# Building openBIS ## Requirements - JDK8 or JDK11 ## Step By Step: ``` git clone https://sissource.ethz.ch/sispub/openbis.git cd installation/ ./gradlew clean ./gradlew build -x test ``` ## Where the build is found? ``` ./installation/targets/gradle/distributions/openBIS-installation-standard-technologies-SNAPSHOT-rXXXXXXXXXX.tar.gz ``` ## Why we disable tests to make the build? They increase the time to obtain a build plus some tests could have additional environment requirements. ## Why the core UI made using GWT is not build anymore? It increases the time to obtain a build plus it requires JDK8, it will be removed on next release. For now it can be build following the next commands: ``` git clone https://sissource.ethz.ch/sispub/openbis.git cd openbis_standard_technologies/ ./gradlew clean ./gradlew buildCoreUIPackageUsingJDK8 -x test ``` # Developing openBIS ## Requirements - Postgres 11 - IntelliJ IDEA CE ## Step By Step: ``` File -> New -> Project From Existing Sources Select the gradle folder to load the gradle model After the model is loaded execute the tasks: openBISDevelopementEnvironmentASPrepare openBISDevelopementEnvironmentASStart openBISDevelopementEnvironmentDSSStart ``` ## IntelliJ can't find package com.sun.*, but I can compile the project using the command line! Turn off "File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Compiler | Java Compiler | Use --release option for cross-compilation".