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pkupczyk's avatar authored
SSDM-13191 : New Navigation - migrate Admin UI from old component to new component - first version of the new types navigation

Building openBIS


  • JDK11 or JDK 17

Step By Step:

git clone
cd installation/
./gradlew clean
./gradlew build -x test "-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=--add-opens=java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.font=ALL-UNNAMED"

Where the build is found?


Why we disable tests to make the build?

They increase the time to obtain a build plus some tests could have additional environment requirements.

Why the core UI made using GWT is not build anymore?

It increases the time to obtain a build plus it requires JDK8, it will be removed on next release. For now it can be build following the next commands and only with JDK8:

git clone
cd openbis_standard_technologies/
./gradlew clean
./gradlew buildCoreUIPackageUsingJDK8 -x test

How to compile the V3 JS bundle used by the new Admin UI in production?

git clone
cd openbis_standard_technologies/
./gradlew clean
./gradlew bundleOpenbisStaticResources -x test

The output can be found at: openbis/source/java/ch/systemsx/cisd/openbis/public/resources/api/v3

config.bundle.js config.bundle.min.js openbis.bundle.js openbis.bundle.min.js

Development of openBIS


  • Postgres 11
  • IntelliJ IDEA CE

Step By Step:

File -> New -> Project From Existing Sources
Select the gradle folder to load the gradle model
After the model is loaded execute the tasks:


IntelliJ can't find package com.sun.*, but I can compile the project using the command line!

Turn off "File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Compiler | Java Compiler | Use --release option for cross-compilation".

Development of NG UI

  1. Generate openBIS JS bundle by running in command line
    1. cd /<OPENBIS_PROJECT_ROOT>/openbis_standard_technologies
    2. ./gradlew :bundleOpenbisStaticResources
  2. Start openBIS in your chosen IDE (NG UI assumes it will run at: http://localhost:8888/openbis-test/):
    1. run openBISDevelopementEnvironmentASPrepare gradle task
    2. run openBISDevelopementEnvironmentASStart gradle task
  3. In command line do:
    1. cd /<OPENBIS_PROJECT_ROOT>/openbis_ng_ui
    2. npm install
    3. npm run dev
  4. Open in your chosen browser a url, by default: http://localhost:8124/ng-ui-path

Setting up IntelliJ Idea

  1. Under "IntelliJ IDEA" -> "Preferences" -> "Languages and Frameworks" -> Javascript, set the language version to ECMAScript 6.

Setting up Visual Studio Code (alternative to IntelliJ Idea)

Install "ESLint" and "Prettier - Code formatter" extensions.