From cf72d15e89d1db1b2f1ce6c34e0ee2161aff7f44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: felmer <felmer>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 08:56:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] SSDM-2601: bug in SampleQuery (SQL query) fixed

SVN: 35045
 .../generic/server/api/v3/executor/sample/    | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openbis/source/java/ch/ethz/sis/openbis/generic/server/api/v3/executor/sample/ b/openbis/source/java/ch/ethz/sis/openbis/generic/server/api/v3/executor/sample/
index 034ba69d0db..01e5a06745b 100644
--- a/openbis/source/java/ch/ethz/sis/openbis/generic/server/api/v3/executor/sample/
+++ b/openbis/source/java/ch/ethz/sis/openbis/generic/server/api/v3/executor/sample/
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ public interface SampleQuery extends ObjectQuery
             String[] codes);
     @Select(sql = "select, s.code as identifier from samples s join spaces sp on s.space_id = "
-            + "where sp.code = ?{1} and proj_id is null and samp_id_part_of is null and s.code = any(?{2})", 
+            + "where sp.code = ?{1} and s.proj_id is null and samp_id_part_of is null and s.code = any(?{2})", 
             parameterBindings = { TypeMapper.class, StringArrayMapper.class }, fetchSize = FETCH_SIZE)
     public List<TechIdStringIdentifierRecord> listSpaceSampleTechIdsByCodes(String spaceCode, String[] codes);
     @Select(sql = "select, s.code as identifier from samples s join spaces sp on s.space_id = "
             + "join samples cs on s.samp_id_part_of = "
-            + "where sp.code = ?{1} and proj_id is null and cs.code = ?{2} and s.code = any(?{3})", parameterBindings =
+            + "where sp.code = ?{1} and s.proj_id is null and cs.code = ?{2} and s.code = any(?{3})", parameterBindings =
         { TypeMapper.class, TypeMapper.class, StringArrayMapper.class }, fetchSize = FETCH_SIZE)
     public List<TechIdStringIdentifierRecord> listSpaceSampleTechIdsByContainerCodeAndCodes(String spaceCode, 
             String containerCode, String[] codes);