templates - configuration of each component
install - stores freshly built installation versions (*.zip)
playground - temporary directory, here all tests take place
Directories used by yeastx integration tests:
- templates/datastore_server_yeastx
- templates/data-yeastx
- openBIS-server
Directories used by 3v screening integration tests:
- openBIS-server
- data
- testData
- datamover-*
- datastore_server1, datastore_server2
- dummy-img-analyser
Tests are run automatically in Continuous Integration process.
You can also run them manually. To do that, simply launch from integration-tests project.
Testing is fully automatic. Script returns non-zero value if error occurs.
When testing is launched, following things happen:
- source code is fetched from the repository and is built
- all pieces of software are installed, configuration is copied from templates directory
- all pieces of software are launched
Exact reason of an error can be checked by reading standard output or playground/all_err_log.txt.
Launching again will redo the tests without rebuilding or reinstalling anything.
To reinstall everything without rebuilding binaries, delete playground directory.
If you want to starting tests from the scratch, launch with --force-rebuild option.