diff --git a/docs/user-documentation/advance-features/excel-import-service.md b/docs/user-documentation/advance-features/excel-import-service.md
index 50eb9efa2cf8390e20df60d06ce72be3ea0900cf..a767489ba01e91ec0efdbf02b3abae957cea352f 100644
--- a/docs/user-documentation/advance-features/excel-import-service.md
+++ b/docs/user-documentation/advance-features/excel-import-service.md
@@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ The names of the files and worksheets are ignored by the service, the
 user is advised to use descriptive names that they can quickly
 remember/refer to later.
-> :red_circle: **If there are dependencies between files they should be submitted together or an error will be shown.**
+If there are dependencies between files they should be submitted together or an error will be shown.
@@ -92,10 +94,13 @@ element (table, clipart) will cause the import to fail.
+If any content is placed after two consecutive empty rows it will result in an error. This is to alert the user and avoid silently ignoring content.
-> :red_circle: **If any content is placed after two consecutive empty rows it will result in an error. This is to alert the user and avoid silently ignoring content.**
-> :red_circle: **Header rows **NEED TO BE** a valid attribute of the entity or entity type, property label or property code.**
+Header rows **NEED TO BE** a valid attribute of the entity or entity type, property label or property code.
 Any unintended header will result in an error. This is to avoid possible
 misspellings and avoid silently ignoring content.
@@ -349,10 +354,13 @@ General Rules:
     either the vocabulary term code or the vocabulary term label.
+If a mandatory header is missing it results in an error.
-> :red_circle: **If a mandatory header is missing it results in an error.**
-> :red_circle: **Repeated headers will result in an error, in case a Property shares Label with an Attribute is encouraged to use the property code instead.**
+Repeated headers will result in an error, in case a Property shares Label with an Attribute is encouraged to use the property code instead.
 ### Space
@@ -457,8 +465,9 @@ samples. Samples can be addressed by:
 2.  Identifiers
-> :red_circle: **Parents and children SHOULD be separated by an end of line, each sample should be in its own line.**
+Parents and children SHOULD be separated by an end of line, each sample should be in its own line.
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