From f7c02bcd47f93be91db0b6d0d218b0d422015fca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aaron Ponti <>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 13:58:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Indent with spaces.

 .../html/js/plugins/MicroscopyTechnology.js   | 672 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 336 insertions(+), 336 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openbis_standard_technologies/dist/core-plugins/eln-lims/1/as/webapps/eln-lims/html/js/plugins/MicroscopyTechnology.js b/openbis_standard_technologies/dist/core-plugins/eln-lims/1/as/webapps/eln-lims/html/js/plugins/MicroscopyTechnology.js
index 134fcfd8030..a042243d9ef 100644
--- a/openbis_standard_technologies/dist/core-plugins/eln-lims/1/as/webapps/eln-lims/html/js/plugins/MicroscopyTechnology.js
+++ b/openbis_standard_technologies/dist/core-plugins/eln-lims/1/as/webapps/eln-lims/html/js/plugins/MicroscopyTechnology.js
@@ -1,341 +1,341 @@
 function MicroscopyTechnology() {
-	this.init();
+    this.init();
 $.extend(MicroscopyTechnology.prototype, ELNLIMSPlugin.prototype, {
-	init: function () {
-	},
-	forcedDisableRTF: [],
-	forceMonospaceFont: [],
-	sampleTypeDefinitionsExtension: {
-			"SHOW_ON_NAV": true,
-			"SHOW": false,
-			"TOOLBAR": { CREATE: false, EDIT: true, MOVE: false, COPY: false, DELETE: false, PRINT: true, HIERARCHY_GRAPH: true, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, UPLOAD_DATASET: false, UPLOAD_DATASET_HELPER: false, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
-		},
-			"SHOW": false,
-			"TOOLBAR": { CREATE: false, EDIT: true, MOVE: false, COPY: false, DELETE: false, PRINT: true, HIERARCHY_GRAPH: true, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, UPLOAD_DATASET: false, UPLOAD_DATASET_HELPER: false, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true },
-				"LABEL": "Organization Units",
-			}]
-		}
-	},
-	dataSetTypeDefinitionsExtension: {
-			"TOOLBAR": { EDIT: true, MOVE: false, ARCHIVE: true, DELETE: false, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
-		},
-			"TOOLBAR": { EDIT: true, MOVE: false, ARCHIVE: true, DELETE: false, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
-		},
-			"TOOLBAR": { EDIT: true, MOVE: false, ARCHIVE: true, DELETE: false, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
-		},
-			"TOOLBAR": { EDIT: true, MOVE: false, ARCHIVE: true, DELETE: false, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
-		},
-			"TOOLBAR": { EDIT: true, MOVE: false, ARCHIVE: true, DELETE: false, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
-		}
-	},
-	sampleFormTop: function ($container, model) {
-		if (model.sample && model.sample.sampleTypeCode == "MICROSCOPY_EXPERIMENT") {
-			this.displayExperimentThumbnails($container, model, model.sample);
-		}
-		if (model.datasets && model.datasets.length > 0) {
-			var imageViewerDataSets = [];
-			for (var dsIdx = 0; dsIdx < model.datasets.length; dsIdx++) {
-				if (profile.isImageViewerDataSetCode(model.datasets[dsIdx].dataSetTypeCode)) {
-					imageViewerDataSets.push(model.datasets[dsIdx].code);
-				}
-			}
-			if (imageViewerDataSets.length > 0) {
-				require(["openbis-screening", "components/imageviewer/ImageViewerWidget"], function (openbis, ImageViewerWidget) {
-					var screningFacade = new openbis(null);
-					screningFacade._internal.sessionToken = mainController.openbisV1._internal.sessionToken;
-					// Create the image viewer component for the specific data sets
-					var widget = new ImageViewerWidget(screningFacade, imageViewerDataSets);
-					// Render the component and add it to the page
-					$container.append($('<legend>').text('Microscopy Viewer'));
-					var $imageWidgetContainer = new $('<div>');
-					$imageWidgetContainer.css("margin", "20px");
-					$container.append($imageWidgetContainer);
-					$imageWidgetContainer.append(widget.render());
-				});
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	sampleFormBottom: function ($container, model) {
-	},
-	dataSetFormTop: function ($container, model) {
-		if (model.dataSetV3 && profile.isImageViewerDataSetCode(model.dataSetV3.type.code)) {
-			require(["openbis-screening", "components/imageviewer/ImageViewerWidget"], function (openbis, ImageViewerWidget) {
-				var screningFacade = new openbis(null);
-				screningFacade._internal.sessionToken = mainController.openbisV1._internal.sessionToken;
-				// Create the image viewer component for the specific data sets
-				var widget = new ImageViewerWidget(screningFacade, [model.dataSetV3.permId.permId]);
-				// Render the component and add it to the page
-				$container.append($('<legend>').text('Microscopy Viewer'));
-				var $imageWidgetContainer = new $('<div>');
-				$imageWidgetContainer.css("margin", "20px");
-				$container.append($imageWidgetContainer);
-				$imageWidgetContainer.append(widget.render());
-			});
-		}
-	},
-	dataSetFormBottom: function ($container, model) {
-	},
-	displayExperimentThumbnails: function ($container, model, microscopyExperimentSample) {
-		if (microscopyExperimentSample.sampleTypeCode !== "MICROSCOPY_EXPERIMENT") {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Clear the container
-		$container.empty();
-		if (microscopyExperimentSample.children.length === 0) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Add legend
-		var legend = $("<legend>")
-			.text("File previews");
-		$container.append(legend);
-		// Prepare a div to host the thumbnails
-		var sampleView_div = $("<div>");
-		$container.append(sampleView_div);
-		var newThumbRow = null;
-		var numSample = 0;
-		var thisObj = this;
-		// Prepare the display
-		microscopyExperimentSample.children.forEach(function (sample) {
-			// Keep track of the number of the sample
-			numSample++;
-			// Add a new row for the next three thumbnails
-			if (numSample % 4 === 1) {
-				newThumbRow = $("<div />", { class: "row" });
-				sampleView_div.append(newThumbRow);
-			}
-			// Prepare the name to be shown
-			var name;
-			if ( {
-				name =;
-			} else {
-				name = sample.code;
-			}
-			// Make sure it is not too long
-			var displayName;
-			var l = name.length;
-			if (l > 40) {
-				displayName = name.substring(0, 18) + "..." + name.substring(l - 18);
-			} else {
-				displayName = name;
-			}
-			// If the size property exists (this was added later), retrieve it and display it as well
-			var datasetSize;
-			if ( {
-				datasetSize = thisObj.formatSizeForDisplay(;
-			} else {
-				datasetSize = "";
-			}
-			// A column to be added to current row that will store all
-			// elements related to current sample
-			var newThumbCol = $("<div />",
-				{
-					class: "col-md-3",
-					display: "inline",
-					"text-align": "center",
-					id: sample.code
-				});
-			// A div element to contain the thumbnail and its info
-			var thumbnailView = $("<div />")
-				.css("min-height", "320px")
-				.css("text-align", "center")
-				.css("padding-top", "10px")
-				.css("padding-bottom", "10px")
-			// Link to the dataset (sample) viewer.
-			var link = $("<a>").text(displayName).attr("href", "#").attr("title", name).click(
-				function () {
- = "#" + (new Date().getTime());
-					return false;
-				});
-			// Actual thumbnail. Initially we display a place holder. Later,
-			// we will replace it asynchronously.
-			var thumbnailImage = $("<img />",
-				{
-					src: "./img/wait.png",
-					class: "img-responsive",
-					display: "inline",
-					"text-align": "center",
-					id: "image_" + sample.code,
-					title: name
-				});
-			// Build the thumbnail viewer
-			thumbnailView.append(thumbnailImage);
-			thumbnailView.append($("<br />"));
-			thumbnailView.append(link);
-			if (datasetSize !== "") {
-				thumbnailView.append($("<br />"));
-				var spanSz = $("<span>").text(datasetSize);
-				thumbnailView.append(spanSz);
-			}
-			// Add the thumbnail to the column and the row
-			newThumbCol.append(thumbnailView);
-			newThumbRow.append(newThumbCol);
-			// Now retrieve the link to the thumbnail image asynchronously and update the <img>
-			thisObj.displayThumbnailForSample(model, sample, "image_" + sample.code);
-		});
-	},
-	formatSizeForDisplay: function (datasetSize) {
-		// Output
-		var formattedDatasetSize = "";
-		// Cast datasetSize to float
-		var datasetSizeF = parseFloat(datasetSize);
-		var sMB = datasetSizeF / 1024.0 / 1024.0;
-		if (sMB < 1024.0) {
-			formattedDatasetSize = sMB.toFixed(2) + " MiB";
-		} else {
-			var sGB = sMB / 1024.0;
-			formattedDatasetSize = sGB.toFixed(2) + " GiB";
-		}
-		return formattedDatasetSize;
-	},
-	displayThumbnailForSample: function (model, sample, img_id) {
-		require([
-			"as/dto/sample/search/SampleSearchCriteria",
-			"as/dto/sample/fetchoptions/SampleFetchOptions",
-			"as/dto/dataset/search/DataSetSearchCriteria",
-			"dss/dto/datasetfile/search/DataSetFileSearchCriteria",
-			"dss/dto/datasetfile/fetchoptions/DataSetFileFetchOptions",
-		],
-			function (
-				SampleSearchCriteria,
-				SampleFetchOptions,
-				DataSetSearchCriteria,
-				DataSetFileSearchCriteria,
-				DataSetFileFetchOptions) {
-				// First retrieve the sample again but with the associated datasets
-				var criteria = new SampleSearchCriteria();
-				criteria.withType().withCode().thatEquals(sample.sampleTypeCode);
-				criteria.withPermId().thatEquals(sample.permId);
-				var fetchOptions = new SampleFetchOptions();
-				fetchOptions.withDataSets().withType();
-				// Query the server
-				mainController.openbisV3.searchSamples(criteria, fetchOptions).done(function (result) {
-					if (result.getTotalCount() == 0) {
-						return null;
-					}
-					var sample = result.getObjects()[0];
-					for (var i = 0; i < sample.getDataSets().length; i++) {
-						var dataSet = sample.getDataSets()[i];
-						if (dataSet.getType().code === "MICROSCOPY_IMG_THUMBNAIL") {
-							// Now retrieve the thumbnail and add display it
-							// Get the file
-							var criteria = new DataSetFileSearchCriteria();
-							var dataSetCriteria = criteria.withDataSet().withOrOperator();
-							dataSetCriteria.withPermId().thatEquals(dataSet.permId.permId);
-							var fetchOptions = new DataSetFileFetchOptions();
-							// Query the server
-							mainController.openbisV3.getDataStoreFacade().searchFiles(criteria, fetchOptions).done(function (result) {
-								// Thumbnail
-								var imD = $("#" + img_id);
-								// Make sure to reset the display attribute
-								imD.css("display", "inline");
-								if (result.getTotalCount() == 0) {
-									// Thumbnail not found!
-									imD.attr("src", "./img/error.png");
-									imD.attr("title", "Could not find a thumbnail for this dataset!");
-									return;
-								}
-								// Extract the files
-								var datasetFiles = result.getObjects();
-								// Find the only fcs file and add its name and URL to the DynaTree
-								datasetFiles.forEach(function (f) {
-									// 	// Build the download URL
-									// let url = f.getDataStore().getDownloadUrl() + "/datastore_server/" +
-									// f.permId.dataSetId.permId + "/" + f.getPath() + "?sessionID=" +
-									// mainController.openbisV3.getWebAppContext().sessionId;
-									if (!f.isDirectory() && f.getPath().toLowerCase() === "thumbnail.png") {
-										// Still use the V1 API since the sessionId stored in the 
-										// webapp context is null in V3.
-										mainController.openbisV1.getDownloadUrlForFileForDataSetInSession(
-											f.getDataSetPermId().permId, f.getPath(), function (url) {
-												// Replace the image
-												var eUrl = encodeURI(url);
-												eUrl = eUrl.replace('+', '%2B');
-												imD.attr("src", eUrl);
-											});
-									}
-								});
-							});
-						}
-					}
-				});
-			});
-	}
+    init: function () {
+    },
+    forcedDisableRTF: [],
+    forceMonospaceFont: [],
+    sampleTypeDefinitionsExtension: {
+            "SHOW_ON_NAV": true,
+            "SHOW": false,
+            "SAMPLE_CHILDREN_DISABLED": true,
+            "SAMPLE_PARENTS_DISABLED": true,
+            "TOOLBAR": { CREATE: false, EDIT: true, MOVE: false, COPY: false, DELETE: false, PRINT: true, HIERARCHY_GRAPH: true, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, UPLOAD_DATASET: false, UPLOAD_DATASET_HELPER: false, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
+        },
+            "SHOW": false,
+            "SAMPLE_CHILDREN_DISABLED": false,
+            "SAMPLE_PARENTS_DISABLED": false,
+            "TOOLBAR": { CREATE: false, EDIT: true, MOVE: false, COPY: false, DELETE: false, PRINT: true, HIERARCHY_GRAPH: true, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, UPLOAD_DATASET: false, UPLOAD_DATASET_HELPER: false, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true },
+            "SAMPLE_PARENTS_HINT": [{
+                "LABEL": "Organization Units",
+                "TYPE": "ORGANIZATION_UNIT",
+                "ANNOTATION_PROPERTIES": []
+            }]
+        }
+    },
+    dataSetTypeDefinitionsExtension: {
+            "DATASET_PARENTS_DISABLED": true,
+            "TOOLBAR": { EDIT: true, MOVE: false, ARCHIVE: true, DELETE: false, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
+        },
+        "MICROSCOPY_IMG": {
+            "DATASET_PARENTS_DISABLED": true,
+            "TOOLBAR": { EDIT: true, MOVE: false, ARCHIVE: true, DELETE: false, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
+        },
+            "DATASET_PARENTS_DISABLED": true,
+            "TOOLBAR": { EDIT: true, MOVE: false, ARCHIVE: true, DELETE: false, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
+        },
+            "DATASET_PARENTS_DISABLED": true,
+            "TOOLBAR": { EDIT: true, MOVE: false, ARCHIVE: true, DELETE: false, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
+        },
+            "DATASET_PARENTS_DISABLED": true,
+            "TOOLBAR": { EDIT: true, MOVE: false, ARCHIVE: true, DELETE: false, HIERARCHY_TABLE: true, EXPORT_ALL: true, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
+        }
+    },
+    sampleFormTop: function ($container, model) {
+        if (model.sample && model.sample.sampleTypeCode == "MICROSCOPY_EXPERIMENT") {
+            this.displayExperimentThumbnails($container, model, model.sample);
+        }
+        if (model.datasets && model.datasets.length > 0) {
+            var imageViewerDataSets = [];
+            for (var dsIdx = 0; dsIdx < model.datasets.length; dsIdx++) {
+                if (profile.isImageViewerDataSetCode(model.datasets[dsIdx].dataSetTypeCode)) {
+                    imageViewerDataSets.push(model.datasets[dsIdx].code);
+                }
+            }
+            if (imageViewerDataSets.length > 0) {
+                require(["openbis-screening", "components/imageviewer/ImageViewerWidget"], function (openbis, ImageViewerWidget) {
+                    var screningFacade = new openbis(null);
+                    screningFacade._internal.sessionToken = mainController.openbisV1._internal.sessionToken;
+                    // Create the image viewer component for the specific data sets
+                    var widget = new ImageViewerWidget(screningFacade, imageViewerDataSets);
+                    // Render the component and add it to the page
+                    $container.append($('<legend>').text('Microscopy Viewer'));
+                    var $imageWidgetContainer = new $('<div>');
+                    $imageWidgetContainer.css("margin", "20px");
+                    $container.append($imageWidgetContainer);
+                    $imageWidgetContainer.append(widget.render());
+                });
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    sampleFormBottom: function ($container, model) {
+    },
+    dataSetFormTop: function ($container, model) {
+        if (model.dataSetV3 && profile.isImageViewerDataSetCode(model.dataSetV3.type.code)) {
+            require(["openbis-screening", "components/imageviewer/ImageViewerWidget"], function (openbis, ImageViewerWidget) {
+                var screningFacade = new openbis(null);
+                screningFacade._internal.sessionToken = mainController.openbisV1._internal.sessionToken;
+                // Create the image viewer component for the specific data sets
+                var widget = new ImageViewerWidget(screningFacade, [model.dataSetV3.permId.permId]);
+                // Render the component and add it to the page
+                $container.append($('<legend>').text('Microscopy Viewer'));
+                var $imageWidgetContainer = new $('<div>');
+                $imageWidgetContainer.css("margin", "20px");
+                $container.append($imageWidgetContainer);
+                $imageWidgetContainer.append(widget.render());
+            });
+        }
+    },
+    dataSetFormBottom: function ($container, model) {
+    },
+    displayExperimentThumbnails: function ($container, model, microscopyExperimentSample) {
+        if (microscopyExperimentSample.sampleTypeCode !== "MICROSCOPY_EXPERIMENT") {
+            return;
+        }
+        // Clear the container
+        $container.empty();
+        if (microscopyExperimentSample.children.length === 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // Add legend
+        var legend = $("<legend>")
+            .text("File previews");
+        $container.append(legend);
+        // Prepare a div to host the thumbnails
+        var sampleView_div = $("<div>");
+        $container.append(sampleView_div);
+        var newThumbRow = null;
+        var numSample = 0;
+        var thisObj = this;
+        // Prepare the display
+        microscopyExperimentSample.children.forEach(function (sample) {
+            // Keep track of the number of the sample
+            numSample++;
+            // Add a new row for the next three thumbnails
+            if (numSample % 4 === 1) {
+                newThumbRow = $("<div />", { class: "row" });
+                sampleView_div.append(newThumbRow);
+            }
+            // Prepare the name to be shown
+            var name;
+            if ( {
+                name =;
+            } else {
+                name = sample.code;
+            }
+            // Make sure it is not too long
+            var displayName;
+            var l = name.length;
+            if (l > 40) {
+                displayName = name.substring(0, 18) + "..." + name.substring(l - 18);
+            } else {
+                displayName = name;
+            }
+            // If the size property exists (this was added later), retrieve it and display it as well
+            var datasetSize;
+            if ( {
+                datasetSize = thisObj.formatSizeForDisplay(;
+            } else {
+                datasetSize = "";
+            }
+            // A column to be added to current row that will store all
+            // elements related to current sample
+            var newThumbCol = $("<div />",
+                {
+                    class: "col-md-3",
+                    display: "inline",
+                    "text-align": "center",
+                    id: sample.code
+                });
+            // A div element to contain the thumbnail and its info
+            var thumbnailView = $("<div />")
+                .css("min-height", "320px")
+                .css("text-align", "center")
+                .css("padding-top", "10px")
+                .css("padding-bottom", "10px")
+            // Link to the dataset (sample) viewer.
+            var link = $("<a>").text(displayName).attr("href", "#").attr("title", name).click(
+                function () {
+           = "#" + (new Date().getTime());
+                    return false;
+                });
+            // Actual thumbnail. Initially we display a place holder. Later,
+            // we will replace it asynchronously.
+            var thumbnailImage = $("<img />",
+                {
+                    src: "./img/wait.png",
+                    class: "img-responsive",
+                    display: "inline",
+                    "text-align": "center",
+                    id: "image_" + sample.code,
+                    title: name
+                });
+            // Build the thumbnail viewer
+            thumbnailView.append(thumbnailImage);
+            thumbnailView.append($("<br />"));
+            thumbnailView.append(link);
+            if (datasetSize !== "") {
+                thumbnailView.append($("<br />"));
+                var spanSz = $("<span>").text(datasetSize);
+                thumbnailView.append(spanSz);
+            }
+            // Add the thumbnail to the column and the row
+            newThumbCol.append(thumbnailView);
+            newThumbRow.append(newThumbCol);
+            // Now retrieve the link to the thumbnail image asynchronously and update the <img>
+            thisObj.displayThumbnailForSample(model, sample, "image_" + sample.code);
+        });
+    },
+    formatSizeForDisplay: function (datasetSize) {
+        // Output
+        var formattedDatasetSize = "";
+        // Cast datasetSize to float
+        var datasetSizeF = parseFloat(datasetSize);
+        var sMB = datasetSizeF / 1024.0 / 1024.0;
+        if (sMB < 1024.0) {
+            formattedDatasetSize = sMB.toFixed(2) + " MiB";
+        } else {
+            var sGB = sMB / 1024.0;
+            formattedDatasetSize = sGB.toFixed(2) + " GiB";
+        }
+        return formattedDatasetSize;
+    },
+    displayThumbnailForSample: function (model, sample, img_id) {
+        require([
+            "as/dto/sample/search/SampleSearchCriteria",
+            "as/dto/sample/fetchoptions/SampleFetchOptions",
+            "as/dto/dataset/search/DataSetSearchCriteria",
+            "dss/dto/datasetfile/search/DataSetFileSearchCriteria",
+            "dss/dto/datasetfile/fetchoptions/DataSetFileFetchOptions",
+        ],
+            function (
+                SampleSearchCriteria,
+                SampleFetchOptions,
+                DataSetSearchCriteria,
+                DataSetFileSearchCriteria,
+                DataSetFileFetchOptions) {
+                // First retrieve the sample again but with the associated datasets
+                var criteria = new SampleSearchCriteria();
+                criteria.withType().withCode().thatEquals(sample.sampleTypeCode);
+                criteria.withPermId().thatEquals(sample.permId);
+                var fetchOptions = new SampleFetchOptions();
+                fetchOptions.withDataSets().withType();
+                // Query the server
+                mainController.openbisV3.searchSamples(criteria, fetchOptions).done(function (result) {
+                    if (result.getTotalCount() == 0) {
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                    var sample = result.getObjects()[0];
+                    for (var i = 0; i < sample.getDataSets().length; i++) {
+                        var dataSet = sample.getDataSets()[i];
+                        if (dataSet.getType().code === "MICROSCOPY_IMG_THUMBNAIL") {
+                            // Now retrieve the thumbnail and add display it
+                            // Get the file
+                            var criteria = new DataSetFileSearchCriteria();
+                            var dataSetCriteria = criteria.withDataSet().withOrOperator();
+                            dataSetCriteria.withPermId().thatEquals(dataSet.permId.permId);
+                            var fetchOptions = new DataSetFileFetchOptions();
+                            // Query the server
+                            mainController.openbisV3.getDataStoreFacade().searchFiles(criteria, fetchOptions).done(function (result) {
+                                // Thumbnail
+                                var imD = $("#" + img_id);
+                                // Make sure to reset the display attribute
+                                imD.css("display", "inline");
+                                if (result.getTotalCount() == 0) {
+                                    // Thumbnail not found!
+                                    imD.attr("src", "./img/error.png");
+                                    imD.attr("title", "Could not find a thumbnail for this dataset!");
+                                    return;
+                                }
+                                // Extract the files
+                                var datasetFiles = result.getObjects();
+                                // Find the only fcs file and add its name and URL to the DynaTree
+                                datasetFiles.forEach(function (f) {
+                                    // 	// Build the download URL
+                                    // let url = f.getDataStore().getDownloadUrl() + "/datastore_server/" +
+                                    // f.permId.dataSetId.permId + "/" + f.getPath() + "?sessionID=" +
+                                    // mainController.openbisV3.getWebAppContext().sessionId;
+                                    if (!f.isDirectory() && f.getPath().toLowerCase() === "thumbnail.png") {
+                                        // Still use the V1 API since the sessionId stored in the 
+                                        // webapp context is null in V3.
+                                        mainController.openbisV1.getDownloadUrlForFileForDataSetInSession(
+                                            f.getDataSetPermId().permId, f.getPath(), function (url) {
+                                                // Replace the image
+                                                var eUrl = encodeURI(url);
+                                                eUrl = eUrl.replace('+', '%2B');
+                                                imD.attr("src", eUrl);
+                                            });
+                                    }
+                                });
+                            });
+                        }
+                    }
+                });
+            });
+    }
\ No newline at end of file