete Object||x|
|Delete Dataset||x|
|Move Object||x|
|Copy Object|x (only if the Experiment is not frozen)||
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**5. Freeze Dataset only**  
||Allowed|Not allowed|
|--- |--- |--- |
|Edit existing Dataset||x|
|Delete Dataset||x|
|Move Dataset||x|
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## Navigation menu

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openBIS 20.10.6 features a new navigation menu.


![image info](img/navigation-menu.png)


This has the following functionalities:


**1.Filter**. You can filter the menu by names or codes.


![image info](img/menu-filter.png)



**2. Root nodes**. If you do not want to navigate the full menu, but
only a section of it, you can set the section you want to navigate as
root node, by clicking the icon shown in the picture below.


![image info](img/menu-select-root-node.png)


This now becomes the root node, as shown below. To restore the full menu
view, you can click on the root node icon shown below.


![image info](img/menu-selected-root-node.png)

**3. Sorting**. The default sorting of the menu is in alphabetical. It
is now possible to sort separately individual sections of the menu
(*ELN, Inventory, Stock*) and individual nodes inside those sections. It
is possible to do a custom sorting by moving around (drag&drop) entities
in the menu. Please note that this is only possible inside a given
level, i.e. you can re-organise *Objects* inside a
*Collection/Experiment*; *Collections/Experiments* inside a *Project*;
*Projects* inside a *Space*. However, you cannot move entities from one
level to another, i.e. you cannot move an *Object* to a different
*Collection/Experiment*; a *Collection/Experimen*t to a different
*Project*; a *Project* to a different *Space*. This can only be done
from the **Move** option under the **More..** dropdown menu in the


![image info](img/menu-change-sorting.png)



![image info](img/menu-sorting-options.png)



**4. Collapse/Expand.** The full menu or individual nodes can be
expanded or collapsed, with the button shown below.



![image info](img/menu-collapse.png)



**5. Scroll to selected node**. In some cases, the view in the main ELN
page does not correspond to an entry selected in the menu. You can
scroll to the selected node in the menu, using the button shown below.


![image info](img/menu-scroll-to-selected-node-1.png)


The state of the menu is saved. Every time you change something in the
menu, this change will be saved and when you login next time you will
see the menu in the state you last saved it.

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## Custom Imports

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From openBIS version 20.10.4, Custom Imports, previously available only
in the core UI, are available in the ELN UI.


Custom imports allow users to import metadata in a custom way, by using
a dropbox script in the background. You can use this if you want to
parse a file in a given format and import the information from this file
as metadata in openBIS.


Custom imports are not available by default, but need to be enabled on
the server side by a *system admin*, and a dropbox script needs to be
associated with an import (see [Custom
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If one or more custom imports are configured in openBIS, the **Custom
Import** option is available under the **Utilities** in the **main

The available custom imports can be selected from the **Custom Import
Service** drop down menu in the Custom Import page (see below).
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![image info](img/custom-imports-1024x459.png)



If the available custom import provides a template that can be used as
input for the import, the template will be available to download from
the Custom Import page.


![image info](img/custom-import-template.png)


If the custom import is not configured to provide a template, no
download link is shown in the Custom Import page.


![image info](img/custom-import-no-template.png)


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## Entity history

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Whenever an entity of type *Collection/Experiment*, *Object* or
*Dataset* is modified in openBIS, the changes are stored in the
database. The stored changes are modifications to property fields,
addition and deletion of parents/children for *Objects* and *Datasets*,
changes of *Space/Project/Experiment/Object* ownership if an entity is

The **History** of changes of each entity is now available in the ELN
UI. In versions prior to openBIS 20.10.3 this was only available in the
core UI.



### History table for Collections


In a *Collection* page, the **History** can be accessed from the
**More..** dropdown list.


![image info](img/history-collection-dropdown.png)


The **History** table shows the version number of the changes, the
author of the changes, the changes made (with the values before- in red,
and after the change – in green), and the timestamp, i.e. the time when
the changes were made.


For a *Collection*, the **PermID** (Permanent Identifier) of the
*Project* it belongs to is shown. If a *Collection* is moved from one
*Project* to another, the PermID of the old and new *Projects* are shown
in the history table.



![image info](img/Screenshot-2022-02-28-at-22.57.24-1024x535.png)


The **show** option in **Full Document** shows the full metadata of the
entry (not only the changed fields) when changes were applied. This is
displayed in JSON format.


![image info](img/Screenshot-2022-03-04-at-12.47.18-1024x506.png)



### History table for Objects


For every *Object*, the history of changes can be accessed from the
**More..** dropdown on the *Object* page.


![image info](img/object-history-dropdown.png)



For an *Object*, the **PermID** (Permanent Identifier) of the
*Collection* it belongs to is shown. If an *Object* is moved from one
*Collection* to another, the PermID of the old and new *Collections* are
shown in the history table.


### History table for Datasets


For every dataset, the history of changes can be accessed from the
**More..** dropdown on the *Dataset* page.


![image info](img/dataset-history-dropdown.png)


For a *Dataset*, the **PermID** (Permanent Identifier) of the
*Object*/*Collection* it belongs to is shown. If a *Dataset* is moved
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from one *Object*/*Collection* to another, the PermID of the old and new
*Objects*/*Collections* are shown in the history table.

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The spreadsheet component needs to be enabled by a group admin or lab manager who can edit the ELN Settings, as described here: [Enable Rich Text Editor or Spreadsheet Widgets](../general-admin-users/admins-documentation/

![image info](img/Screenshot-2020-03-09-at-17.13.07.png)

The spreadsheet supports some basic Excel functionalities, such as mathematical formulas (e.g. =SUM(A1+A2)).
It is possible to import an openBIS Object into the spreadsheet, with the **import** button, on the spreadsheet itself:

![image info](img/Screen-Shot-2019-09-17-at-13.18.40.png)

Please note that if the Object is updated in openBIS, it will NOT be automatically updated in the spreadsheet.

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## Session Token

When users log in to openBIS, a session token is generated. The session token is visible in the ELN UI, under the **User Profile**, in the **navigation menu**.

![image info](img/user-profile-main-menu.png) 

![image info](img/session-token-ELN-UI.png) 

The session token is needed to connect to openBIS via pyBIS or obis, in cases where SSO (e.g. SWITCHaai) is used for authentication. See [pyBIS](../../software-developer-documentation/apis/