diff --git a/test-data/screening/readme.mdown b/test-data/screening/readme.mdown
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+++ b/test-data/screening/readme.mdown
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+Screening Test Data
+This folder contains scripts and other files for creating and curating data for a screening instance of openBIS.
+* config 
+ 	* openbis and dss system.properties files for a local instance of openbis
+* etc 
+	* A python drop-box script for dss that imports plates and analysis data
+* source
+	* admin-console
+		* An admin-console script that creates optional meta-data for the screening test data. Running this script is not required.
+	* bash
+		* create-empty-screening-db.sh
+			* A script that initializes an empty screening database. This must be run to create the initial database for the test data if no database exists.
+	* python
+		* generate-test-plate.py
+			* A python script that generates raw-images for a plate. It can be configured, by modifying the source, to generate time and/or depth points and produce merged (RGB) or split (R, G, B in separate files) files.
+			* Later, this will be expanded to produce overlay images as well
+			* running generate-test-plate.py will produce a folder named PLATONIC containing images in the current directory
+			* n.b. This script will only run on MacOS 10.5+
+Follow these instructions to use this infrastructure. It instructions assume that the screening version of openBIS has been installed, but, not necessarily started.
+Initialize DB
+Run the initialization script.
+> screening/source/bash/create-empty-screening-db.sh
+This will create an initial screening database with the name used by the configuration files.
+Configure openBIS
+1. Replace the openBIS service.properties with screening/config/openbis-service.properties
+2. Replace the dss service.properties with screening/config/dss-service.properties
+3. In the screening folder create the following sub-folders 
+* targets/platonic
+* targets/platonic/store
+* targets/platonic/incoming-platonic
+Start openBIS
+1. Start openBIS and DSS and log in as admin/admin.
+2. Create a plate sample called (you can call it PLATONIC if you want) with an 8x12 geometry.
+Generate and Register Plate
+Run the generate-test-plate.py script. If your plate is not called PLATONIC, you will need to rename the folder to the name of your plate. Put the folder with the images into the incoming-platonic dropbox.
+View the plate in openBIS; you should see the images you registered.