# borderprednonzero = pred[np.nonzero(border)] # all the prediction values inside the border area
# sortborderprednonzero = sorted(borderprednonzero) # sort the values
# borderprednonzeroarea = len(borderprednonzero) # how many values are there?
# quartborderarea = round(borderprednonzeroarea/4) # take one fourth of the values. there is some subtlety about how round() rounds but doesn't matter
# topborderpred = sortborderprednonzero[quartborderarea:] # take top 3/4 of the predictions
# topborderheight = np.sum(topborderpred) # sum over top 3/4 of the predictions
# topborderarea = len(topborderpred) # area of 3/4 of predictions. In principle equal to 3/4 of borderprednonzeroarea but because of strange rounding, will just measure again
# if topborderheight/topborderarea > 0.99 : # SJR: We are really deep inside a cell, where the prediction is =1. Won't use: borderheight/borderarea > 0.95. Redundant.
# #print("--")
# #print(objcounter)
# #wsh=np.where(wsh==obj2+1, obj1+1, wsh)
# maskoriobj1 = np.uint8(np.multiply((maskoriobj1 > 0) | (oriobjs[obj2,:,:] > 0),1)) #have to do boolean then integer just to do an 'or'
# dilobjs[obj1,:,:] = np.uint8(np.multiply((maskobj1 > 0) | (maskobj2 > 0),1)) #have to do boolean then integer just to do an 'or'