User Registration ==== ## openBIS roles ### Observer This role can be assigned to the whole openBIS instance (*Instance Observer*) or to specific *Spaces* or *Projects* (*Space* or *Project Observer*). Users with this role have read-only access to the whole openBIS (*Instance Observer*), or to a specified *Space* or *Project* (*Space* or *Project Observer*). An Observer can see and search everything in an openBIS instance or the *Space/Project* which they have access to. They can also download datasets. They cannot modify nor delete anything. ### Space/Project User Extends Observer permissions with some creating and editing functionality. Permissions are limited to specified *Space(s)* or *Project(s)*. Can do everything that Observer and additionally: - create - objects - collections - edit - objects - collections - projects ### Space/Project Power User Extends *Space/Projec*t User permissions with some deleting, editing and processing functionality. Permissions are limited to specified *Space(s)* or *Project(s)*. Can do everything that *Space/Project* User and additionally: - create projects - delete - projects - data sets - objects - collections Please note that this role cannot be assigned via the ELN UI, only via admin UI. ### Space/Project Admin Extends Space/Project Power User permissions allowing to manage roles and projects inside given *Space(s)* or *Project(s)*. Can do everything that Space/Project Power User and additionally: - assign and remove Space/Project roles ### Instance Admin Has the full access to given openBIS instance. Can do everything that Space/Project Admin and additionally: - create - space - material - person - property type - vocabulary - material type - object type - collection type - data set type - create/delete instance admin role - edit - material - property type - property type assignment - vocabulary - material type - object type - collection type - data set type - assign/unassign property type - delete - space - vocabulary terms - material type - sample type - experiment type - data set type Please note that this role cannot be assigned via the ELN UI, only via admin UI. Updated on April 26, 2023 ## User Profile In the User Profile, a user who is logged in into openBIS can find the following information: 1. **First Name** 2. **Last Name** 3. **Email** 4. **openBIS session token** 5. **Zenodo API Token** ([Export to Zenodo]( First name, last name and email are automatically filled in when LDAP or SSO are used for authentication. In case of file-based authentication, this information can be entered here directly from the user.  For file-based authentication, users can also change their password here, from the **Change Password** option under the **More..** dropdown.  Updated on June 28, 2022 ## Assign home space to a user When a home space is assigned to a user, this becomes marked as **My Space** for that user in the lab notebook, as shown below.  When users are registered via the ELN UI, a *Space* with their username is created (see [User Registration)]( and this is automatically set as home space for the user. The same happens in multi-group instances where spaces are created for each user in the lab notebook section. An *instance admin* can change the home space of a user or assign one to a user that does not have a home space assigned from the admin UI, as shown below.  Please note that when a user is inactivated, the home space assigned to that user is moved in the ELN UI to the folder **Others (disabled).** If this is not desired, the space should be removed as home space from the inactivated user. This can be done by an *instance admin*. Updated on April 26, 2023