diff --git a/pybis/src/python/CHANGELOG.md b/pybis/src/python/CHANGELOG.md
index 65780e1c3229766f7c437d61bbc9c3e14aad2403..037b26830b0f74b0687f3efc6de38a1518bfdb19 100644
--- a/pybis/src/python/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/pybis/src/python/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+## Changes with pybis-1.10.6
+* added possibility to download files without /original/DEFAULT folders
 ## Changes with pybis-1.10.5
 * bugfix: creating projects
diff --git a/pybis/src/python/README.md b/pybis/src/python/README.md
index 1d53e638fdfd78dad7599a0b8ee12b451be3213f..6d729e20d39c2b46ff5fcbb69a246138c04500b2 100644
--- a/pybis/src/python/README.md
+++ b/pybis/src/python/README.md
@@ -532,13 +532,26 @@ ds.unarchive()
 ds.attrs.all()                    # returns all attributes as a dict
 ds.props.all()                    # returns all properties as a dict
+ds.add_attachment()               # attachments usually contain meta-data
+ds.get_attachments()              # about the dataSet, not the data itself.
-ds.download(destination='/tmp', wait_until_finished=False)
+### download dataSets
+ds.get_files(start_folder="/")    # get file list as pandas table
+ds.file_list                      # get file list as array
+ds.download()                     # simply download all files to hostname/permId/
+	destination = 'my_data',       # download files to folder my_data/
+	create_default_folders = False,# ignore the /original/DEFAULT folders made by openBIS
+	wait_until_finished = False,   # download in background, continue immediately
+	workers = 10                   # 10 downloads parallel (default)
 ### dataSet attributes and properties
diff --git a/pybis/src/python/pybis/dataset.py b/pybis/src/python/pybis/dataset.py
index 79962ccc7f3a7044ae4b225a5f5f0267b4957cc3..0f648be90d11f2372cb141f479221a32bb5218e3 100644
--- a/pybis/src/python/pybis/dataset.py
+++ b/pybis/src/python/pybis/dataset.py
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ class DataSet(
             'set_parents()', 'set_children()', 'set_components()', 'set_contained()', 'set_containers()',
             'set_tags()', 'add_tags()', 'del_tags()',
             'add_attachment()', 'get_attachments()', 'download_attachments()',
-            "get_files(start_folder='/')", 'file_list',
-            'download(files=None, destination=None, wait_until_finished=True)', 
+            "get_files()", 'file_list',
+            'download()', 
             'archive()', 'unarchive()' 
         ] + super().__dir__()
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ class DataSet(
     set_props = set_properties
     def get_dataset_files(self, **properties):
@@ -230,14 +231,15 @@ class DataSet(
-    def download(self, files=None, destination=None, wait_until_finished=True, workers=10,
+    def download(self, files=None, destination=None, create_default_folders=True, wait_until_finished=True, workers=10,
         linked_dataset_fileservice_url=None, content_copy_index=0):
-        """ download the actual files and put them by default in the following folder:
-        __current_dir__/destination/dataset_permId/
-        If no files are specified, all files of a given dataset are downloaded.
-        If no destination is specified, the hostname is chosen instead.
-        Files are usually downloaded in parallel, using 10 workers by default. If you want to wait until
-        all the files are downloaded, set the wait_until_finished option to True.
+        """ download the files of the dataSet.
+        files -- a single file or a list of files. If no files are specified, all files of a given dataset are downloaded.
+        destination -- if destination is specified, files are downloaded in __current_dir__/destination/permId/ If no destination is specified, the hostname is chosen instead of destination
+        create_default_folders -- by default, this download method will automatically create destination/permId/original/DEFAULT. If create_default_folders is set to False, all these folders will be ommited. Use with care and by specifying the destination folder.
+        workers -- Default: 10. Files are usually downloaded in parallel, using 10 workers by default.
+        wait_unitl_finished -- True. If you want to immediately continue and run the download in background, set this to False.
         if files == None:
@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@ class DataSet(
             kind =self.data['type']['kind']
         if kind == 'PHYSICAL':
-            return self._download_physical(files, destination, wait_until_finished, workers)
+            return self._download_physical(files, destination, create_default_folders, wait_until_finished, workers)
         elif kind == 'LINK':
             if linked_dataset_fileservice_url is None:
                 raise ValueError("Can't download a LINK data set without the linked_dataset_fileservice_url parameters.")
@@ -264,10 +266,17 @@ class DataSet(
             raise ValueError("Can't download data set of kind {}.".format(kind))
-    def _download_physical(self, files, destination, wait_until_finished, workers):
+    def _download_physical(self, files, destination, create_default_folders, wait_until_finished, workers):
         """ Download for data sets of kind PHYSICAL.
+        final_destination = ""
+        if create_default_folders:
+            final_destination = os.path.join(destination, self.permId)
+        else:
+            final_destination = destination
         base_url = self.data['dataStore']['downloadUrl'] + '/datastore_server/' + self.permId + '/'
         with DataSetDownloadQueue(workers=workers) as queue:
             # get file list and start download
@@ -276,15 +285,26 @@ class DataSet(
                 file_size = file_info[0]['fileSize']
                 download_url = base_url + filename + '?sessionID=' + self.openbis.token
-                filename_dest = os.path.join(destination, self.permId, filename)
+                filename_dest = ""
+                if create_default_folders:
+                    # create original/ or original/DEFAULT subfolders
+                    filename_dest = os.path.join(final_destination, filename)
+                else:
+                    # ignore original/ and original/DEFAULT folders that come from openBIS
+                    if filename.startswith('original/'):
+                        filename = filename.replace('original/', '', 1)
+                    if filename.startswith('DEFAULT/'):
+                        filename = filename.replace('DEFAULT/', '', 1)
+                    filename_dest = os.path.join(final_destination, filename)
                 queue.put([download_url, filename, filename_dest, file_size, self.openbis.verify_certificates, 'wb'])
             # wait until all files have downloaded
             if wait_until_finished:
-            if VERBOSE: print("Files downloaded to: %s" % os.path.join(destination, self.permId))
-            return destination
+            if VERBOSE: print("Files downloaded to: {}".format(os.path.join(final_destination)))
+            return final_destination
     def _download_link(self, files, destination, wait_until_finished, workers, linked_dataset_fileservice_url, content_copy_index):