diff --git a/api-openbis-matlab/passcode.m b/api-openbis-matlab/passcode.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 13abf634d7b5e35d0cc8cf6740cc9a3fff66eeba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/api-openbis-matlab/passcode.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-function pass = passcode
-%PASSCODE  password input dialog box.
-%  passcode creates a modal dialog box that returns user password input.
-%  Given characters are substituted with '*'-Signs like in usual password dialogs.
-%  usage:
-%  password = PASSCODE
-% Adapted from https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/6590-passcode
-% Version: v1.2 (03-Mar-2008)
-% Author:  Elmar Tarajan [MCommander@gmx.de]
-ScreenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
-hfig = figure('Menubar','none', ...
-    'Units','Pixels', ...
-    'Resize','off', ...
-    'NumberTitle','off', ...
-    'Name',['Enter openBIS password'], ...
-    'Position',[ (ScreenSize(3:4)-[300 75])/2 300 75], ...
-    'Color',[0.8 0.8 0.8], ...
-    'WindowStyle','modal');
-hedit = uicontrol('Parent',hfig, ...
-    'Style','Edit', ...
-    'Enable','inactive', ...
-    'Units','Pixels','Position',[49 28 202 22], ...
-    'FontSize',15, ...
-    'String',[], ...
-    'BackGroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7]);
-hpass = uicontrol('Parent',hfig, ...
-    'Style','Text', ...
-    'Tag','password', ...
-    'Units','Pixels','Position',[51 30 198 18], ...
-    'FontSize',15, ...
-    'BackGroundColor',[1 1 1]);
-hwarn = uicontrol('Parent',hfig, ...
-    'Style','Text', ...
-    'Tag','error', ...
-    'Units','Pixels','Position',[50 2 200 20], ...
-    'FontSize',8, ...
-    'String','character not allowed',...
-    'Visible','off',...
-    'ForeGroundColor',[1 0 0], ...
-    'BackGroundColor',[0.8 0.8 0.8]);
-set(hfig,'KeyPressFcn',{@keypress_Callback,hedit,hpass,hwarn}, ...
-    'CloseRequestFcn','uiresume')
-pass = get(hpass,'userdata');
-function keypress_Callback(~,data,~,hpass,~)
-pass = get(hpass,'userdata');
-switch data.Key
-    case 'backspace'
-        pass = pass(1:end-1);
-    case 'return'
-        uiresume
-        return
-    otherwise
-        try
-            pass = [pass data.Character];
-        catch
-            disp('Some error occured during password entry!')
-        end
diff --git a/api-openbis-matlab/passwordEntryDialog.m b/api-openbis-matlab/passwordEntryDialog.m
deleted file mode 100644
index d6d9ee860795b54dd82be1358261c353d84215af..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/api-openbis-matlab/passwordEntryDialog.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-function [Password, UserName] = passwordEntryDialog(varargin)
-% [Password, UserName] = passwordEntryDialog(varargin)
-% Create a password entry dialog for entering a password that is visibly
-% hidden.  Java must be enabled for this function to work properly.
-% It has only been tested on the Windows platform in R2008a.  It should
-% work in R2007a or later.
-% The password box is created using the Java Swing component
-% JPasswordField.
-% Optional Input Arguments
-% ------------------------
-% 'enterUserName'       DEFAULT: false
-% Display the user name entry box.  The user name entered must be at least
-% one character or an error dialog is displayed.
-% 'DefaultUserName'     DEFAULT: ''
-% String value of user name to populate in User Name box upon creation.
-% 'ValidatePassword'    DEFAULT: false
-% Display dialog box to reenter password for validation purposes.
-% 'CheckPasswordLength' DEFAULT: true
-% Check the password length to ensure it meets the specified criteria.
-% 'PasswordLengthMin'   DEFAULT: 2
-% Minimum password length allowed.
-% 'PasswordLengthMax'   DEFAULT: 8
-% Maximum password length allowed.
-% 'WindowName'          DEFAULT: 'Login'
-% Title of the password entry window.
-% Examples
-% --------
-% Create a password dialog box with the default options.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% [Password] = passwordEntryDialog;
-% Create a user name and password entry dialog box without password
-% verification.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% [Password, UserName] = passwordEntryDialog('enterUserName', true)
-% Create a user name and password entry dialog box without password
-% verification.  Set the user name to 'jdoe' upon startup.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% [Password, UserName] = passwordEntryDialog('enterUserName', true,...
-%      'DefaultUserName', 'jdoe')
-% Create a password dialog box with password validation
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% [Password] = passwordEntryDialog('ValidatePassword', true);
-% Create a user name and password entry dialog box with password
-% verification.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% [Password, UserName] = passwordEntryDialog('enterUserName', true,...
-%      'ValidatePassword', true)
-% Check the length of the password to be between 5 and 8 characters
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% [Password, UserName] = passwordEntryDialog('CheckPasswordLength', true,...
-%      'PasswordLengthMin', 5,...
-%      'PasswordLengthMax', 8)
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Jesse B. Lai
-% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
-% by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-% (at your option) any later version.
-% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-% along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
-%% History
-% The history of this program is outlined in this section.
-% 20080616 - JBL - 0.0.2
-% Started 20080612
-% Updated to remove requirement for uicomponent function written by Yair
-% Altman.  Now, the Java components are created manually and the
-% undocumented feature javacomponent is used.
-% A focus issue was worked out by using the drawnow command in a couple of
-% places to allow the objects to be focused properly upon startup.
-% 20080427 - JBL - 0.0.1
-% Started 20080425.
-% Initial version.  Uses Java to create the password entry box.  An edit
-% box was initially attemped with the Java frame, but was occasionally
-% getting Java exceptions when trying to query the 'SelectionStart' and
-% 'SelectionEnd' properties.
-% Basic options of entering user name and password with options for
-% password validation.
-% ToDo: Maybe add valid string input argument to only allow certain
-% characters.
-%% Program Information
-% ProgramName = 'passwordEntryDialog';
-% ProgramVersion = '0.0.2';
-% svnRevision = '$Revision: 184 $';
-% svnRevision = getSVNRevision(svnRevision);
-% ProgramVersion = [ProgramVersion, '.' ,svnRevision];
-% LastChangedDate = '$LastChangedDate: 2008-06-16 09:08:17 -0600 (Mon, 16 Jun 2008) $';
-% ProgramDate = getSVNDate(LastChangedDate);
-%% Check for Existance of Java
-if ~usejava('swing')
-   error('passwordEntryDialog: Java is required for this program to run.');
-%% Parse Input Arguments
-% Input arguments are parsed with the MATLAB inputParser class.
-% Create input parser object
-ProgramOptionsParser = inputParser;
-ProgramOptionsParser.KeepUnmatched = true;
-ProgramOptionsParser.addParamValue('enterUserName', false, @(x) islogical(x) || isnumeric(x));
-ProgramOptionsParser.addParamValue('DefaultUserName', '', @ischar);
-ProgramOptionsParser.addParamValue('ValidatePassword', false, @(x) islogical(x) || isnumeric(x));
-ProgramOptionsParser.addParamValue('CheckPasswordLength', true, @(x) islogical(x) || isnumeric(x));
-ProgramOptionsParser.addParamValue('PasswordLengthMin', 2, @isnumeric);
-ProgramOptionsParser.addParamValue('PasswordLengthMax', 8, @isnumeric);
-ProgramOptionsParser.addParamValue('WindowName', 'Login', @ischar);
-% Parse Input Arguments
-    ProgramOptionsParser.parse(varargin{:});
-catch Error
-    ProgramOptionsParser.parse;
-    if strcmpi(Error.identifier, 'MATLAB:InputParser:ArgumentFailedValidation')
-        error(Error.identifier, Error.message);
-    end;
-ProgramOptions = ProgramOptionsParser.Results;
-% Validate password length options
-if ProgramOptions.CheckPasswordLength
-    if ProgramOptions.PasswordLengthMax < ProgramOptions.PasswordLengthMin
-        error('MATLAB:InputParser:ArgumentFailedValidation', 'PasswordLengthMax must be greater than PasswordLengthMin');
-    end;
-%% Determine GUI Size and Position
-% Center the GUI on the screen.
-Screen = get(0,'screensize');
-PositionGUI = [0 0 300 50];
-if ProgramOptions.enterUserName
-    PositionGUI = PositionGUI + [0 0 0 50];
-if ProgramOptions.ValidatePassword
-    PositionGUI = PositionGUI + [0 0 0 50];
-    OffsetBottom = 43;
-    OffsetBottom = 0;
-PositionGUI = [Screen(3:4)/2-PositionGUI(3:4)/2 PositionGUI(3:4)];
-PositionLeft = 10;
-BoxWidth = 200;
-%% Create the GUI
-BackgroundColor = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundcolor');
-handles.figure1 = figure('Menubar','none', ...
-    'Units','Pixels', ...
-    'Resize','off', ...
-    'NumberTitle','off', ...
-    'Name',ProgramOptions.WindowName, ...
-    'Position',PositionGUI, ...
-    'Color', BackgroundColor, ...
-    'WindowStyle','modal');
-% Create Password Validation Entry Box
-if ProgramOptions.ValidatePassword
-    handles.java_PasswordValidate = javax.swing.JPasswordField();
-    handles.java_PasswordValidate.setFocusable(true);
-    [handles.java_PasswordValidate, handles.edit_PasswordValidate] = javacomponent(handles.java_PasswordValidate, [], handles.figure1);
-    set(handles.edit_PasswordValidate, ...
-        'Parent', handles.figure1, ...
-        'Tag', 'edit_PasswordValidate', ...
-        'Units', 'Pixels', ...
-        'Position',[PositionLeft 10 BoxWidth 23]);
-    handles.text_LabelPasswordValidate = uicontrol('Parent',handles.figure1, ...
-        'Tag', 'text_LabelPassword', ...
-        'Style','Text', ...
-        'Units','Pixels',...
-        'Position',[PositionLeft 33 BoxWidth 16], ...
-        'FontSize',10, ...
-        'String','Reenter password:',...
-        'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left');
-% Create Password Entry Box
-handles.java_Password = javax.swing.JPasswordField();
-[handles.java_Password, handles.edit_Password] = javacomponent(handles.java_Password, [PositionLeft 10+OffsetBottom BoxWidth 23], handles.figure1);
-set(handles.edit_Password, ...
-    'Parent', handles.figure1, ...
-    'Tag', 'edit_Password', ...
-    'Units', 'Pixels', ...
-    'Position',[PositionLeft 10+OffsetBottom BoxWidth 23]);
-drawnow;    % This drawnow is required to allow the focus to work
-handles.text_LabelPassword = uicontrol('Parent',handles.figure1, ...
-    'Tag', 'text_LabelPassword', ...
-    'Style','Text', ...
-    'Units','Pixels',...
-    'Position',[PositionLeft 33+OffsetBottom BoxWidth 16], ...
-    'FontSize',10, ...
-    'String','Key:',...
-    'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left');
-% Create OK Pushbutton
-handles.pushbutton_OK = uicontrol('Parent',handles.figure1, ...
-    'Tag', 'pushbutton_OK', ...
-    'Style','Pushbutton', ...
-    'Units','Pixels',...
-    'Position',[PositionLeft+BoxWidth+5 10 30 23], ...
-    'FontSize',10, ...
-    'String','OK',...
-    'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center');
-% Create Cancel Pushbutton
-handles.pushbutton_Cancel = uicontrol('Parent',handles.figure1, ...
-    'Tag', 'pushbutton_Cancel', ...
-    'Style','Pushbutton', ...
-    'Units','Pixels',...
-    'Position',[PositionLeft+BoxWidth+30+7 10 50 23], ...
-    'FontSize',10, ...
-    'String','Cancel',...
-    'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center');
-% Create User Name Edit Box
-if ProgramOptions.enterUserName
-    handles.java_UserName = javax.swing.JTextField();
-    handles.java_UserName.setFocusable(true);
-    [handles.java_UserName, handles.edit_UserName] = javacomponent(handles.java_UserName, [], handles.figure1);
-    set(handles.edit_UserName, ...
-        'Parent', handles.figure1, ...
-        'Tag', 'edit_UserName', ...
-        'Units', 'Pixels', ...
-        'Position',[PositionLeft 53+OffsetBottom 200 23]);
-    set(handles.java_UserName, 'Text', ProgramOptions.DefaultUserName);
-    drawnow;    % This drawnow is required to allow the focus to work
-    handles.text_LabelUserName = uicontrol('Parent',handles.figure1, ...
-        'Tag', 'text_LabelUserName', ...
-        'Style','Text', ...
-        'Units','Pixels',...
-        'Position',[PositionLeft 76+OffsetBottom 200 16], ...
-        'FontSize',10, ...
-        'String','User name:',...
-        'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left');
-    %uicontrol(handles.edit_UserName);
-    %set(handles.figure1,'CurrentObject',handles.java_UserName)
-    handles.java_UserName.requestFocus;     % Get focus
-    drawnow;
-    handles.java_Password.requestFocus;     % Get focus
-    drawnow;
-%% Setup Callbacks for Objects
-% Adds the callback functions for the objects in the GUI
-set(handles.pushbutton_OK,     'Callback', {@pushbutton_OK_Callback, handles, ProgramOptions}, 'KeyPressFcn', {@pushbutton_KeyPressFcn, handles, ProgramOptions});
-set(handles.pushbutton_Cancel, 'Callback', {@pushbutton_Cancel_Callback, handles, ProgramOptions}, 'KeyPressFcn', {@pushbutton_KeyPressFcn, handles, ProgramOptions});
-set(handles.java_Password, 'ActionPerformedCallback', {@pushbutton_OK_Callback, handles, ProgramOptions});
-if ProgramOptions.ValidatePassword
-    if ProgramOptions.enterUserName
-        ObjectNext = handles.java_UserName;
-    else
-        ObjectNext = handles.java_Password;
-    end;
-    set(handles.java_PasswordValidate, 'ActionPerformedCallback', {@pushbutton_OK_Callback, handles, ProgramOptions}, 'NextFocusableComponent', ObjectNext);
-    set(handles.java_Password, 'NextFocusableComponent', handles.java_PasswordValidate);
-elseif ProgramOptions.enterUserName
-    set(handles.java_Password, 'NextFocusableComponent', handles.java_UserName);
-if ProgramOptions.enterUserName
-    set(handles.java_UserName, 'ActionPerformedCallback', {@pushbutton_OK_Callback, handles, ProgramOptions}, 'NextFocusableComponent', handles.java_Password);
-setappdata(handles.figure1, 'isCanceled', false);
-%% Wait for Completion
-% Wait for the user to complete entry.
-%% Get current information
-% User either closed the window or pressed cancel or OK.
-isCanceled = ~ishandle(handles.figure1) || getappdata(handles.figure1, 'isCanceled');
-if isCanceled
-    if ishandle(handles.figure1)
-        delete(handles.figure1);
-    end;
-    Password = -1;
-    UserName = '';
-    return;
-Password = handles.java_Password.Password';
-if ProgramOptions.enterUserName
-    UserName = strtrim(get(handles.java_UserName, 'Text'));
-    UserName = '';
-% The subfunctions required by this program are in the following section.
-function pushbutton_KeyPressFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, ProgramOptions)
-switch eventdata.Key
-    case 'return'
-        Callback = get(hObject, 'Callback');
-        feval(Callback{1}, hObject, '', Callback{2:end});
-function pushbutton_OK_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles, ProgramOptions)
-if ProgramOptions.enterUserName
-    % Check if username is blank
-    UserName = strtrim(get(handles.java_UserName, 'Text'));
-    if isempty(UserName)
-        strMessage = 'Username is blank';
-        %disp(strMessage)
-        hError = errordlg(strMessage, 'passwordEntryDialog');
-        uiwait(hError);
-        return;
-    end;
-if ProgramOptions.CheckPasswordLength
-    %Password = handles.edit_Password.Password';
-    Password = handles.java_Password.Password';
-    if length(Password) < ProgramOptions.PasswordLengthMin || length(Password) > ProgramOptions.PasswordLengthMax
-        strMessage = sprintf('Password must be between %d and %d characters', ...
-            ProgramOptions.PasswordLengthMin, ...
-            ProgramOptions.PasswordLengthMax);
-        %disp(strMessage);
-        hError = errordlg(strMessage, 'passwordEntryDialog');
-        uiwait(hError);
-        if ProgramOptions.ValidatePassword
-            set(handles.java_PasswordValidate,'Text', '');
-        end;
-        handles.java_Password.requestFocus
-        return;
-    end;
-if ProgramOptions.ValidatePassword
-    % Check if passwords match
-    if ~isequal(handles.java_Password.Password, handles.java_PasswordValidate.Password)
-        strMessage = 'Passwords do not match.  Please try again';
-        %disp(strMessage);
-        hError=errordlg(strMessage, 'passwordEntryDialog','modal');
-        uiwait(hError);
-        set(handles.java_Password,'Text', '');
-        set(handles.java_PasswordValidate,'Text', '');
-        handles.java_Password.requestFocus
-        return;
-    end;
-function pushbutton_Cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles, ProgramOptions)
-setappdata(handles.figure1, 'isCanceled', true);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/api-openbis-matlab/user_url_pw_input_dialog.m b/api-openbis-matlab/user_url_pw_input_dialog.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 970f750aa528640de0380f6b8cdba72f7258df02..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/api-openbis-matlab/user_url_pw_input_dialog.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-function [url, user, pass] = user_url_pw_input_dialog
-%   Return the URL, user name and password for the openBIS server
-url = 'https://XYZ.ethz.ch/openbis:8443';
-user = '';
-pass = '';
-ScreenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
-fig = uifigure('Name', 'Enter openBIS credentials', 'Position',[(ScreenSize(3:4)-[300 75])/2 400 150]);
-fig.CloseRequestFcn = @(fig,event)my_closereq(fig);
-% URL label and text field
-lbl_url = uilabel(fig, 'Text', 'URL:', ...
-    'Position',[10 120 80 20]);
-txt_url = uieditfield(fig,...
-    'Position',[70 120 280 20], ...
-    'Value', url, ...
-    'Tag', 'url_textfield');
-% User label and text field
-lbl_user = uilabel(fig, 'Text', 'User:', ...
-    'Position',[10 90 80 20]);
-txt_user = uieditfield(fig,...
-    'Position',[70 90 280 20], ...
-    'Value', user, ...
-    'Tag', 'user_textfield');
-% Password label and text field
-lbl_pass = uilabel(fig, 'Text', 'Password:', ...
-    'Position',[10 60 80 20]);
-txt_pass = uieditfield(fig,...
-    'Position',[70 60 280 20], ...
-    'Tag', 'pass_textfield', ...
-    'ValueChangingFcn', @textChanging, ...
-    'UserData', '');
-% Push button to accept entries
-btn = uibutton(fig,'push', ...
-               'Position',[150 10 100 40], ...
-               'Text', 'Connect', ...
-               'FontWeight', 'bold', ...
-               'ButtonPushedFcn', @(btn,event) buttonPushed(btn, fig));
-    % run this when figure closes
-    function my_closereq(fig,selection)
-        url = get(txt_url, 'Value');
-        user = get(txt_user, 'Value');
-        pass = get(txt_pass,'UserData');
-        delete(fig)
-    end
-% Callback functions
-function textChanging(txt, event)
-% replace typed text with stars
-% Todo: handle delete / backspace
-% disp(event.Value);
-if isempty(txt.UserData)
-    txt.UserData = event.Value;
-    txt.UserData = append(txt.UserData, event.Value(end));
-val = event.Value;
-if ~isempty(val)
-    val(1:length(val)) = '*';
-   val = '*'; 
-txt.Value = val;
-function buttonPushed(btn, fig)
-% close the figure, call CloseRequestFcn before
-        close(fig)
diff --git a/api-openbis-matlab/user_url_pw_inputdlg.m b/api-openbis-matlab/user_url_pw_inputdlg.m
deleted file mode 100644
index d982a5b09440d9d6d1c5de183197b4742754f739..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/api-openbis-matlab/user_url_pw_inputdlg.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-function [url, user, pw] = user_url_pw_inputdlg
-%   Return the URL, user name and password for the openBIS server
-prompt = {'openBIS URL:', 'openBIS user:'};
-title = 'openBIS connection details';
-definput = {'https://XYZ.ethz.ch/openbis:8443', ''};
-answer = inputdlg(prompt, title, 1, definput);
-url = answer{1};
-user = answer{2};
-% pw = passwordEntryDialog('CheckPasswordLength',0);
-pw = passcode;
\ No newline at end of file