From cf9d73c8ad0fe06c04760f91edaf23270d0e78a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: buczekp <buczekp>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 14:06:57 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [LMS-1979] first version of the script for plasmid parents

SVN: 20268
 .../jython-scripts/      | 145 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 145 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 plasmid/resource/jython-scripts/

diff --git a/plasmid/resource/jython-scripts/ b/plasmid/resource/jython-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c100ebe57e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plasmid/resource/jython-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import sys
+import re
+"""debug sys path"""
+Relationship types:
+    * DEL: deletion
+    * INT: integration
+    * MOD: modification
+""""space that all parents come from (fixed)"""
+                 # no '^': allow whitespace at the beginning
+    ([^ (]*)     # 1st group: match code of a sample, everything before a space or '(' (e.g. 'FRP')
+    (\ *\(       # start of 2nd group (matches an optional relationship type with annotation) 
+                 # any spaces followed by a '('
+    ([^:]*)      # 3rd group: match relationship type, any character but ':' (e.g. 'DEL', 'INT', 'MOD')
+    :?           # optional ':' separator
+    (.*)         # 4th group: match annotation, any text (e.g. 'URA3')
+    \))?         # end of 2nd (optional) group: closing bracket of relationship details
+                 # no '$': allow whitespace at the end
+def group(pattern, input):
+    return
+   'FRP1 (DEL:URA3)',
+   'FRP2 (INT)',
+   'FRP3 (MOD:URA3)',
+   'FRP4',
+   'FRPS5'
+REL_TYPES = ('DEL', 'INT', 'MOD')
+    'DEL': 'd', 
+    'INT': '::', 
+    'MOD': '_' 
+    'DEL': 'deletion', 
+    'INT': 'integration', 
+    'MOD': 'modification' 
+ATR_CODE = "code"
+ATR_ANNOTATION = "annotation"
+"""helper functions"""
+def translateToChar(relationship):
+    if relationship in REL_TYPE_CHARS:
+        return REL_TYPE_CHARS[relationship]
+    else:
+        return "[" + relationship + "]"
+def createConnectionString(code, relationship, annotation):
+    result = code
+    if relationship:
+        result += translateToChar(relationship)
+    if annotation:
+        result += annotation
+    return result
+def createSampleLink(code, relationship, annotation):
+    permId = entityInformationProvider().getSamplePermId(SPACE, code)
+    if not permId:
+        permId = code
+    sampleLink = elementFactory().createSampleLink(permId)
+    sampleLink.addAttribute(ATR_CODE, code)
+    if relationship:
+        sampleLink.addAttribute(ATR_RELATIONSHIP, relationship)
+        if relationship in REL_TYPES:
+            connectionString = createConnectionString(code, relationship, annotation)
+        else:
+            raise ValidationException("Unknown relationship: '" + relationship + 
+                                     "'. Expected one of: " + REL_TYPES)
+    if annotation:
+        sampleLink.addAttribute(ATR_ANNOTATION, annotation)
+    return sampleLink    
+"""main functions"""
+""" updateFromBatchInput """
+def updateFromBatchInput(bindings):
+    inputPattern = re.compile(INPUT_PATTERN, re.VERBOSE)
+    input = bindings.get('')
+    plasmids = input.split(',')
+    elements = []
+    for p in plasmids:
+        (code, g, relationship, annotation) = group(inputPattern, p.strip())
+        sampleLink = createSampleLink(code, relationship, annotation)
+        elements.append(sampleLink)
+    property.value = propertyConverter().convertToString(elements)
+""" configureUI """
+CONNECTION_LABEL = "connection"
+LINK_LABEL = "link"
+CODE_LABEL = "code"
+RELATIONSHIP_LABEL = "relationship"
+ANNOTATION_LABEL = "annotation"
+def configureUI():
+    inputPattern = re.compile(INPUT_PATTERN, re.VERBOSE)
+    """create table builder and add columns"""
+    tableBuilder = createTableBuilder()
+    tableBuilder.addHeader(CONNECTION_LABEL)
+    tableBuilder.addHeader(LINK_LABEL)
+    tableBuilder.addHeader(CODE_LABEL)
+    tableBuilder.addHeader(RELATIONSHIP_LABEL)
+    tableBuilder.addHeader(ANNOTATION_LABEL)
+    """The property value should contain XML with list of sample. Add a new row for every sample."""
+    elements = list(propertyConverter().convertToElements(property))
+    for plasmid in elements:
+        permId = plasmid.getPermId()
+        code = plasmid.getAttribute(ATR_CODE, "")
+        relationship = plasmid.getAttribute(ATR_RELATIONSHIP, "")
+        code = plasmid.getAttribute(ATR_CODE, "")
+        annotation = plasmid.getAttribute(ATR_ANNOTATION, "")
+        row = tableBuilder.addRow()
+        row.setCell(CONNECTION_LABEL, createConnectionString(code, relationship, annotation))
+        row.setCell(LINK_LABEL, plasmid)
+        row.setCell(CODE_LABEL, code)
+        row.setCell(RELATIONSHIP_LABEL, relationship)
+        row.setCell(ANNOTATION_LABEL, annotation)
+    """specify that the property should be shown in a tab and set the table output"""
+    property.setOwnTab(True)
+    uiDesc = property.getUiDescription()
+    uiDesc.useTableOutput(tableBuilder.getTableModel())
\ No newline at end of file