diff --git a/obi_test.m b/obi_test.m index aac6e880c8ad51f92dcf1f24b5fd07a5d7911737..4d61dc2ddf2cdd8a0e185fd771015f85220364cd 100644 --- a/obi_test.m +++ b/obi_test.m @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -function pass = obi_test(varargin) +function obi_test(varargin) %obi_test Testing function for the Matlab openBIS Toolbox % This function runs a few tests for the Matlab openBIS Toolbox. It % returns true if all the tests pass successfully and fasle otherwise. % Input argumtents (all optional): % teardown ... delete everything at the end (true) -pass = true; if nargin == 1 teardown = varargin{1}; @@ -101,6 +100,11 @@ end %% 7. Tear-down (delete everything, optional) +% Note: it is currently not possible to delete all openBIS automatically. +% The reason is that pyBIS can only delete experiments / datasets by moving +% them to the openBIS trashcan. Emptying the trashcan can only be done +% manually. As long as the experiment is still in the trashscan, the +% corresponding project and space cannot be deleted. if teardown fprintf('\n\n%s - Starting tear-down', datestr(clock,31)) % delete the created local files @@ -111,6 +115,9 @@ if teardown obi.delete_experiment(exp, 'created by Matlab-openBIS toolbox test function'); fprintf('\n%s - Successfully deleted Experiment %s\n', datestr(clock,31), exp_name) + fprintf('\n\nPlease empty experiment %s manually from the openBIS trashcan, then press any key to continue.\n', exp_name) + pause() + % delete openBIS project obi.delete_project(project_name, 'created by Matlab-openBIS toolbox test function'); fprintf('\n%s - Successfully deleted Project %s\n', datestr(clock,31), project_name)