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-6.816406 8.5625 -5.753906 8.5625 -4.390625 C 8.5625 -3.296875 8.394531 -2.429688 8.0625 -1.796875 C 7.726563 -1.171875 7.242188 -0.679688 6.609375 -0.328125 C 5.984375 0.015625 5.300781 0.1875 4.5625 0.1875 C 3.363281 0.1875 2.394531 -0.191406 1.65625 -0.953125 C 0.914063 -1.722656 0.546875 -2.832031 0.546875 -4.28125 Z M 2.03125 -4.28125 C 2.03125 -3.175781 2.269531 -2.351563 2.75 -1.8125 C 3.226563 -1.269531 3.832031 -1 4.5625 -1 C 5.28125 -1 5.875 -1.269531 6.34375 -1.8125 C 6.820313 -2.363281 7.0625 -3.203125 7.0625 -4.328125 C 7.0625 -5.378906 6.820313 -6.175781 6.34375 -6.71875 C 5.863281 -7.269531 5.269531 -7.546875 4.5625 -7.546875 C 3.832031 -7.546875 3.226563 -7.273438 2.75 -6.734375 C 2.269531 -6.191406 2.03125 -5.375 2.03125 -4.28125 Z M 2.03125 -4.28125 " + d="m 0.546875,-4.28125 c 0,-1.582031 0.441406,-2.753906 1.328125,-3.515625 0.726563,-0.625 1.625,-0.9375 2.6875,-0.9375 1.164063,0 2.125,0.386719 2.875,1.15625 0.75,0.761719 1.125,1.824219 1.125,3.1875 0,1.09375 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8.078125 -6.578125 C 8.359375 -5.898438 8.5 -5.15625 8.5 -4.34375 C 8.5 -3.46875 8.34375 -2.675781 8.03125 -1.96875 C 7.71875 -1.269531 7.257813 -0.734375 6.65625 -0.359375 C 6.0625 0.00390625 5.4375 0.1875 4.78125 0.1875 C 4.300781 0.1875 3.867188 0.0859375 3.484375 -0.109375 C 3.097656 -0.316406 2.78125 -0.578125 2.53125 -0.890625 L 2.53125 3.28125 Z M 2.40625 -4.21875 C 2.40625 -3.125 2.625 -2.3125 3.0625 -1.78125 C 3.507813 -1.257813 4.050781 -1 4.6875 -1 C 5.332031 -1 5.882813 -1.269531 6.34375 -1.8125 C 6.800781 -2.351563 7.03125 -3.195313 7.03125 -4.34375 C 7.03125 -5.4375 6.804688 -6.253906 6.359375 -6.796875 C 5.910156 -7.335938 5.375 -7.609375 4.75 -7.609375 C 4.132813 -7.609375 3.585938 -7.316406 3.109375 -6.734375 C 2.640625 -6.160156 2.40625 -5.320313 2.40625 -4.21875 Z M 2.40625 -4.21875 " + d="M 1.09375,3.28125 V -8.546875 h 1.3125 V -7.4375 c 0.3125,-0.4375 0.660156,-0.757813 1.046875,-0.96875 0.394531,-0.21875 0.875,-0.328125 1.4375,-0.328125 0.726563,0 1.367188,0.1875 1.921875,0.5625 0.5625,0.375 0.984375,0.90625 1.265625,1.59375 C 8.359375,-5.898438 8.5,-5.15625 8.5,-4.34375 c 0,0.875 -0.15625,1.667969 -0.46875,2.375 -0.3125,0.699219 -0.773437,1.234375 -1.375,1.609375 C 6.0625,0.00390625 5.4375,0.1875 4.78125,0.1875 4.300781,0.1875 3.867188,0.0859375 3.484375,-0.109375 3.097656,-0.316406 2.78125,-0.578125 2.53125,-0.890625 V 3.28125 Z m 1.3125,-7.5 c 0,1.09375 0.21875,1.90625 0.65625,2.4375 C 3.507813,-1.257813 4.050781,-1 4.6875,-1 c 0.644531,0 1.195313,-0.269531 1.65625,-0.8125 0.457031,-0.539063 0.6875,-1.382813 0.6875,-2.53125 0,-1.09375 -0.226562,-1.910156 -0.671875,-2.453125 C 5.910156,-7.335938 5.375,-7.609375 4.75,-7.609375 c -0.617187,0 -1.164062,0.292969 -1.640625,0.875 -0.46875,0.574219 -0.703125,1.414062 -0.703125,2.515625 z m 0,0" id="path20" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-7"> <path - d="M 1.09375 0 L 1.09375 -8.546875 L 2.390625 -8.546875 L 2.390625 -7.328125 C 3.015625 -8.265625 3.921875 -8.734375 5.109375 -8.734375 C 5.628906 -8.734375 6.101563 -8.640625 6.53125 -8.453125 C 6.96875 -8.273438 7.289063 -8.035156 7.5 -7.734375 C 7.71875 -7.429688 7.867188 -7.078125 7.953125 -6.671875 C 8.003906 -6.398438 8.03125 -5.925781 8.03125 -5.25 L 8.03125 0 L 6.578125 0 L 6.578125 -5.203125 C 6.578125 -5.785156 6.519531 -6.222656 6.40625 -6.515625 C 6.300781 -6.816406 6.101563 -7.050781 5.8125 -7.21875 C 5.53125 -7.394531 5.195313 -7.484375 4.8125 -7.484375 C 4.1875 -7.484375 3.648438 -7.285156 3.203125 -6.890625 C 2.753906 -6.503906 2.53125 -5.765625 2.53125 -4.671875 L 2.53125 0 Z M 1.09375 0 " + d="m 1.09375,0 v -8.546875 h 1.296875 v 1.21875 c 0.625,-0.9375 1.53125,-1.40625 2.71875,-1.40625 0.519531,0 0.992188,0.09375 1.421875,0.28125 0.4375,0.179687 0.757813,0.417969 0.96875,0.71875 0.21875,0.304687 0.367188,0.65625 0.453125,1.0625 C 8.003906,-6.398438 8.03125,-5.925781 8.03125,-5.25 V 0 H 6.578125 v -5.203125 c 0,-0.582031 -0.058594,-1.019531 -0.171875,-1.3125 C 6.300781,-6.816406 6.101563,-7.050781 5.8125,-7.21875 c -0.28125,-0.175781 -0.617187,-0.265625 -1,-0.265625 -0.625,0 -1.164062,0.199219 -1.609375,0.59375 -0.449219,0.386719 -0.671875,1.125 -0.671875,2.21875 V 0 Z m 0,0" id="path23" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-8"> <path - d="M 2.421875 0 L 1.078125 0 L 1.078125 -11.796875 L 2.53125 -11.796875 L 2.53125 -7.59375 C 3.132813 -8.351563 3.914063 -8.734375 4.875 -8.734375 C 5.394531 -8.734375 5.890625 -8.628906 6.359375 -8.421875 C 6.828125 -8.210938 7.210938 -7.914063 7.515625 -7.53125 C 7.828125 -7.144531 8.066406 -6.679688 8.234375 -6.140625 C 8.398438 -5.597656 8.484375 -5.019531 8.484375 -4.40625 C 8.484375 -2.9375 8.117188 -1.800781 7.390625 -1 C 6.671875 -0.207031 5.804688 0.1875 4.796875 0.1875 C 3.785156 0.1875 2.992188 -0.234375 2.421875 -1.078125 Z M 2.40625 -4.34375 C 2.40625 -3.3125 2.546875 -2.566406 2.828125 -2.109375 C 3.285156 -1.367188 3.898438 -1 4.671875 -1 C 5.304688 -1 5.851563 -1.269531 6.3125 -1.8125 C 6.78125 -2.363281 7.015625 -3.1875 7.015625 -4.28125 C 7.015625 -5.394531 6.789063 -6.21875 6.34375 -6.75 C 5.90625 -7.28125 5.367188 -7.546875 4.734375 -7.546875 C 4.109375 -7.546875 3.5625 -7.269531 3.09375 -6.71875 C 2.632813 -6.175781 2.40625 -5.382813 2.40625 -4.34375 Z M 2.40625 -4.34375 " + d="M 2.421875,0 H 1.078125 V -11.796875 H 2.53125 v 4.203125 c 0.601563,-0.757813 1.382813,-1.140625 2.34375,-1.140625 0.519531,0 1.015625,0.105469 1.484375,0.3125 0.46875,0.210937 0.851563,0.507812 1.15625,0.890625 0.3125,0.386719 0.550781,0.851562 0.71875,1.390625 0.164063,0.542969 0.25,1.121094 0.25,1.734375 0,1.46875 -0.367187,2.605469 -1.09375,3.40625 -0.71875,0.792969 -1.585937,1.1875 -2.59375,1.1875 -1.011719,0 -1.804687,-0.421875 -2.375,-1.265625 z M 2.40625,-4.34375 c 0,1.03125 0.140625,1.777344 0.421875,2.234375 C 3.285156,-1.367188 3.898438,-1 4.671875,-1 5.304688,-1 5.851563,-1.269531 6.3125,-1.8125 c 0.46875,-0.550781 0.703125,-1.375 0.703125,-2.46875 0,-1.113281 -0.226562,-1.9375 -0.671875,-2.46875 -0.4375,-0.53125 -0.976562,-0.796875 -1.609375,-0.796875 -0.625,0 -1.171875,0.277344 -1.640625,0.828125 -0.460937,0.542969 -0.6875,1.335937 -0.6875,2.375 z m 0,0" id="path26" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-9"> <path - d="M 1.09375 -10.140625 L 1.09375 -11.796875 L 2.546875 -11.796875 L 2.546875 -10.140625 Z M 1.09375 0 L 1.09375 -8.546875 L 2.546875 -8.546875 L 2.546875 0 Z M 1.09375 0 " + d="m 1.09375,-10.140625 v -1.65625 h 1.453125 v 1.65625 z M 1.09375,0 V -8.546875 H 2.546875 V 0 Z m 0,0" id="path29" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-10"> <path - d="M 0.515625 -3.546875 L 0.515625 -5 L 4.96875 -5 L 4.96875 -3.546875 Z M 0.515625 -3.546875 " + d="M 0.515625,-3.546875 V -5 H 4.96875 v 1.453125 z m 0,0" id="path32" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-11"> <path - d="M 0.828125 0.703125 L 2.234375 0.921875 C 2.285156 1.347656 2.445313 1.664063 2.71875 1.875 C 3.082031 2.132813 3.570313 2.265625 4.1875 2.265625 C 4.863281 2.265625 5.382813 2.128906 5.75 1.859375 C 6.113281 1.597656 6.359375 1.222656 6.484375 0.734375 C 6.554688 0.441406 6.59375 -0.175781 6.59375 -1.125 C 5.957031 -0.375 5.164063 0 4.21875 0 C 3.050781 0 2.144531 -0.421875 1.5 -1.265625 C 0.851563 -2.117188 0.53125 -3.140625 0.53125 -4.328125 C 0.53125 -5.140625 0.675781 -5.890625 0.96875 -6.578125 C 1.269531 -7.265625 1.695313 -7.796875 2.25 -8.171875 C 2.8125 -8.546875 3.472656 -8.734375 4.234375 -8.734375 C 5.242188 -8.734375 6.078125 -8.328125 6.734375 -7.515625 L 6.734375 -8.546875 L 8.0625 -8.546875 L 8.0625 -1.15625 C 8.0625 0.175781 7.925781 1.117188 7.65625 1.671875 C 7.382813 2.222656 6.953125 2.660156 6.359375 2.984375 C 5.773438 3.304688 5.054688 3.46875 4.203125 3.46875 C 3.179688 3.46875 2.351563 3.238281 1.71875 2.78125 C 1.09375 2.320313 0.796875 1.628906 0.828125 0.703125 Z M 2.015625 -4.421875 C 2.015625 -3.304688 2.238281 -2.488281 2.6875 -1.96875 C 3.132813 -1.457031 3.691406 -1.203125 4.359375 -1.203125 C 5.023438 -1.203125 5.582031 -1.457031 6.03125 -1.96875 C 6.488281 -2.476563 6.71875 -3.28125 6.71875 -4.375 C 6.71875 -5.425781 6.484375 -6.21875 6.015625 -6.75 C 5.554688 -7.28125 5 -7.546875 4.34375 -7.546875 C 3.695313 -7.546875 3.144531 -7.28125 2.6875 -6.75 C 2.238281 -6.226563 2.015625 -5.453125 2.015625 -4.421875 Z M 2.015625 -4.421875 " + d="m 0.828125,0.703125 1.40625,0.21875 C 2.285156,1.347656 2.445313,1.664063 2.71875,1.875 3.082031,2.132813 3.570313,2.265625 4.1875,2.265625 4.863281,2.265625 5.382813,2.128906 5.75,1.859375 6.113281,1.597656 6.359375,1.222656 6.484375,0.734375 6.554688,0.441406 6.59375,-0.175781 6.59375,-1.125 5.957031,-0.375 5.164063,0 4.21875,0 3.050781,0 2.144531,-0.421875 1.5,-1.265625 c -0.648437,-0.851563 -0.96875,-1.875 -0.96875,-3.0625 0,-0.8125 0.144531,-1.5625 0.4375,-2.25 0.300781,-0.6875 0.726563,-1.21875 1.28125,-1.59375 0.5625,-0.375 1.222656,-0.5625 1.984375,-0.5625 1.007813,0 1.84375,0.40625 2.5,1.21875 v -1.03125 H 8.0625 v 7.390625 c 0,1.332031 -0.136719,2.273438 -0.40625,2.828125 C 7.382813,2.222656 6.953125,2.660156 6.359375,2.984375 5.773438,3.304688 5.054688,3.46875 4.203125,3.46875 3.179688,3.46875 2.351563,3.238281 1.71875,2.78125 1.09375,2.320313 0.796875,1.628906 0.828125,0.703125 Z m 1.1875,-5.125 c 0,1.117187 0.222656,1.933594 0.671875,2.453125 0.445313,0.511719 1.003906,0.765625 1.671875,0.765625 0.664063,0 1.222656,-0.253906 1.671875,-0.765625 0.457031,-0.507813 0.6875,-1.3125 0.6875,-2.40625 0,-1.050781 -0.234375,-1.84375 -0.703125,-2.375 C 5.554688,-7.28125 5,-7.546875 4.34375,-7.546875 3.695313,-7.546875 3.144531,-7.28125 2.6875,-6.75 2.238281,-6.226563 2.015625,-5.453125 2.015625,-4.421875 Z m 0,0" id="path35" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-12"> <path - d="M 5.328125 0 L 5.328125 -2.828125 L 0.203125 -2.828125 L 0.203125 -4.15625 L 5.59375 -11.796875 L 6.78125 -11.796875 L 6.78125 -4.15625 L 8.375 -4.15625 L 8.375 -2.828125 L 6.78125 -2.828125 L 6.78125 0 Z M 5.328125 -4.15625 L 5.328125 -9.46875 L 1.640625 -4.15625 Z M 5.328125 -4.15625 " + d="m 5.328125,0 v -2.828125 h -5.125 V -4.15625 l 5.390625,-7.640625 h 1.1875 V -4.15625 H 8.375 v 1.328125 H 6.78125 V 0 Z m 0,-4.15625 v -5.3125 l -3.6875,5.3125 z m 0,0" id="path38" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-13"> <path - d="M 0.6875 -3.109375 L 2.140625 -3.3125 C 2.304688 -2.488281 2.585938 -1.894531 2.984375 -1.53125 C 3.390625 -1.164063 3.878906 -0.984375 4.453125 -0.984375 C 5.128906 -0.984375 5.703125 -1.21875 6.171875 -1.6875 C 6.640625 -2.164063 6.875 -2.753906 6.875 -3.453125 C 6.875 -4.117188 6.65625 -4.664063 6.21875 -5.09375 C 5.789063 -5.53125 5.242188 -5.75 4.578125 -5.75 C 4.296875 -5.75 3.953125 -5.695313 3.546875 -5.59375 L 3.703125 -6.859375 C 3.804688 -6.847656 3.882813 -6.84375 3.9375 -6.84375 C 4.5625 -6.84375 5.117188 -7.003906 5.609375 -7.328125 C 6.097656 -7.648438 6.34375 -8.144531 6.34375 -8.8125 C 6.34375 -9.34375 6.160156 -9.78125 5.796875 -10.125 C 5.441406 -10.476563 4.984375 -10.65625 4.421875 -10.65625 C 3.859375 -10.65625 3.390625 -10.476563 3.015625 -10.125 C 2.640625 -9.769531 2.394531 -9.238281 2.28125 -8.53125 L 0.84375 -8.796875 C 1.019531 -9.765625 1.421875 -10.515625 2.046875 -11.046875 C 2.671875 -11.578125 3.453125 -11.84375 4.390625 -11.84375 C 5.035156 -11.84375 5.628906 -11.703125 6.171875 -11.421875 C 6.710938 -11.148438 7.125 -10.773438 7.40625 -10.296875 C 7.695313 -9.828125 7.84375 -9.320313 7.84375 -8.78125 C 7.84375 -8.269531 7.703125 -7.804688 7.421875 -7.390625 C 7.148438 -6.972656 6.75 -6.640625 6.21875 -6.390625 C 6.914063 -6.234375 7.457031 -5.898438 7.84375 -5.390625 C 8.226563 -4.878906 8.421875 -4.242188 8.421875 -3.484375 C 8.421875 -2.453125 8.046875 -1.578125 7.296875 -0.859375 C 6.546875 -0.148438 5.59375 0.203125 4.4375 0.203125 C 3.40625 0.203125 2.546875 -0.101563 1.859375 -0.71875 C 1.179688 -1.332031 0.789063 -2.128906 0.6875 -3.109375 Z M 0.6875 -3.109375 " + d="M 0.6875,-3.109375 2.140625,-3.3125 c 0.164063,0.824219 0.445313,1.417969 0.84375,1.78125 0.40625,0.367187 0.894531,0.546875 1.46875,0.546875 0.675781,0 1.25,-0.234375 1.71875,-0.703125 C 6.640625,-2.164063 6.875,-2.753906 6.875,-3.453125 6.875,-4.117188 6.65625,-4.664063 6.21875,-5.09375 5.789063,-5.53125 5.242188,-5.75 4.578125,-5.75 c -0.28125,0 -0.625,0.054687 -1.03125,0.15625 l 0.15625,-1.265625 c 0.101563,0.011719 0.179688,0.015625 0.234375,0.015625 0.625,0 1.179688,-0.160156 1.671875,-0.484375 0.488281,-0.320313 0.734375,-0.816406 0.734375,-1.484375 0,-0.53125 -0.183594,-0.96875 -0.546875,-1.3125 -0.355469,-0.351563 -0.8125,-0.53125 -1.375,-0.53125 -0.5625,0 -1.03125,0.179687 -1.40625,0.53125 -0.375,0.355469 -0.621094,0.886719 -0.734375,1.59375 l -1.4375,-0.265625 c 0.175781,-0.96875 0.578125,-1.71875 1.203125,-2.25 0.625,-0.53125 1.40625,-0.796875 2.34375,-0.796875 0.644531,0 1.238281,0.140625 1.78125,0.421875 0.539063,0.273437 0.953125,0.648437 1.234375,1.125 0.289063,0.46875 0.4375,0.976562 0.4375,1.515625 0,0.511719 -0.140625,0.976562 -0.421875,1.390625 -0.273437,0.417969 -0.671875,0.75 -1.203125,1 0.695313,0.15625 1.238281,0.492187 1.625,1 0.382813,0.511719 0.578125,1.148437 0.578125,1.90625 0,1.03125 -0.375,1.90625 -1.125,2.625 -0.75,0.710937 -1.703125,1.0625 -2.859375,1.0625 -1.03125,0 -1.890625,-0.304688 -2.578125,-0.921875 C 1.179688,-1.332031 0.789063,-2.128906 0.6875,-3.109375 Z m 0,0" id="path41" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-14"> <path - d="M 0 0.203125 L 3.421875 -12 L 4.578125 -12 L 1.171875 0.203125 Z M 0 0.203125 " + d="M 0,0.203125 3.421875,-12 h 1.15625 L 1.171875,0.203125 Z m 0,0" id="path44" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-15"> <path - d="M 4.25 -1.296875 L 4.453125 -0.015625 C 4.046875 0.0664063 3.679688 0.109375 3.359375 0.109375 C 2.835938 0.109375 2.429688 0.0234375 2.140625 -0.140625 C 1.847656 -0.304688 1.644531 -0.523438 1.53125 -0.796875 C 1.414063 -1.066406 1.359375 -1.632813 1.359375 -2.5 L 1.359375 -7.421875 L 0.296875 -7.421875 L 0.296875 -8.546875 L 1.359375 -8.546875 L 1.359375 -10.671875 L 2.796875 -11.53125 L 2.796875 -8.546875 L 4.25 -8.546875 L 4.25 -7.421875 L 2.796875 -7.421875 L 2.796875 -2.421875 C 2.796875 -2.003906 2.820313 -1.738281 2.875 -1.625 C 2.925781 -1.507813 3.007813 -1.414063 3.125 -1.34375 C 3.238281 -1.269531 3.398438 -1.234375 3.609375 -1.234375 C 3.773438 -1.234375 3.988281 -1.253906 4.25 -1.296875 Z M 4.25 -1.296875 " + d="m 4.25,-1.296875 0.203125,1.28125 c -0.40625,0.0820313 -0.773437,0.125 -1.09375,0.125 -0.523437,0 -0.929687,-0.0859375 -1.21875,-0.25 C 1.847656,-0.304688 1.644531,-0.523438 1.53125,-0.796875 1.414063,-1.066406 1.359375,-1.632813 1.359375,-2.5 v -4.921875 h -1.0625 v -1.125 h 1.0625 v -2.125 l 1.4375,-0.859375 v 2.984375 H 4.25 v 1.125 H 2.796875 v 5 c 0,0.417969 0.023438,0.683594 0.078125,0.796875 0.050781,0.117187 0.132813,0.210937 0.25,0.28125 0.113281,0.074219 0.273438,0.109375 0.484375,0.109375 0.164063,0 0.378906,-0.019531 0.640625,-0.0625 z m 0,0" id="path47" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-16"> <path - d="M 6.671875 -3.125 L 8.09375 -2.953125 C 7.9375 -1.960938 7.535156 -1.191406 6.890625 -0.640625 C 6.253906 -0.0859375 5.46875 0.1875 4.53125 0.1875 C 3.363281 0.1875 2.421875 -0.191406 1.703125 -0.953125 C 0.992188 -1.710938 0.640625 -2.804688 0.640625 -4.234375 C 0.640625 -5.160156 0.789063 -5.96875 1.09375 -6.65625 C 1.40625 -7.351563 1.875 -7.875 2.5 -8.21875 C 3.125 -8.5625 3.804688 -8.734375 4.546875 -8.734375 C 5.472656 -8.734375 6.226563 -8.5 6.8125 -8.03125 C 7.40625 -7.5625 7.785156 -6.894531 7.953125 -6.03125 L 6.546875 -5.8125 C 6.410156 -6.394531 6.171875 -6.828125 5.828125 -7.109375 C 5.492188 -7.398438 5.082031 -7.546875 4.59375 -7.546875 C 3.863281 -7.546875 3.269531 -7.285156 2.8125 -6.765625 C 2.363281 -6.242188 2.140625 -5.414063 2.140625 -4.28125 C 2.140625 -3.132813 2.359375 -2.300781 2.796875 -1.78125 C 3.234375 -1.257813 3.804688 -1 4.515625 -1 C 5.085938 -1 5.5625 -1.171875 5.9375 -1.515625 C 6.320313 -1.867188 6.566406 -2.40625 6.671875 -3.125 Z M 6.671875 -3.125 " + d="M 6.671875,-3.125 8.09375,-2.953125 C 7.9375,-1.960938 7.535156,-1.191406 6.890625,-0.640625 6.253906,-0.0859375 5.46875,0.1875 4.53125,0.1875 c -1.167969,0 -2.109375,-0.378906 -2.828125,-1.140625 -0.710937,-0.757813 -1.0625,-1.851563 -1.0625,-3.28125 0,-0.925781 0.148438,-1.734375 0.453125,-2.421875 C 1.40625,-7.351563 1.875,-7.875 2.5,-8.21875 3.125,-8.5625 3.804688,-8.734375 4.546875,-8.734375 c 0.925781,0 1.679688,0.234375 2.265625,0.703125 0.59375,0.46875 0.972656,1.136719 1.140625,2 l -1.40625,0.21875 c -0.136719,-0.582031 -0.375,-1.015625 -0.71875,-1.296875 -0.335937,-0.289063 -0.746094,-0.4375 -1.234375,-0.4375 -0.730469,0 -1.324219,0.261719 -1.78125,0.78125 -0.449219,0.523437 -0.671875,1.351562 -0.671875,2.484375 0,1.148437 0.21875,1.980469 0.65625,2.5 C 3.234375,-1.257813 3.804688,-1 4.515625,-1 5.085938,-1 5.5625,-1.171875 5.9375,-1.515625 6.320313,-1.867188 6.566406,-2.40625 6.671875,-3.125 Z m 0,0" id="path50" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-17"> <path - d="M 3.46875 0 L 0.203125 -8.546875 L 1.734375 -8.546875 L 3.578125 -3.421875 C 3.773438 -2.867188 3.957031 -2.296875 4.125 -1.703125 C 4.25 -2.148438 4.425781 -2.691406 4.65625 -3.328125 L 6.5625 -8.546875 L 8.046875 -8.546875 L 4.8125 0 Z M 3.46875 0 " + d="M 3.46875,0 0.203125,-8.546875 h 1.53125 l 1.84375,5.125 c 0.195313,0.554687 0.378906,1.125 0.546875,1.71875 0.125,-0.445313 0.300781,-0.988281 0.53125,-1.625 L 6.5625,-8.546875 H 8.046875 L 4.8125,0 Z m 0,0" id="path53" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-18"> <path - d="M 2.90625 -6.40625 C 2.3125 -6.625 1.867188 -6.9375 1.578125 -7.34375 C 1.285156 -7.75 1.140625 -8.238281 1.140625 -8.8125 C 1.140625 -9.664063 1.445313 -10.382813 2.0625 -10.96875 C 2.6875 -11.550781 3.507813 -11.84375 4.53125 -11.84375 C 5.5625 -11.84375 6.390625 -11.539063 7.015625 -10.9375 C 7.640625 -10.34375 7.953125 -9.617188 7.953125 -8.765625 C 7.953125 -8.210938 7.804688 -7.734375 7.515625 -7.328125 C 7.234375 -6.929688 6.800781 -6.625 6.21875 -6.40625 C 6.945313 -6.164063 7.5 -5.78125 7.875 -5.25 C 8.25 -4.726563 8.4375 -4.101563 8.4375 -3.375 C 8.4375 -2.363281 8.078125 -1.515625 7.359375 -0.828125 C 6.648438 -0.140625 5.71875 0.203125 4.5625 0.203125 C 3.394531 0.203125 2.453125 -0.140625 1.734375 -0.828125 C 1.023438 -1.523438 0.671875 -2.382813 0.671875 -3.40625 C 0.671875 -4.175781 0.863281 -4.820313 1.25 -5.34375 C 1.632813 -5.863281 2.1875 -6.21875 2.90625 -6.40625 Z M 2.625 -8.859375 C 2.625 -8.296875 2.800781 -7.835938 3.15625 -7.484375 C 3.519531 -7.128906 3.988281 -6.953125 4.5625 -6.953125 C 5.125 -6.953125 5.582031 -7.128906 5.9375 -7.484375 C 6.289063 -7.835938 6.46875 -8.265625 6.46875 -8.765625 C 6.46875 -9.296875 6.285156 -9.742188 5.921875 -10.109375 C 5.554688 -10.472656 5.097656 -10.65625 4.546875 -10.65625 C 3.992188 -10.65625 3.535156 -10.476563 3.171875 -10.125 C 2.804688 -9.769531 2.625 -9.347656 2.625 -8.859375 Z M 2.15625 -3.40625 C 2.15625 -2.988281 2.253906 -2.585938 2.453125 -2.203125 C 2.648438 -1.816406 2.941406 -1.515625 3.328125 -1.296875 C 3.710938 -1.085938 4.128906 -0.984375 4.578125 -0.984375 C 5.265625 -0.984375 5.832031 -1.207031 6.28125 -1.65625 C 6.738281 -2.101563 6.96875 -2.671875 6.96875 -3.359375 C 6.96875 -4.054688 6.734375 -4.628906 6.265625 -5.078125 C 5.796875 -5.535156 5.21875 -5.765625 4.53125 -5.765625 C 3.84375 -5.765625 3.273438 -5.539063 2.828125 -5.09375 C 2.378906 -4.644531 2.15625 -4.082031 2.15625 -3.40625 Z M 2.15625 -3.40625 " + d="M 2.90625,-6.40625 C 2.3125,-6.625 1.867188,-6.9375 1.578125,-7.34375 1.285156,-7.75 1.140625,-8.238281 1.140625,-8.8125 c 0,-0.851563 0.304688,-1.570313 0.921875,-2.15625 0.625,-0.582031 1.445313,-0.875 2.46875,-0.875 1.03125,0 1.859375,0.304687 2.484375,0.90625 0.625,0.59375 0.9375,1.320312 0.9375,2.171875 0,0.554687 -0.148437,1.03125 -0.4375,1.4375 C 7.234375,-6.929688 6.800781,-6.625 6.21875,-6.40625 6.945313,-6.164063 7.5,-5.78125 7.875,-5.25 c 0.375,0.523437 0.5625,1.148437 0.5625,1.875 0,1.011719 -0.359375,1.859375 -1.078125,2.546875 -0.710937,0.6875 -1.640625,1.03125 -2.796875,1.03125 -1.167969,0 -2.109375,-0.34375 -2.828125,-1.03125 -0.710937,-0.695313 -1.0625,-1.554688 -1.0625,-2.578125 0,-0.769531 0.191406,-1.414063 0.578125,-1.9375 0.382813,-0.519531 0.9375,-0.875 1.65625,-1.0625 z M 2.625,-8.859375 c 0,0.5625 0.175781,1.023437 0.53125,1.375 0.363281,0.355469 0.832031,0.53125 1.40625,0.53125 0.5625,0 1.019531,-0.175781 1.375,-0.53125 0.351563,-0.351563 0.53125,-0.78125 0.53125,-1.28125 0,-0.53125 -0.183594,-0.976563 -0.546875,-1.34375 -0.367187,-0.363281 -0.824219,-0.546875 -1.375,-0.546875 -0.554687,0 -1.011719,0.179687 -1.375,0.53125 C 2.804688,-9.769531 2.625,-9.347656 2.625,-8.859375 Z M 2.15625,-3.40625 c 0,0.417969 0.097656,0.820312 0.296875,1.203125 0.195313,0.386719 0.488281,0.6875 0.875,0.90625 0.382813,0.210937 0.800781,0.3125 1.25,0.3125 0.6875,0 1.253906,-0.222656 1.703125,-0.671875 0.457031,-0.445313 0.6875,-1.015625 0.6875,-1.703125 0,-0.695313 -0.234375,-1.269531 -0.703125,-1.71875 -0.46875,-0.457031 -1.046875,-0.6875 -1.734375,-0.6875 -0.6875,0 -1.257812,0.226562 -1.703125,0.671875 -0.449219,0.449219 -0.671875,1.011719 -0.671875,1.6875 z m 0,0" id="path56" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-19"> <path - d="M 0.6875 -5.8125 C 0.6875 -7.207031 0.828125 -8.332031 1.109375 -9.1875 C 1.398438 -10.039063 1.828125 -10.695313 2.390625 -11.15625 C 2.960938 -11.613281 3.675781 -11.84375 4.53125 -11.84375 C 5.164063 -11.84375 5.722656 -11.710938 6.203125 -11.453125 C 6.679688 -11.203125 7.070313 -10.835938 7.375 -10.359375 C 7.6875 -9.878906 7.929688 -9.296875 8.109375 -8.609375 C 8.285156 -7.921875 8.375 -6.988281 8.375 -5.8125 C 8.375 -4.4375 8.234375 -3.320313 7.953125 -2.46875 C 7.671875 -1.613281 7.242188 -0.953125 6.671875 -0.484375 C 6.109375 -0.0234375 5.394531 0.203125 4.53125 0.203125 C 3.394531 0.203125 2.5 -0.203125 1.84375 -1.015625 C 1.070313 -2.003906 0.6875 -3.601563 0.6875 -5.8125 Z M 2.171875 -5.8125 C 2.171875 -3.875 2.394531 -2.582031 2.84375 -1.9375 C 3.300781 -1.300781 3.863281 -0.984375 4.53125 -0.984375 C 5.195313 -0.984375 5.753906 -1.304688 6.203125 -1.953125 C 6.660156 -2.597656 6.890625 -3.882813 6.890625 -5.8125 C 6.890625 -7.757813 6.660156 -9.050781 6.203125 -9.6875 C 5.753906 -10.332031 5.191406 -10.65625 4.515625 -10.65625 C 3.847656 -10.65625 3.316406 -10.367188 2.921875 -9.796875 C 2.421875 -9.078125 2.171875 -7.75 2.171875 -5.8125 Z M 2.171875 -5.8125 " + d="m 0.6875,-5.8125 c 0,-1.394531 0.140625,-2.519531 0.421875,-3.375 0.289063,-0.851563 0.71875,-1.507813 1.28125,-1.96875 0.570313,-0.457031 1.285156,-0.6875 2.140625,-0.6875 0.632813,0 1.191406,0.132812 1.671875,0.390625 0.476563,0.25 0.867188,0.617187 1.171875,1.09375 0.3125,0.480469 0.554688,1.0625 0.734375,1.75 0.175781,0.6875 0.265625,1.621094 0.265625,2.796875 0,1.375 -0.140625,2.492187 -0.421875,3.34375 -0.28125,0.855469 -0.710937,1.515625 -1.28125,1.984375 -0.5625,0.4609375 -1.277344,0.6875 -2.140625,0.6875 -1.136719,0 -2.03125,-0.40625 -2.6875,-1.21875 C 1.070313,-2.003906 0.6875,-3.601563 0.6875,-5.8125 Z m 1.484375,0 c 0,1.9375 0.222656,3.230469 0.671875,3.875 0.457031,0.636719 1.019531,0.953125 1.6875,0.953125 0.664063,0 1.222656,-0.320313 1.671875,-0.96875 0.457031,-0.644531 0.6875,-1.929688 0.6875,-3.859375 0,-1.945313 -0.230469,-3.238281 -0.6875,-3.875 -0.449219,-0.644531 -1.011719,-0.96875 -1.6875,-0.96875 -0.667969,0 -1.199219,0.289062 -1.59375,0.859375 -0.5,0.71875 -0.75,2.046875 -0.75,3.984375 z m 0,0" id="path59" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-20"> <path - d="M 1.46875 0 L 1.46875 -1.65625 L 3.109375 -1.65625 L 3.109375 0 C 3.109375 0.601563 3 1.09375 2.78125 1.46875 C 2.570313 1.84375 2.234375 2.128906 1.765625 2.328125 L 1.375 1.71875 C 1.675781 1.582031 1.898438 1.382813 2.046875 1.125 C 2.191406 0.863281 2.269531 0.488281 2.28125 0 Z M 1.46875 0 " + d="M 1.46875,0 V -1.65625 H 3.109375 V 0 C 3.109375,0.601563 3,1.09375 2.78125,1.46875 2.570313,1.84375 2.234375,2.128906 1.765625,2.328125 L 1.375,1.71875 C 1.675781,1.582031 1.898438,1.382813 2.046875,1.125 2.191406,0.863281 2.269531,0.488281 2.28125,0 Z m 0,0" id="path62" /> </g> <g @@ -143,49 +167,49 @@ <g id="glyph-0-22"> <path - d="M 6.140625 0 L 4.6875 0 L 4.6875 -9.234375 C 4.34375 -8.898438 3.882813 -8.566406 3.3125 -8.234375 C 2.75 -7.898438 2.242188 -7.648438 1.796875 -7.484375 L 1.796875 -8.890625 C 2.609375 -9.265625 3.316406 -9.722656 3.921875 -10.265625 C 4.523438 -10.804688 4.953125 -11.332031 5.203125 -11.84375 L 6.140625 -11.84375 Z M 6.140625 0 " + d="M 6.140625,0 H 4.6875 v -9.234375 c -0.34375,0.335937 -0.804687,0.667969 -1.375,1 -0.5625,0.335937 -1.070312,0.585937 -1.515625,0.75 v -1.40625 c 0.8125,-0.375 1.519531,-0.832031 2.125,-1.375 0.601563,-0.539063 1.03125,-1.066406 1.28125,-1.578125 h 0.9375 z m 0,0" id="path66" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-23"> <path - d="M 6.625 0 L 6.625 -1.078125 C 6.082031 -0.234375 5.285156 0.1875 4.234375 0.1875 C 3.554688 0.1875 2.929688 0 2.359375 -0.375 C 1.785156 -0.75 1.34375 -1.269531 1.03125 -1.9375 C 0.71875 -2.613281 0.5625 -3.390625 0.5625 -4.265625 C 0.5625 -5.117188 0.703125 -5.890625 0.984375 -6.578125 C 1.273438 -7.273438 1.703125 -7.804688 2.265625 -8.171875 C 2.835938 -8.546875 3.472656 -8.734375 4.171875 -8.734375 C 4.691406 -8.734375 5.148438 -8.625 5.546875 -8.40625 C 5.953125 -8.195313 6.28125 -7.914063 6.53125 -7.5625 L 6.53125 -11.796875 L 7.984375 -11.796875 L 7.984375 0 Z M 2.046875 -4.265625 C 2.046875 -3.171875 2.273438 -2.351563 2.734375 -1.8125 C 3.203125 -1.269531 3.75 -1 4.375 -1 C 5.007813 -1 5.546875 -1.253906 5.984375 -1.765625 C 6.429688 -2.285156 6.65625 -3.078125 6.65625 -4.140625 C 6.65625 -5.316406 6.425781 -6.175781 5.96875 -6.71875 C 5.519531 -7.269531 4.96875 -7.546875 4.3125 -7.546875 C 3.664063 -7.546875 3.125 -7.28125 2.6875 -6.75 C 2.257813 -6.226563 2.046875 -5.398438 2.046875 -4.265625 Z M 2.046875 -4.265625 " + d="M 6.625,0 V -1.078125 C 6.082031,-0.234375 5.285156,0.1875 4.234375,0.1875 3.554688,0.1875 2.929688,0 2.359375,-0.375 1.785156,-0.75 1.34375,-1.269531 1.03125,-1.9375 0.71875,-2.613281 0.5625,-3.390625 0.5625,-4.265625 c 0,-0.851563 0.140625,-1.625 0.421875,-2.3125 0.289063,-0.695313 0.71875,-1.226563 1.28125,-1.59375 0.570313,-0.375 1.207031,-0.5625 1.90625,-0.5625 0.519531,0 0.976563,0.109375 1.375,0.328125 0.40625,0.210937 0.734375,0.492187 0.984375,0.84375 v -4.234375 H 7.984375 V 0 Z M 2.046875,-4.265625 c 0,1.09375 0.226563,1.914062 0.6875,2.453125 C 3.203125,-1.269531 3.75,-1 4.375,-1 c 0.632813,0 1.171875,-0.253906 1.609375,-0.765625 0.445313,-0.519531 0.671875,-1.3125 0.671875,-2.375 0,-1.175781 -0.230469,-2.035156 -0.6875,-2.578125 -0.449219,-0.550781 -1,-0.828125 -1.65625,-0.828125 -0.648437,0 -1.1875,0.265625 -1.625,0.796875 -0.429687,0.523437 -0.640625,1.351562 -0.640625,2.484375 z m 0,0" id="path69" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-24"> <path - d="M 6.671875 -1.046875 C 6.128906 -0.597656 5.609375 -0.28125 5.109375 -0.09375 C 4.617188 0.09375 4.085938 0.1875 3.515625 0.1875 C 2.578125 0.1875 1.851563 -0.0390625 1.34375 -0.5 C 0.84375 -0.957031 0.59375 -1.539063 0.59375 -2.25 C 0.59375 -2.664063 0.6875 -3.046875 0.875 -3.390625 C 1.070313 -3.742188 1.320313 -4.023438 1.625 -4.234375 C 1.9375 -4.441406 2.285156 -4.597656 2.671875 -4.703125 C 2.953125 -4.785156 3.378906 -4.859375 3.953125 -4.921875 C 5.128906 -5.066406 5.992188 -5.234375 6.546875 -5.421875 C 6.546875 -5.617188 6.546875 -5.742188 6.546875 -5.796875 C 6.546875 -6.390625 6.410156 -6.804688 6.140625 -7.046875 C 5.773438 -7.378906 5.222656 -7.546875 4.484375 -7.546875 C 3.804688 -7.546875 3.304688 -7.425781 2.984375 -7.1875 C 2.660156 -6.945313 2.421875 -6.523438 2.265625 -5.921875 L 0.84375 -6.109375 C 0.96875 -6.710938 1.175781 -7.203125 1.46875 -7.578125 C 1.769531 -7.953125 2.195313 -8.238281 2.75 -8.4375 C 3.3125 -8.632813 3.960938 -8.734375 4.703125 -8.734375 C 5.429688 -8.734375 6.019531 -8.644531 6.46875 -8.46875 C 6.925781 -8.300781 7.265625 -8.085938 7.484375 -7.828125 C 7.703125 -7.578125 7.851563 -7.25 7.9375 -6.84375 C 7.988281 -6.601563 8.015625 -6.160156 8.015625 -5.515625 L 8.015625 -3.578125 C 8.015625 -2.234375 8.039063 -1.378906 8.09375 -1.015625 C 8.15625 -0.660156 8.28125 -0.320313 8.46875 0 L 6.953125 0 C 6.804688 -0.300781 6.710938 -0.648438 6.671875 -1.046875 Z M 6.546875 -4.296875 C 6.015625 -4.078125 5.222656 -3.894531 4.171875 -3.75 C 3.578125 -3.65625 3.15625 -3.554688 2.90625 -3.453125 C 2.664063 -3.347656 2.476563 -3.191406 2.34375 -2.984375 C 2.207031 -2.773438 2.140625 -2.546875 2.140625 -2.296875 C 2.140625 -1.910156 2.285156 -1.585938 2.578125 -1.328125 C 2.867188 -1.066406 3.296875 -0.9375 3.859375 -0.9375 C 4.421875 -0.9375 4.914063 -1.054688 5.34375 -1.296875 C 5.78125 -1.546875 6.101563 -1.882813 6.3125 -2.3125 C 6.46875 -2.632813 6.546875 -3.117188 6.546875 -3.765625 Z M 6.546875 -4.296875 " + d="m 6.671875,-1.046875 c -0.542969,0.449219 -1.0625,0.765625 -1.5625,0.953125 -0.492187,0.1875 -1.023437,0.28125 -1.59375,0.28125 -0.9375,0 -1.664062,-0.2265625 -2.171875,-0.6875 -0.5,-0.457031 -0.75,-1.039063 -0.75,-1.75 0,-0.414063 0.09375,-0.796875 0.28125,-1.140625 0.195313,-0.351563 0.445313,-0.632813 0.75,-0.84375 0.3125,-0.207031 0.660156,-0.363281 1.046875,-0.46875 0.28125,-0.082031 0.707031,-0.15625 1.28125,-0.21875 1.175781,-0.144531 2.039063,-0.3125 2.59375,-0.5 0,-0.195313 0,-0.320313 0,-0.375 0,-0.59375 -0.136719,-1.007813 -0.40625,-1.25 -0.367187,-0.332031 -0.917969,-0.5 -1.65625,-0.5 -0.679687,0 -1.179687,0.121094 -1.5,0.359375 -0.324219,0.242187 -0.5625,0.664062 -0.71875,1.265625 l -1.421875,-0.1875 c 0.125,-0.601563 0.332031,-1.09375 0.625,-1.46875 0.300781,-0.375 0.726563,-0.660156 1.28125,-0.859375 0.5625,-0.195313 1.210938,-0.296875 1.953125,-0.296875 0.726563,0 1.316406,0.089844 1.765625,0.265625 0.457031,0.167969 0.796875,0.382812 1.015625,0.640625 0.21875,0.25 0.367188,0.578125 0.453125,0.984375 0.050781,0.242187 0.078125,0.683594 0.078125,1.328125 v 1.9375 c 0,1.34375 0.023438,2.199219 0.078125,2.5625 0.0625,0.355469 0.1875,0.695312 0.375,1.015625 H 6.953125 C 6.804688,-0.300781 6.710938,-0.648438 6.671875,-1.046875 Z m -0.125,-3.25 c -0.53125,0.21875 -1.324219,0.402344 -2.375,0.546875 -0.59375,0.09375 -1.015625,0.195312 -1.265625,0.296875 -0.242187,0.105469 -0.429687,0.261719 -0.5625,0.46875 -0.136719,0.210937 -0.203125,0.4375 -0.203125,0.6875 0,0.386719 0.144531,0.710937 0.4375,0.96875 0.289063,0.261719 0.71875,0.390625 1.28125,0.390625 0.5625,0 1.054688,-0.117188 1.484375,-0.359375 0.4375,-0.25 0.757813,-0.585938 0.96875,-1.015625 0.15625,-0.320313 0.234375,-0.804688 0.234375,-1.453125 z m 0,0" id="path72" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-25"> <path - d="M 0.6875 -3.09375 L 2.203125 -3.21875 C 2.316406 -2.476563 2.578125 -1.921875 2.984375 -1.546875 C 3.398438 -1.171875 3.894531 -0.984375 4.46875 -0.984375 C 5.164063 -0.984375 5.753906 -1.242188 6.234375 -1.765625 C 6.722656 -2.296875 6.96875 -3 6.96875 -3.875 C 6.96875 -4.695313 6.734375 -5.347656 6.265625 -5.828125 C 5.804688 -6.304688 5.203125 -6.546875 4.453125 -6.546875 C 3.984375 -6.546875 3.5625 -6.4375 3.1875 -6.21875 C 2.8125 -6.007813 2.515625 -5.738281 2.296875 -5.40625 L 0.9375 -5.578125 L 2.078125 -11.640625 L 7.953125 -11.640625 L 7.953125 -10.25 L 3.25 -10.25 L 2.609375 -7.078125 C 3.316406 -7.578125 4.0625 -7.828125 4.84375 -7.828125 C 5.875 -7.828125 6.738281 -7.46875 7.4375 -6.75 C 8.144531 -6.039063 8.5 -5.125 8.5 -4 C 8.5 -2.9375 8.191406 -2.015625 7.578125 -1.234375 C 6.816406 -0.273438 5.78125 0.203125 4.46875 0.203125 C 3.394531 0.203125 2.519531 -0.0976563 1.84375 -0.703125 C 1.164063 -1.304688 0.78125 -2.101563 0.6875 -3.09375 Z M 0.6875 -3.09375 " + d="m 0.6875,-3.09375 1.515625,-0.125 c 0.113281,0.742187 0.375,1.296875 0.78125,1.671875 0.414063,0.375 0.910156,0.5625 1.484375,0.5625 0.695313,0 1.285156,-0.257813 1.765625,-0.78125 C 6.722656,-2.296875 6.96875,-3 6.96875,-3.875 c 0,-0.820313 -0.234375,-1.472656 -0.703125,-1.953125 -0.460937,-0.476563 -1.0625,-0.71875 -1.8125,-0.71875 -0.46875,0 -0.890625,0.109375 -1.265625,0.328125 -0.375,0.210937 -0.671875,0.480469 -0.890625,0.8125 L 0.9375,-5.578125 l 1.140625,-6.0625 h 5.875 V -10.25 H 3.25 l -0.640625,3.171875 c 0.707031,-0.5 1.453125,-0.75 2.234375,-0.75 1.03125,0 1.894531,0.359375 2.59375,1.078125 C 8.144531,-6.039063 8.5,-5.125 8.5,-4 c 0,1.0625 -0.308594,1.984375 -0.921875,2.765625 -0.761719,0.960937 -1.796875,1.4375 -3.109375,1.4375 -1.074219,0 -1.949219,-0.3007813 -2.625,-0.90625 C 1.164063,-1.304688 0.78125,-2.101563 0.6875,-3.09375 Z m 0,0" id="path75" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-26"> <path - d="M 8.296875 -1.390625 L 8.296875 0 L 0.5 0 C 0.488281 -0.34375 0.546875 -0.675781 0.671875 -1 C 0.867188 -1.53125 1.1875 -2.050781 1.625 -2.5625 C 2.0625 -3.082031 2.691406 -3.679688 3.515625 -4.359375 C 4.796875 -5.410156 5.660156 -6.242188 6.109375 -6.859375 C 6.566406 -7.472656 6.796875 -8.054688 6.796875 -8.609375 C 6.796875 -9.179688 6.585938 -9.664063 6.171875 -10.0625 C 5.765625 -10.457031 5.234375 -10.65625 4.578125 -10.65625 C 3.878906 -10.65625 3.316406 -10.441406 2.890625 -10.015625 C 2.472656 -9.597656 2.265625 -9.019531 2.265625 -8.28125 L 0.765625 -8.4375 C 0.867188 -9.539063 1.253906 -10.382813 1.921875 -10.96875 C 2.585938 -11.550781 3.484375 -11.84375 4.609375 -11.84375 C 5.734375 -11.84375 6.625 -11.53125 7.28125 -10.90625 C 7.945313 -10.28125 8.28125 -9.503906 8.28125 -8.578125 C 8.28125 -8.097656 8.179688 -7.628906 7.984375 -7.171875 C 7.796875 -6.722656 7.476563 -6.242188 7.03125 -5.734375 C 6.582031 -5.234375 5.835938 -4.539063 4.796875 -3.65625 C 3.929688 -2.925781 3.375 -2.429688 3.125 -2.171875 C 2.875 -1.910156 2.671875 -1.648438 2.515625 -1.390625 Z M 8.296875 -1.390625 " + d="M 8.296875,-1.390625 V 0 H 0.5 C 0.488281,-0.34375 0.546875,-0.675781 0.671875,-1 0.867188,-1.53125 1.1875,-2.050781 1.625,-2.5625 c 0.4375,-0.519531 1.066406,-1.117188 1.890625,-1.796875 1.28125,-1.050781 2.144531,-1.882813 2.59375,-2.5 0.457031,-0.613281 0.6875,-1.195313 0.6875,-1.75 0,-0.570313 -0.210937,-1.054688 -0.625,-1.453125 -0.40625,-0.394531 -0.9375,-0.59375 -1.59375,-0.59375 -0.699219,0 -1.261719,0.214844 -1.6875,0.640625 -0.417969,0.417969 -0.625,0.996094 -0.625,1.734375 l -1.5,-0.15625 c 0.101563,-1.101563 0.488281,-1.945313 1.15625,-2.53125 0.664063,-0.582031 1.5625,-0.875 2.6875,-0.875 1.125,0 2.015625,0.3125 2.671875,0.9375 0.664063,0.625 1,1.402344 1,2.328125 0,0.480469 -0.101562,0.949219 -0.296875,1.40625 -0.1875,0.449219 -0.507812,0.929687 -0.953125,1.4375 -0.449219,0.5 -1.195312,1.195312 -2.234375,2.078125 C 3.929688,-2.925781 3.375,-2.429688 3.125,-2.171875 c -0.25,0.261719 -0.453125,0.523437 -0.609375,0.78125 z m 0,0" id="path78" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-27"> <path - d="M 1.046875 0 L 1.046875 -11.796875 L 2.5 -11.796875 L 2.5 0 Z M 1.046875 0 " + d="M 1.046875,0 V -11.796875 H 2.5 V 0 Z m 0,0" id="path81" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-28"> <path - d="M 6.6875 0 L 6.6875 -1.25 C 6.019531 -0.289063 5.113281 0.1875 3.96875 0.1875 C 3.46875 0.1875 3 0.09375 2.5625 -0.09375 C 2.125 -0.289063 1.796875 -0.535156 1.578125 -0.828125 C 1.367188 -1.117188 1.222656 -1.476563 1.140625 -1.90625 C 1.078125 -2.1875 1.046875 -2.632813 1.046875 -3.25 L 1.046875 -8.546875 L 2.5 -8.546875 L 2.5 -3.8125 C 2.5 -3.050781 2.53125 -2.539063 2.59375 -2.28125 C 2.6875 -1.894531 2.878906 -1.59375 3.171875 -1.375 C 3.460938 -1.15625 3.828125 -1.046875 4.265625 -1.046875 C 4.703125 -1.046875 5.109375 -1.15625 5.484375 -1.375 C 5.867188 -1.601563 6.140625 -1.910156 6.296875 -2.296875 C 6.453125 -2.679688 6.53125 -3.238281 6.53125 -3.96875 L 6.53125 -8.546875 L 7.984375 -8.546875 L 7.984375 0 Z M 6.6875 0 " + d="M 6.6875,0 V -1.25 C 6.019531,-0.289063 5.113281,0.1875 3.96875,0.1875 3.46875,0.1875 3,0.09375 2.5625,-0.09375 2.125,-0.289063 1.796875,-0.535156 1.578125,-0.828125 1.367188,-1.117188 1.222656,-1.476563 1.140625,-1.90625 1.078125,-2.1875 1.046875,-2.632813 1.046875,-3.25 V -8.546875 H 2.5 V -3.8125 c 0,0.761719 0.03125,1.273437 0.09375,1.53125 0.09375,0.386719 0.285156,0.6875 0.578125,0.90625 0.289063,0.21875 0.65625,0.328125 1.09375,0.328125 0.4375,0 0.84375,-0.109375 1.21875,-0.328125 0.382813,-0.226563 0.65625,-0.535156 0.8125,-0.921875 C 6.453125,-2.679688 6.53125,-3.238281 6.53125,-3.96875 V -8.546875 H 7.984375 V 0 Z m 0,0" id="path84" /> </g> <g id="glyph-0-29"> <path - d="M 1.09375 0 L 1.09375 -8.546875 L 2.375 -8.546875 L 2.375 -7.34375 C 2.644531 -7.769531 3.003906 -8.109375 3.453125 -8.359375 C 3.898438 -8.609375 4.40625 -8.734375 4.96875 -8.734375 C 5.601563 -8.734375 6.125 -8.601563 6.53125 -8.34375 C 6.9375 -8.082031 7.222656 -7.71875 7.390625 -7.25 C 8.066406 -8.238281 8.945313 -8.734375 10.03125 -8.734375 C 10.875 -8.734375 11.523438 -8.5 11.984375 -8.03125 C 12.441406 -7.5625 12.671875 -6.84375 12.671875 -5.875 L 12.671875 0 L 11.234375 0 L 11.234375 -5.390625 C 11.234375 -5.960938 11.1875 -6.375 11.09375 -6.625 C 11 -6.882813 10.828125 -7.09375 10.578125 -7.25 C 10.328125 -7.40625 10.035156 -7.484375 9.703125 -7.484375 C 9.109375 -7.484375 8.609375 -7.28125 8.203125 -6.875 C 7.804688 -6.476563 7.609375 -5.84375 7.609375 -4.96875 L 7.609375 0 L 6.171875 0 L 6.171875 -5.546875 C 6.171875 -6.191406 6.050781 -6.675781 5.8125 -7 C 5.570313 -7.320313 5.1875 -7.484375 4.65625 -7.484375 C 4.25 -7.484375 3.867188 -7.375 3.515625 -7.15625 C 3.171875 -6.945313 2.921875 -6.632813 2.765625 -6.21875 C 2.609375 -5.8125 2.53125 -5.21875 2.53125 -4.4375 L 2.53125 0 Z M 1.09375 0 " + d="M 1.09375,0 V -8.546875 H 2.375 v 1.203125 c 0.269531,-0.425781 0.628906,-0.765625 1.078125,-1.015625 0.445313,-0.25 0.953125,-0.375 1.515625,-0.375 0.632813,0 1.15625,0.132812 1.5625,0.390625 0.40625,0.261719 0.691406,0.625 0.859375,1.09375 0.675781,-0.988281 1.554688,-1.484375 2.640625,-1.484375 0.84375,0 1.492188,0.234375 1.953125,0.703125 0.457031,0.46875 0.6875,1.1875 0.6875,2.15625 V 0 h -1.4375 V -5.390625 C 11.234375,-5.960938 11.1875,-6.375 11.09375,-6.625 11,-6.882813 10.828125,-7.09375 10.578125,-7.25 c -0.25,-0.15625 -0.542969,-0.234375 -0.875,-0.234375 -0.59375,0 -1.09375,0.203125 -1.5,0.609375 -0.398437,0.398437 -0.59375,1.03125 -0.59375,1.90625 V 0 h -1.4375 V -5.546875 C 6.171875,-6.191406 6.050781,-6.675781 5.8125,-7 5.570313,-7.320313 5.1875,-7.484375 4.65625,-7.484375 c -0.40625,0 -0.789062,0.109375 -1.140625,0.328125 -0.34375,0.210937 -0.59375,0.523437 -0.75,0.9375 -0.15625,0.40625 -0.234375,1 -0.234375,1.78125 V 0 Z m 0,0" id="path87" /> </g> </g> @@ -193,404 +217,66 @@ id="clip-0"> <path clip-rule="nonzero" - d="M 225 215 L 391.921875 215 L 391.921875 277 L 225 277 Z M 225 215 " + d="m 225,215 h 166.92187 v 62 H 225 Z m 0,0" id="path92" /> </clipPath> <clipPath id="clip-1"> <path clip-rule="nonzero" - d="M 132 303 L 260 303 L 260 419.730469 L 132 419.730469 Z M 132 303 " + d="M 132,303 H 260 V 419.73047 H 132 Z m 0,0" id="path95" /> </clipPath> </defs> - <path - fill-rule="nonzero" - fill="rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)" - fill-opacity="1" - stroke-width="1" - stroke-linecap="butt" - stroke-linejoin="miter" - stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - stroke-opacity="1" - stroke-miterlimit="10" - d="M 229.500788 85.002423 C 229.500788 51.397667 229.500788 34.600501 261.000035 34.600501 C 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fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - fill-opacity="1" - stroke-width="1" - stroke-linecap="butt" - stroke-linejoin="miter" - stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - stroke-opacity="1" - stroke-miterlimit="10" - d="M 411.001908 286.881117 L 407.499676 279.881863 L 411.001908 281.627768 L 414.498929 279.881863 Z M 411.001908 286.881117 " - transform="matrix(0.749522, 0, 0, 0.749522, 0.374761, 0.374761)" - id="path334" /> - <path - fill="none" - stroke-width="1" - stroke-linecap="butt" - stroke-linejoin="miter" - stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - stroke-opacity="1" - stroke-miterlimit="10" - d="M 110.998161 281.627768 L 110.998161 248.002166 L 261.000035 248.002166 L 261.000035 217.998664 " - transform="matrix(0.749522, 0, 0, 0.749522, 0.374761, 0.374761)" - id="path336" /> - <path - fill-rule="nonzero" - fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - fill-opacity="1" - stroke-width="1" - stroke-linecap="butt" - stroke-linejoin="miter" - stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - stroke-opacity="1" - stroke-miterlimit="10" - d="M 110.998161 286.881117 L 107.50114 279.881863 L 110.998161 281.627768 L 114.500394 279.881863 Z M 110.998161 286.881117 " - transform="matrix(0.749522, 0, 0, 0.749522, 0.374761, 0.374761)" - id="path338" /> - <path - fill="none" - stroke-width="1" - stroke-linecap="butt" - stroke-linejoin="miter" - stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - stroke-opacity="1" - stroke-miterlimit="10" - d="M 261.000035 431.629641 L 261.000035 397.998827 L 411.001908 397.998827 L 411.001908 368.000537 " - transform="matrix(0.749522, 0, 0, 0.749522, 0.374761, 0.374761)" - id="path340" /> - <path - fill-rule="nonzero" - fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - fill-opacity="1" - stroke-width="1" - stroke-linecap="butt" - stroke-linejoin="miter" - stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - stroke-opacity="1" - stroke-miterlimit="10" - d="M 261.000035 436.877779 L 257.497802 429.878525 L 261.000035 431.629641 L 264.502267 429.878525 Z M 261.000035 436.877779 " - transform="matrix(0.749522, 0, 0, 0.749522, 0.374761, 0.374761)" - id="path342" /> - <path - fill="none" - stroke-width="1" - stroke-linecap="butt" - stroke-linejoin="miter" - stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - stroke-opacity="1" - stroke-miterlimit="10" - d="M 261.000035 431.629641 L 261.000035 397.998827 L 110.998161 397.998827 L 110.998161 368.000537 " - transform="matrix(0.749522, 0, 0, 0.749522, 0.374761, 0.374761)" - id="path344" /> - <path - fill-rule="nonzero" - fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - fill-opacity="1" - stroke-width="1" - stroke-linecap="butt" - stroke-linejoin="miter" - stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" - stroke-opacity="1" - stroke-miterlimit="10" - d="M 261.000035 436.877779 L 257.497802 429.878525 L 261.000035 431.629641 L 264.502267 429.878525 Z M 261.000035 436.877779 " - transform="matrix(0.749522, 0, 0, 0.749522, 0.374761, 0.374761)" - id="path346" /> </svg> diff --git a/docs/system-documentation/docker/configuration.md b/docs/system-documentation/docker/configuration.md index f5de46d3c42d3cba808896962451d9df57fcd0ec..b9cd36f3dd4df1cb44db958e5d26f20f2b103c72 100644 --- a/docs/system-documentation/docker/configuration.md +++ b/docs/system-documentation/docker/configuration.md @@ -18,30 +18,64 @@ ## Configuration Files -openBIS offers the ability to pass in configuration files like, e.g., capabilities files. Those can be deployed in any directory mounted as a volume in the openBIS docker container. It needs to be ensured that the associated AS and DSS properties are pointing to the correct folder locations. +openBIS offers the ability to pass in configuration files like, e.g., capabilities files. Those can be deployed in any directory mounted as a volume in the openBIS docker container. It needs to be ensured that the associated AS and DSS properties are pointing to the correct file paths. +```{note} +It is necessary to store any data files that needs to be preserved inside the `openbis-app-data` volume, or inside some other docker volume. Likewise, any configuration files should be stored within the `openbis-app-etc` volume. Failure to do so yields undesired behavior in the sense that changes made to the files within the container are being lost when the container goes down. +``` -## Core Plugins - -It is possible to adjust individual files and entire sub-directories within the core plugins shipped with the openBIS docker image by appropriately mounting those as a volume. Likewise, it is possible to create new plugins from scratch and mount those while starting up the openbis-app container. - -### Example +### Examples +#### Suppy a json file for storing personal access tokens -1. Customization of the file InstanceProfile.js, which is part of the core-plugin `eln-lims`: +1. Enable the feature -1.1. Create a file named `eln-lims-InstanceProfile.js` within the working directory from which you're running `docker-compose up` or `docker run`. +Add the following line to the AS service.properties: +``` +personal-access-tokens-enabled = true +``` -1.2.a) Running openBIS container with `docker run` +2. Ensure the AS property `personal-access-tokens-file-path` is pointing to the correct path to where the json file is located -Append the following line to your `docker run` command invocation: +Assuming the DSS root-dir points to the default dir, `/data/openbis`, then the personal-access-tokens.json could be stored in this directory: ``` --v ./eln-lims-InstanceProfile.js:/data/core-plugins/eln-lims/1/as/webapps/eln-lims/html/etc/InstanceProfile.js +personal-access-tokens-file-path = /data/openbis/personal-access-tokens.json ``` -1.2.b) Running openBIS container via `docker compose` +3. Create a PAT and monitor the contents of the json file + +Please read on here: [personal-access-tokens.html#typical-application-workflow](../../software-developer-documentation/apis/personal-access-tokens.md#typical-application-workflow) + +#### Modify the AS capabilities file + +For this, it is not needed to + +## Core Plugins -Include the following line in your docker-compose.yml within the list of volumes attached to the `openbis-app` service: +It is possible to make adjustments to core-plugins shipped with the openBIS installer. To do so, just start up openBIS at least once. This will copy the contents of the core-plugins directory to a sub-directory `core-plugins` which is stored within the docker volume `openbis-app-etc`. Any customizations made here will persist restarts of the application, as well as upgrades of the openbis-docker image. + +```{warning} +Be careful when making changes to code of core-plugins since they might break when new releases are published. Please consider reading the [Change Log published with each release](https://unlimited.ethz.ch/display/openbis/Production+Releases). + +If the application fails to start after changes to the core-plugins have been made, you can always revert to the original state of the core-plugins by removing the `core-plugins` folder within the `openbis-app-etc` volume. ``` -- ./eln-lims-InstanceProfile.js:/data/core-plugins/eln-lims/1/as/webapps/eln-lims/html/etc/InstanceProfile.js + +Besides adjustments to existing plugins, it is also possible to [create new plugins from scratch](../../software-developer-documentation/server-side-extensions/core-plugins.md). + +### Examples + +#### Customize the InstanceProfile.js + +This file is part of the `eln-lims` core-plugin. It is located here: +`<openbis-app-etc>/core-plugins/eln-lims/1/as/webapps/eln-lims/html/etc/InstanceProfile.js` + +1. Make any changes to this file + +E.g., change `this.showSemanticAnnotations = false;` to `this.showSemanticAnnotations = true;`. + +2. Restart the container + +Most changes made to the configuration of the openBIS application require a restart in order to be applied. Assuming the container running the openBIS application is named `openbis-app`, this is achieved as follows: ``` +docker restart openbis-app +``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/system-documentation/docker/usage.md b/docs/system-documentation/docker/usage.md index 0c9d5ce418b015dcbfa13f46eca5f55e312b09ca..8bc293756f47b17ecfa66397b251ca8475f8e8a4 100644 --- a/docs/system-documentation/docker/usage.md +++ b/docs/system-documentation/docker/usage.md @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications. We are providing a pre-compiled `docker-compose.yml` available for download [here](https://sissource.ethz.ch/sispub/openbis-continuous-integration/-/blob/master/hub/openbis-server/compose/docker-compose.yml), which is ready to use out of the box. To run the application, just navigate to the sub-directory where you've downloaded the `docker-compose.yml` to, and then run `docker-compose up -d` (exact command depends on your OS, and the release of docker and docker-compose installed). For advanced use, consider to modify the file according to your needs ([more details](usage.md)). Note that this example does not include an ingress controler. For full examples, proceed to [Ingress](#ingress). +To ensure that the latest images available on docker hub are being pulled prior to starting the application, run `docker-compose pull` prior to `docker-compose up -d`. + The sections below provide a brief description of the individual components used in the proposed multi-container setup. @@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ An **ingress container** acts as reverse proxy and performs Transport Layer Secu ### Nginx -In order to use nginx as an ingress container, it is required to deploy the following files, as provided on our [source-repositories.md](source repository): +In order to use nginx as an ingress container, it is required to deploy the following files, as provided on our [source repository](source-repositories.md): - [docker-compose-nginx.yml](https://sissource.ethz.ch/sispub/openbis-continuous-integration/-/blob/master/hub/openbis-server/compose/docker-compose-nginx.yml) - [nginx config](https://sissource.ethz.ch/sispub/openbis-continuous-integration/-/blob/master/hub/openbis-server/compose/nginx/my-nginx.conf), to be placed in sub-directory `nginx` @@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ To run the application, you need to: ### Apache httpd -In order to use apache-httpd as an ingress container, it is required to deploy the following files, as provided on our [source-repositories.md](source repository): +In order to use apache-httpd as an ingress container, it is required to deploy the following files, as provided on our [source repository](source-repositories.md): - [docker-compose-httpd.yml](https://sissource.ethz.ch/sispub/openbis-continuous-integration/-/blob/master/hub/openbis-server/compose/docker-compose-httpd.yml) - [apache-httpd config](https://sissource.ethz.ch/sispub/openbis-continuous-integration/-/blob/master/hub/openbis-server/compose/httpd/my-httpd.conf), to be placed in sub-directory `httpd`