<userInput> <panel id="UserInputPanel.DB_CHECK"> <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="We will verify that the database owner and database admin users specified in the service.properties file have access to the database." /> <field type="title" txt="Database access check" bold="true" size="2" /> </panel> <panel id="UserInputPanel.PSQL_PATH"> <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="The openBIS installation process requires access to the PostreSQL command line tools 'psql' and 'pg_dump'. Please specify their location:" /> <field type="title" txt="Path to 'psql' (PostgreSQL) tool " bold="true" size="2" /> <field type="dir" align="left" variable="POSTGRES_BIN"> <spec txt="" size="30" set="/opt/local/lib/postgresql90/bin" mustExist="true" create="false" /> </field> </panel> <panel id="UserInputPanel.KEY_STORE"> <field type="title" txt="Key Store" bold="true" size="2" /> <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="If you have a new keystore for SSL, enter it here. Leave this field blank to use the existing keystore (or the default keystore in a new installation)." /> <field type="file" align="left" variable="KEY_STORE_FILE"> <spec txt="Key store" size="20" set="" mustExist="true" allowEmptyValue="true" /> </field> </panel> <panel id="UserInputPanel.KEY_STORE_PASSWORDS"> <field type="title" txt="Key Store Passwords" bold="true" size="2" /> <field type="password" align="left" variable="KEY_STORE_PASSWORD"> <spec> <pwd txt="Key store password" size="20" set="" /> <pwd txt="Re-type key store password" size="20" set=""/> </spec> <validator class="com.izforge.izpack.panels.userinput.validator.PasswordEqualityValidator" txt="The specified key store passwords do not match." /> <validator class="com.izforge.izpack.panels.userinput.validator.RegularExpressionValidator" txt="Key store password cannot be empty."> <param name="pattern" value="^.+$" /> </validator> </field> <field type="password" align="left" variable="KEY_PASSWORD"> <spec> <pwd txt="Key password" size="20" set="" /> <pwd txt="Re-type key password" size="20" set=""/> </spec> <validator class="com.izforge.izpack.panels.userinput.validator.PasswordEqualityValidator" txt="The specified key passwords do not match." /> <validator class="com.izforge.izpack.panels.userinput.validator.RegularExpressionValidator" txt="key password cannot be empty."> <param name="pattern" value="^.+$" /> </validator> </field> </panel> <panel id="UserInputPanel.TECHNOLOGIES"> <field type="title" txt="Technologies" bold="true" size="2" /> <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="Select any technology-specific modules that should installed along with openBIS. The selection can be altered at the next upgrade:" /> <field type="check" variable="ELN-LIMS"> <spec txt="ELN/LIMS" true="true" false="false"/> </field> <field type="check" variable="ELN-LIMS-TEMPLATE-TYPES"> <spec txt="ELN/LIMS Template Types" true="true" false="false"/> </field> <field type="check" variable="MICROSCOPY"> <spec txt="Microscopy" true="true" false="false"/> </field> <field type="check" variable="FLOW"> <spec txt="Flow Cytometry" true="true" false="false"/> </field> </panel> <panel id="UserInputPanel.MISC"> <field type="title" txt="Misc" bold="true" size="2" /> <field type="password" align="left" variable="ADMIN_PASSWORD"> <spec> <pwd txt="Admin password" size="20" set="" /> <pwd txt="Re-type password" size="20" set=""/> </spec> <validator class="com.izforge.izpack.panels.userinput.validator.PasswordEqualityValidator" txt="The specified 'admin' passwords do not match." /> <validator class="com.izforge.izpack.panels.userinput.validator.RegularExpressionValidator" txt="Admin password cannot be empty."> <param name="pattern" value="^.+$" /> </validator> </field> <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="Password for the openBIS 'admin' user." /> <field type="space"/> <field type="space"/> <field type="dir" align="left" variable="DSS_ROOT_DIR"> <spec txt="Data folder" size="25" set="$INSTALL_PATH/data" mustExist="false" create="true"/> </field> <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="The directory to be used to store raw data like images, analysis files etc." /> <field type="space"/> <field type="space"/> <field type="radio" variable="INSTALLATION_TYPE"> <description align="left" id="Installation type" /> <spec> <choice txt="Server (accessed from other machines)" value="server"/> <choice txt="Local (accessed from only from localhost)" value="local" set="true"/> </spec> </field> </panel> <panel id="UserInputPanel.BACKUP_OLD"> <field type="title" txt="Detected existing openBIS installation" bold="true" size="2" /> <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="Please click next to create a backup of the existing installation." /> </panel> <panel id="UserInputPanel.BACKUP"> <field type="title" txt="Detected existing openBIS installation" bold="true" size="2" /> <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="Configuration files will be backed up, as will the following databases:" /> <field type="text" align="left" variable="DATABASES_TO_BACKUP"> <spec txt="Databases:" size="39" set="$DATABASES_TO_BACKUP" mustExist="true" allowEmptyValue="false"/> </field> <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="Databases can be removed from this list if backup is not required." /> <field type="space"/> <field type="staticText" align="left" txt="Click next to create a backup of the existing installation." /> </panel> </userInput>