(For some versions of Anaconda on **Windows** you might have to run just **activate machine_learning_workshop** intead of **conda activate ...**)
#### on MacOS:
1. Open Terminal.app, change directory to the directory with workshop materials
(`$ cd path/to/dir`) and run:
in case your installation worked your browser should open jupyter.
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
#### on Linux
1. Open Terminal, change directory to the directory with workshop materials
(`$ cd path/to/dir`) and run:
$ run conda env create -f environment_linux.yml
#### on Windows
1. Start the Anaconda Navigator and Select "Environments"
2. Press "Import Environment" Button.
3. Click at the folder icon; using the File Selection Dialog navigate to the to the directory with workshop materials and select `environment.yml` file.
4. Press "Import" Button.
5. Click on the black triangle and from the dropdown list select "Open Terminal".