diff --git a/sanofi/dist/etc/sanofi-dropbox/dropbox-all-in-one-with-library.py b/sanofi/dist/etc/sanofi-dropbox/dropbox-all-in-one-with-library.py
index 7c9d0bb88377eb0627840cdc8317a3c0bc23b0ec..de8974b372d4b438b8b685271d86363eafa84edc 100644
--- a/sanofi/dist/etc/sanofi-dropbox/dropbox-all-in-one-with-library.py
+++ b/sanofi/dist/etc/sanofi-dropbox/dropbox-all-in-one-with-library.py
@@ -121,31 +121,62 @@ def findDir(incomingFile, dirNameMarker):
             return File(incomingPath, file)
     return None
+""" Removes trailing empty strings from a list """
+def removeTrailingEmptyElements(list):
+    pos = len(list)
+    while (pos > 0):
+        pos = pos - 1
+        if not list[pos].strip():
+            del list[pos]
+        else:
+            break
+    return list
 # ======================================
 # end generic utility functions 
 # ======================================
 def rollback_service(service, ex):
-    plateCode = plate.getCode()
-    plateLink = createPlateLink(OPENBIS_URL, plateCode)
+    incomingFileName = incoming.getName()
     errorMessage = ex.getMessage()
-    sendEmail("openBIS: Data registration failed for %s" % (plateCode), """
+    if not errorMessage:
+        errorMessage = ex.toString()
+    if plateCode:
+        plateLink = createPlateLink(OPENBIS_URL, plateCode)
+        sendEmail("openBIS: Data registration failed for %s" % (plateCode), """
     Dear openBIS user,
       Registering new data for plate %(plateLink)s has failed with error '%(errorMessage)s'.
+      The name of the incoming folder '%(incomingFileName)s' was added to '.faulty_paths'. Please,
+      repair the problem and remove the entry from '.faulty_paths' to retry registration.
+      This email has been generated automatically.
+    Administrator
+        """ % vars(), False)
+    else:
+        sendEmail("openBIS: Data registration failed for folder '%s'" % (incomingFileName), """
+    Dear user,
+      openBIS was unable to understand the name of an incoming folder. 
+      Detailed error message was '%(errorMessage)s'.
       This email has been generated automatically.
-    """ % vars(), False)
+        """ % vars(), False)
 def commit_transaction(service, transaction):
-    plateCode = plate.getCode()
+    incomingFileName = incoming.getName()
     plateLink = createPlateLink(OPENBIS_URL, plateCode)
     sendEmail("openBIS: New data registered for %s" % (plateCode), """
     Dear openBIS user,
-      New data for the plate %(plateLink)s has been registered.
+      New data from folder '%(incomingFileName)s' has been successfully registered in plate %(plateLink)s.
       This email has been generated automatically.
       Have a nice day!
@@ -196,15 +227,15 @@ def findPlateByCode(code):
 def parseIncomingDirname(dirName):
        Parses the name of an incoming dataset folder from the format
-       'AcquisitionBatch_BarCode_Timestamp' to a tuple (acquisitionBatch, barCode)
+       '<ACQUISITION_BATCH_NAME>_<BAR_CODE>_<TIMESTAMP>' to a tuple (acquisitionBatch, plateCode)
     tokens = dirName.split("_")
     if len(tokens) < 2:
-        raise RuntimeError("Data set directory name does not match the pattern 'AcquisitionBatch_BarCode_Timestamp': " + dirName)
+        raise RuntimeError("Data set directory name does not match the pattern '<ACQUISITION_BATCH_NAME>_<BAR_CODE>_<TIMESTAMP>': " + dirName)
     acquisitionBatch = tokens[0]
-    barCode = tokens[1].split('.')[0]
-    return (acquisitionBatch, barCode)
+    plateCode = tokens[1].split('.')[0]
+    return (acquisitionBatch, plateCode)
 def removeDuplicates(list):
     dict = {}
@@ -266,32 +297,28 @@ class PlateInitializer:
     def getWellCode(self, x, y):
         return ConversionUtils.convertToSpreadsheetLocation(Point(x,y))
-    def getPlateDimensions(self):
-        """
-          parses the plate geometry property from the form "384_WELLS_16X24" 
-          to a tuple of integers (plateHeight, plateWidth) 
-        """
+    def getPlateGeometryDimensions(self):
         plateGeometryString = self.plate.getPropertyValue(ScreeningConstants.PLATE_GEOMETRY)
         geometry = Geometry.createFromPlateGeometryString(plateGeometryString)
         return (geometry.height, geometry.width)
     def validateLibraryDimensions(self, tsvLines):
-        (plateHeight, plateWidth) = self.getPlateDimensions()
+        (plateHeight, plateWidth) = self.getPlateGeometryDimensions()
         numLines = len(tsvLines)
-        if plateHeight != len(tsvLines) :
-            raise RuntimeError("The geometry property of plate %s (height=%s)"
-                               " does not agree with the value of the %s"
-                               " property in experiment %s  (height=%s)." % \
-                               (self.plateCode, plateHeight, self.LIBRARY_TEMPLATE_PROPNAME, self.experimentId, numLines))
+        if plateHeight < len(tsvLines) :
+            raise RuntimeError("The property %s of experiment '%s' contains %s rows, but the"
+                               " geometry of plate '%s' allows a maximum of %s rows. You should either reduce"
+                               " the number of rows in the library template or change the plate geometry." % 
+                               (self.LIBRARY_TEMPLATE_PROPNAME, self.experimentId, numLines, self.plateCode, plateHeight))
         for i in range(0, len(tsvLines)):
             lineWidth = len(tsvLines[i])
-            if plateWidth != lineWidth:
-                raise RuntimeError("The geometry property of plate %s (width=%s)"
-                                   " does not agree with the value of the %s"
-                                   " property in experiment %s  (line=%s, width=%s)." % \
-                                   (self.plateCode, plateWidth, self.LIBRARY_TEMPLATE_PROPNAME, self.experimentId, i, lineWidth))
+            if plateWidth < lineWidth:
+                raise RuntimeError("The property %s of experiment '%s' contains %s columns in row %s, but the"
+                                   " geometry of plate '%s' allows a maximum of %s columns. You should either reduce"
+                                   " the number of columns in the library template or change the plate geometry." % 
+                                   (self.LIBRARY_TEMPLATE_PROPNAME, self.experimentId, lineWidth, (i + 1), self.plateCode, plateHeight))
     def parseLibraryTemplate(self):
         template = experiment.getPropertyValue(self.LIBRARY_TEMPLATE_PROPNAME)
@@ -299,7 +326,10 @@ class PlateInitializer:
             raise RuntimeError("Experiment %s has no library template value in property %s" \
                                % (self.experimentId, self.LIBRARY_TEMPLATE_PROPNAME))
-        tsvLists = [ line.split("\t")  for line in template.splitlines() ]
+        lines = template.splitlines()
+        lines = removeTrailingEmptyElements(lines)
+        tsvLists = [ removeTrailingEmptyElements(line.split("\t")) for line in lines ]
         library = {}
@@ -521,10 +551,10 @@ class MyImageDataSetConfig(SimpleImageDataConfig):
 if incoming.isDirectory():
     transaction = service.transaction(incoming, factory)
-    (batchName, barCode) = parseIncomingDirname(incoming.getName())
-    plate = findPlateByCode(barCode)
+    (batchName, plateCode) = parseIncomingDirname(incoming.getName())
+    plate = findPlateByCode(plateCode)
     if not plate.getExperiment():
-        raise RuntimeError("Plate with code '%(barCode)s' is not associated with experiment" % vars())
+        raise RuntimeError("Plate with code '%(plateCode)s' is not associated with experiment" % vars())
     experimentId = plate.getExperiment().getExperimentIdentifier()
     experiment = transaction.getExperiment(experimentId)
diff --git a/sanofi/sourceTest/java/ch/systemsx/cisd/sanofi/dss/test/SanofiDropboxJythonTest.java b/sanofi/sourceTest/java/ch/systemsx/cisd/sanofi/dss/test/SanofiDropboxJythonTest.java
index c324c81d458a3142d994f5455f5085de1c184bf5..939a1ad02c4d8f7fd158aaee40685bd1d4532826 100644
--- a/sanofi/sourceTest/java/ch/systemsx/cisd/sanofi/dss/test/SanofiDropboxJythonTest.java
+++ b/sanofi/sourceTest/java/ch/systemsx/cisd/sanofi/dss/test/SanofiDropboxJythonTest.java
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 package ch.systemsx.cisd.sanofi.dss.test;
 import static ch.systemsx.cisd.common.Constants.IS_FINISHED_PREFIX;
+import static ch.systemsx.cisd.common.test.AssertionUtil.assertContains;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.IOException;
@@ -126,37 +127,115 @@ public class SanofiDropboxJythonTest extends AbstractJythonDataSetHandlerTest
     private static final String EXPERIMENT_IDENTIFIER = "/SANOFI/PROJECT/EXP";
     private static final String PLATE_IDENTIFIER = "/SANOFI/TEST-PLATE";
-    @BeforeMethod
+    private RecordingMatcher<ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.AtomicEntityOperationDetails> atomicatOperationDetails;
+    private RecordingMatcher<ListMaterialCriteria> materialCriteria;
+    private RecordingMatcher<String> email;
+    @BeforeMethod
     public void setUp() throws IOException
+        atomicatOperationDetails =
+                new RecordingMatcher<ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.AtomicEntityOperationDetails>();
+        materialCriteria = new RecordingMatcher<ListMaterialCriteria>();
+        email = new RecordingMatcher<String>();
-    public void testHappyCaseWithLibraryCreation() throws IOException
+    public void testLibraryWider() throws IOException
-        setUpHomeDataBaseExpectations();
-        Properties properties =
-                createThreadPropertiesRelativeToScriptsFolder("dropbox-all-in-one-with-library.py");
-        createHandler(properties, false, true);
-        createData();
+        createDataSetHandler(false, false);
+        final Sample plate =
+                plateWithLibTemplateAndGeometry("1.45\t\tH\n0.12\t0.002\tL", "10_WELLS_1X10");
+        context.checking(new Expectations()
+            {
+                {
-        final String libraryTemplate = "1.45\t\tH\n0.12\t0.002\tL";
-        final Sample plate = createPlate(libraryTemplate, "6_WELLS_2X3");
-        setUpPlateSearchExpectations(plate);
-        setUpLibraryTemplateExpectations(plate);
+                    SampleIdentifier sampleIdentifier =
+                            SampleIdentifierFactory.parse(plate.getIdentifier());
+                    one(openBisService).tryGetSampleWithExperiment(sampleIdentifier);
+                    will(returnValue(plate));
+                    one(mailClient).sendMessage(with(any(String.class)), with(email),
+                            with(aNull(String.class)), with(any(From.class)),
+                            with(equal(EXPERIMENT_RECIPIENTS)));
+                }
+            });
+        try
+        {
+            handler.handle(markerFile);
+            fail("Registration should fail with library validation error");
+        } catch (RuntimeException rex)
+        {
+            final String error =
+                    "The property LIBRARY_TEMPLATE of experiment '/SANOFI/PROJECT/EXP' contains 2 rows, "
+                            + "but the geometry of plate 'TEST-PLATE' allows a maximum of 1 rows. You should either reduce the "
+                            + "number of rows in the library template or change the plate geometry.";
+            assertContains(error, rex.getMessage());
+            assertContains(error, email.recordedObject());
+            assertContains(IMAGE_DATA_SET_DIR_NAME, email.recordedObject());
+        }
+        context.assertIsSatisfied();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testLibraryHigher() throws IOException
+    {
+        createDataSetHandler(false, false);
+        final Sample plate =
+                plateWithLibTemplateAndGeometry("1.45\t\tH\n0.12\t0.002\tL", "5_WELLS_5X1");
+        context.checking(new Expectations()
+            {
+                {
+                    SampleIdentifier sampleIdentifier =
+                            SampleIdentifierFactory.parse(plate.getIdentifier());
+                    one(openBisService).tryGetSampleWithExperiment(sampleIdentifier);
+                    will(returnValue(plate));
+                    one(mailClient).sendMessage(with(any(String.class)), with(email),
+                            with(aNull(String.class)), with(any(From.class)),
+                            with(equal(EXPERIMENT_RECIPIENTS)));
+                }
+            });
+        try
+        {
+            handler.handle(markerFile);
+            fail("Registration should fail with library validation error");
+        } catch (RuntimeException rex)
+        {
+            final String error =
+                    "The property LIBRARY_TEMPLATE of experiment '/SANOFI/PROJECT/EXP' contains 3 "
+                            + "columns in row 1, but the geometry of plate 'TEST-PLATE' allows a maximum of "
+                            + "5 columns. You should either reduce the number of columns in the library "
+                            + "template or change the plate geometry.";
+            assertContains(error, rex.getMessage());
+            assertContains(error, email.recordedObject());
+            assertContains(IMAGE_DATA_SET_DIR_NAME, email.recordedObject());
+        }
+        context.assertIsSatisfied();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testHappyCaseWithLibraryCreation() throws IOException
+    {
+        createDataSetHandler(false, true);
+        final Sample plate =
+                plateWithLibTemplateAndGeometry("1.45\t\tH\n0.12\t0.002\tL", "6_WELLS_10X10");
         final MockDataSet<Map<String, Object>> queryResult = new MockDataSet<Map<String, Object>>();
-        final RecordingMatcher<ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.AtomicEntityOperationDetails> atomicatOperationDetails =
-                new RecordingMatcher<ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.AtomicEntityOperationDetails>();
-        final RecordingMatcher<ListMaterialCriteria> materialCriteria =
-                new RecordingMatcher<ListMaterialCriteria>();
-        final RecordingMatcher<String> email = new RecordingMatcher<String>();
+        setDataSetExpectations();
         context.checking(new Expectations()
@@ -171,30 +250,6 @@ public class SanofiDropboxJythonTest extends AbstractJythonDataSetHandlerTest
-                    one(openBisService).createDataSetCode();
-                    will(returnValue(IMAGE_DATA_SET_CODE));
-                    one(openBisService).createDataSetCode();
-                    will(returnValue(OVERLAY_DATA_SET_CODE));
-                    one(openBisService).createDataSetCode();
-                    will(returnValue(ANALYSIS_DATA_SET_CODE));
-                    one(dataSetValidator).assertValidDataSet(
-                            IMAGE_DATA_SET_TYPE,
-                            new File(new File(stagingDirectory, IMAGE_DATA_SET_CODE),
-                                    IMAGE_DATA_SET_DIR_NAME));
-                    one(dataSetValidator).assertValidDataSet(
-                            OVERLAY_DATA_SET_TYPE,
-                            new File(new File(stagingDirectory, OVERLAY_DATA_SET_CODE),
-                                    OVERLAYS_DATA_SET_DIR_NAME));
-                    one(dataSetValidator).assertValidDataSet(
-                            ANALYSIS_DATA_SET_TYPE,
-                            new File(new File(stagingDirectory, ANALYSIS_DATA_SET_CODE),
-                                    ANALYSIS_DATA_SET_FILE_NAME));
                     SampleIdentifier sampleIdentifier =
@@ -247,10 +302,11 @@ public class SanofiDropboxJythonTest extends AbstractJythonDataSetHandlerTest
         assertEquals(ANALYSIS_DATA_SET_CODE, analysisDataSet.getCode());
         assertEquals(ANALYSIS_DATA_SET_TYPE, analysisDataSet.getDataSetType());
-                        "New data for the plate <a href='https://bwl27.sanofi-aventis.com:8443/openbis#entity=SAMPLE"
-                                + "&sample_type=PLATE&action=SEARCH&code=TEST-PLATE'>TEST-PLATE</a> has been registered.",
+                        "New data from folder 'batchNr_plateCode.variant_2011.07.05' has been successfully registered in plate "
+                                + "<a href='https://bwl27.sanofi-aventis.com:8443/openbis#entity=SAMPLE&sample_type=PLATE&action=SEARCH&code=plateCode'>plateCode</a>",
@@ -331,6 +387,57 @@ public class SanofiDropboxJythonTest extends AbstractJythonDataSetHandlerTest
+    public Sample plateWithLibTemplateAndGeometry(String libraryTemplate, String plateGeometry)
+            throws IOException
+    {
+        Sample plate = createPlate(libraryTemplate, plateGeometry);
+        setUpPlateSearchExpectations(plate);
+        setUpLibraryTemplateExpectations(plate);
+        return plate;
+    }
+    private void createDataSetHandler(boolean shouldRegistrationFail, boolean rethrowExceptions)
+            throws IOException
+    {
+        setUpHomeDataBaseExpectations();
+        Properties properties =
+                createThreadPropertiesRelativeToScriptsFolder("dropbox-all-in-one-with-library.py");
+        createHandler(properties, shouldRegistrationFail, rethrowExceptions);
+        createData();
+    }
+    private void setDataSetExpectations()
+    {
+        context.checking(new Expectations()
+            {
+                {
+                    one(openBisService).createDataSetCode();
+                    will(returnValue(IMAGE_DATA_SET_CODE));
+                    one(openBisService).createDataSetCode();
+                    will(returnValue(OVERLAY_DATA_SET_CODE));
+                    one(openBisService).createDataSetCode();
+                    will(returnValue(ANALYSIS_DATA_SET_CODE));
+                    one(dataSetValidator).assertValidDataSet(
+                            IMAGE_DATA_SET_TYPE,
+                            new File(new File(stagingDirectory, IMAGE_DATA_SET_CODE),
+                                    IMAGE_DATA_SET_DIR_NAME));
+                    one(dataSetValidator).assertValidDataSet(
+                            OVERLAY_DATA_SET_TYPE,
+                            new File(new File(stagingDirectory, OVERLAY_DATA_SET_CODE),
+                                    OVERLAYS_DATA_SET_DIR_NAME));
+                    one(dataSetValidator).assertValidDataSet(
+                            ANALYSIS_DATA_SET_TYPE,
+                            new File(new File(stagingDirectory, ANALYSIS_DATA_SET_CODE),
+                                    ANALYSIS_DATA_SET_FILE_NAME));
+                }
+            });
+    }
     private void setUpPlateSearchExpectations(final Sample plate)
         context.checking(new Expectations()