* see [jupyter-openbis-extension/static](jupyter-openbis-extension/static)
* is registered with the `jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter-openbis-extension --user` and `jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter-openbis-extension --user` commands
* registration should happen automatically when installilng via `pip install jupyter-openbis-extension`
* nbextension is started whenever a notebook is opened
* a new instance of the nbextension is started for *every* notebook
* displays the three prominent buttons (configuration, download, upload) inside a Jupyter notebook
* talks to the Jupyter serverextension (see above) via https requests
**Jupyter serverextension**
* written in Python
* see [jupyter-openbis-extension/](jupyter-openbis-extension)
* is registered with the `jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter-openbis-extension` command
* registration should happen automatically when installilng via `pip install jupyter-openbis-extension`
* this serverextension is loaded whenever a Jupyter server is started – either `jupyter notebook` or `jupyter lab`
* serverextension talks to openBIS instances via the [pyBIS module](https://pypi.org/project/PyBIS/)
* serverextension also talks to the notebook extension (see below) via https
* serverextension uses an instance of the [tornado webserver](https://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/) that is used by Jupyter
* downloads and uploads dataSets and openBIS metadata
* see [jupyter-openbis-extension/static](jupyter-openbis-extension/static)
* is registered with the `jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter-openbis-extension --user` and `jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter-openbis-extension --user` commands
* registration should happen automatically when installilng via `pip install jupyter-openbis-extension`
* nbextension is started whenever a notebook is opened
* a new instance of the nbextension is started for *every* notebook
* displays the three prominent buttons (configuration, download, upload) inside a Jupyter notebook
* talks to the Jupyter serverextension (see above) via https requests