Material related to the SIS machine learning workshop.
Setting up the conda environment on personal computers
Install conda
Install the environment
- On Linux or Mac:
Open a terminal and navigate to the workshop git repository
Run the command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
- On Windows
- Open the Anaconda Navigator
- Go to Environments
- Select Import at the bottom and specify the following
- Any name that you would like
- Specification File: Select the environment.yml file
- On Linux or Mac:
Open a terminal and navigate to the workshop git repository
Run the command:
Check installation
On Linux/Mac - open a terminal
On Windows - open Anaconda prompt
and run the following commands:
conda activate machine_learning_workshop
jupyter notebook
(For some versions of Anaconda on Windows you might have to run just activate machine_learning_workshop intead of conda activate ...)
in case your installation worked your browser should open jupyter.