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sispub / courses / machinelearning-introduction-workshop
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
openbis / openbis-public / jupyter / jupyter-openbis-gui-widget
Apache License 2.0Updated -
openbis / openbis-public / jupyter / jupyterlab-openbis-gui-widget
Apache License 2.0Updated -
This project aims to collect (and possibly implement) ideas how the Renku platform (for analysis workflow and collaboration) and openBIS (data store and management) can be optimised for better interoperability.
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sispub / RRP Documentation
Apache License 2.0Updated -
This repository contains the components necessary to integrate a JupyterHub installation with openBIS.
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PyBIS is a Python3 module to interact with openBIS. This repository contains various Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate the usage of the Python pyBIS module.
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Code used to generate results for the publication "Accurate and predictive antibody repertoire profiling by molecular amplification fingerprinting"
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monitor and process incoming location for data transfer from other biomedIT nodes
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