diff --git a/openbis/dist/server/service.properties b/openbis/dist/server/service.properties
index f47274d851c468f80a600a956b293397f4bd413c..6628c7a56eb33cad7ae99c4c35803d6fdc04ca4c 100644
--- a/openbis/dist/server/service.properties
+++ b/openbis/dist/server/service.properties
@@ -133,4 +133,24 @@ onlinehelp.generic.page-template = https://wiki-bsse.ethz.ch/pages/createpage.ac
 #openbisDB.database-driver = org.postgresql.Driver
 #openbisDB.database-url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost/openbis_${database.kind}
 #openbisDB.database-username =
-#openbisDB.database-password =
\ No newline at end of file
+#openbisDB.database-password =
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# maintenance plugins configuration
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Comma separated names of maintenance plugins.  
+# Each plugin should have configuration properties prefixed with its name.
+# Mandatory properties for each <plugin> include: 
+#   <plugin>.class - Fully qualified plugin class name
+#   <plugin>.interval - The time between plugin executions (in seconds)
+# Optional properties for each <plugin> include:
+#   <plugin>.start - Time of the first execution (HH:mm)
+#   <plugin>.execute-only-once - If true the task will be executed exactly once, 
+#                                interval will be ignored. By default set to false.
+#maintenance-plugins = demo
+#demo.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.server.task.DemoMaintenanceTask
+#demo.interval = 60
+#demo.property_1 = some value
+#demo.property_2 = some value 2
\ No newline at end of file