diff --git a/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/growth-profiles/data-set-handler.py b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/growth-profiles/data-set-handler.py
index 425699d6a9b090120fac7e0bdcb79ffe39cecbd6..e8462a5d0c87efb745763dcc6e02736a992d2c7e 100644
--- a/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/growth-profiles/data-set-handler.py
+++ b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/growth-profiles/data-set-handler.py
@@ -9,10 +9,19 @@ def retrieve_experiment(tr, exp_id):
 		exp = tr.getExperiment(exp_id)
 	return exp
+def extract_strains():
+	"""Extract the strains from the data sheet"""
+	strains = []
+	lines = timeSeriesData.getRawDataLines()
+	for i in range(1, len(lines)):
+		line = lines[i]
+		strains.append(line[0])
+	return ",".join(strains)
 def assign_properties(dataset, metadata):
 	"""Assign properties to the data set from information in the data."""
 	propertyNameMap = {
@@ -53,6 +62,8 @@ timeSeriesData = TimeSeriesDataExcel.createTimeSeriesDataExcel(incoming.getAbsol
 # create the data set and assign the metadata from the file
 dataset = tr.createNewDataSet("OD600")
 metadata = timeSeriesData.getMetadataMap()
+# Strains are not in the metadata, but in the data, so extract them
+metadata["STRAIN_NAMES"] = extract_strains()
 assign_properties(dataset, metadata)
 # Convert the data into a tsv file, and put that and the original data into the data set
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/growth-profiles/data-set-validator.py b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/growth-profiles/data-set-validator.py
index c09a86937a65acebfb74653345354dad5a569e7c..c3c470a0a616bf5b86e76f5734e55ae9cb16e724 100644
--- a/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/growth-profiles/data-set-validator.py
+++ b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/growth-profiles/data-set-validator.py
@@ -1,120 +1,25 @@
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import java.io.File
-from java.io import IOException
-from java.lang import IllegalArgumentException
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.v1.validation import ValidationError, ValidationScriptRunner
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.utils import ExcelFileReader
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.common.logging import LogFactory, LogCategory
-operationLog = LogFactory.getLogger(LogCategory.OPERATION, ValidationScriptRunner)
-OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-metadata"
-OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-data"
-class TimeSeriesDataExcel:
-	"""
-		An abstraction for accessing time series data following the BaSynthec conventions 
-		from an Excel file. This class ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming.
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, file, fileReader):
-		self.file = file
-		self.fileReader = fileReader
-	def getRawMetadataLines(self):
-		"""Get the raw lines of the metadata sheet."""
-		try:
-			return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME);
-		except IOException, ex:
-			operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + self.file.getPath() + ", sheet: "
-		return []
-	def getRawDataLines(self):
-		"""Get the raw lines of the data sheet."""
-		try:
-			return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME)
-		except IOException, ex:
-			operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + file.getPath() + ", sheet: "
-					+ OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME + "]", ex)
-		return []
-	def getMetadataMap(self):
-		"""
-			Return the metadata has a hashmap, with all keys uppercased.
-			Assumes the metadata sheet corresponds to the following format: [Property] [Value] [... stuff
-			that can be ignored], that is the property name is in column 1 and property value is in
-			column 2, and everything else can be ignored.
-		"""
-		metadataMap = {}
-		metadataLines = self.getRawMetadataLines()
-		# Skip the first line, this is just the header
-		for i in range(1, metadataLines.size()):
-			line = metadataLines.get(i)
-			value = line[1];
-			if "BLANK" == value:
-				value = None
-			metadataMap[line[0].upper()] = value
-		return metadataMap
-def create_time_series_excel(fileName):
-	"""Factory method for the TimeSeriesData object. Returns None if it cannot be created"""
-	file = java.io.File(fileName)
-	try:
-		workbook = ExcelFileReader.getExcelWorkbook(file)
-		fileReader = ExcelFileReader(workbook, True)
-		return TimeSeriesDataExcel(file, fileReader)
-	except IllegalArgumentException, ex:
-		operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex)
-	except IOException, ex:
-		operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex)
-	return None
-class ValidationHelper:
-	"""
-		Methods for simplifying validation in BaSynthec.
-		This class ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming. 
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, metadataMap, errors):
-		self.metadataMap = metadataMap
-		self.errors = errors
-	def checkIsSpecified(self, property, displayName):
-		if self.metadataMap.get(property) is None:
-			self.errors.append(ValidationError.createFileValidationError("A " + displayName
-					+ " must be specified."))
-			return False
-		return True
 def validate_data(timeSeriesData, errors):
 	dataLines = timeSeriesData.getRawDataLines()
 	lineCount = 0
 	for line in dataLines:
 		# The header needs to be Abs
 		if lineCount is 0:
-			if line[0] != "Abs":
-				errors.append(createFileValidationError("The first data column must be 'Abs'"))
+			if line[0] != "Strain":
+				errors.append(createFileValidationError("The first data column must be 'Strain'"))
 			lineCount = lineCount + 1
 		# The compound id should be one of these forms
-		od600 = line[0]
-		if od600 != "OD600":
-			errors.append(createFileValidationError("Line " + str(lineCount + 1) + ", column 1 must be OD600 (instead of " + od600 + ")."))
+		strain = line[0]
+		if not isStrainIdValid(strain):
+			errors.append(createFileValidationError("Line " + str(lineCount + 1) + ", column 1 must be MGP[0-999] (instead of " + strain + ")."))
 		lineCount = lineCount + 1
 def validate_metadata(time_series_data, errors):
 	metadata = time_series_data.getMetadataMap()
 	validationHelper = ValidationHelper(metadata, errors)
-	# validate the strain
-	validationHelper.checkIsSpecified("STRAIN", "strain")
 	# validate the timepoint type
 	if validationHelper.checkIsSpecified("TIMEPOINT TYPE", "time point type"):
 		if metadata.get("TIMEPOINT TYPE").upper() not in ['EX', 'IN', 'SI']:
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/metabolomics/data-set-validator.py b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/metabolomics/data-set-validator.py
index e6e549068a48c1f997516173276b87809cdd84fc..d6ef4b4cb27397593927016ee35a575f189a445c 100644
--- a/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/metabolomics/data-set-validator.py
+++ b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/metabolomics/data-set-validator.py
@@ -1,95 +1,3 @@
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import java.io.File
-from java.io import IOException
-from java.lang import IllegalArgumentException
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.v1.validation import ValidationError, ValidationScriptRunner
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.utils import ExcelFileReader
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.common.logging import LogFactory, LogCategory
-operationLog = LogFactory.getLogger(LogCategory.OPERATION, ValidationScriptRunner)
-OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-metadata"
-OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-data"
-class TimeSeriesDataExcel:
-	"""
-		An abstraction for accessing time series data following the BaSynthec conventions 
-		from an Excel file. This class ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming.
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, file, fileReader):
-		self.file = file
-		self.fileReader = fileReader
-	def getRawMetadataLines(self):
-		"""Get the raw lines of the metadata sheet."""
-		try:
-			return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME);
-		except IOException, ex:
-			operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + self.file.getPath() + ", sheet: "
-		return []
-	def getRawDataLines(self):
-		"""Get the raw lines of the data sheet."""
-		try:
-			return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME)
-		except IOException, ex:
-			operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + file.getPath() + ", sheet: "
-					+ OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME + "]", ex)
-		return []
-	def getMetadataMap(self):
-		"""
-			Return the metadata has a hashmap, with all keys uppercased.
-			Assumes the metadata sheet corresponds to the following format: [Property] [Value] [... stuff
-			that can be ignored], that is the property name is in column 1 and property value is in
-			column 2, and everything else can be ignored.
-		"""
-		metadataMap = {}
-		metadataLines = self.getRawMetadataLines()
-		# Skip the first line, this is just the header
-		for i in range(1, metadataLines.size()):
-			line = metadataLines.get(i)
-			value = line[1];
-			if "BLANK" == value:
-				value = None
-			metadataMap[line[0].upper()] = value
-		return metadataMap
-def create_time_series_excel(fileName):
-	"""Factory method for the TimeSeriesData object. Returns None if it cannot be created"""
-	file = java.io.File(fileName)
-	try:
-		workbook = ExcelFileReader.getExcelWorkbook(file)
-		fileReader = ExcelFileReader(workbook, True)
-		return TimeSeriesDataExcel(file, fileReader)
-	except IllegalArgumentException, ex:
-		operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex)
-	except IOException, ex:
-		operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex)
-	return None
-class ValidationHelper:
-	"""
-		Methods for simplifying validation in BaSynthec.
-		This class ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming. 
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, metadataMap, errors):
-		self.metadataMap = metadataMap
-		self.errors = errors
-	def checkIsSpecified(self, property, displayName):
-		if self.metadataMap.get(property) is None:
-			self.errors.append(ValidationError.createFileValidationError("A " + displayName
-					+ " must be specified."))
-			return False
-		return True
 def validate_data(time_series_data, errors):
 	chebiRegex = re.compile("^CHEBI:[0-9]+")
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/proteomics/data-set-validator.py b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/proteomics/data-set-validator.py
index c1150d736ebceb5234e38ff17f84daa1ba3a9d74..3b4b73e074b380653e688e811ad10db8e2dfdfa8 100644
--- a/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/proteomics/data-set-validator.py
+++ b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/proteomics/data-set-validator.py
@@ -1,95 +1,3 @@
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import java.io.File
-from java.io import IOException
-from java.lang import IllegalArgumentException
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.v1.validation import ValidationError, ValidationScriptRunner
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.utils import ExcelFileReader
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.common.logging import LogFactory, LogCategory
-operationLog = LogFactory.getLogger(LogCategory.OPERATION, ValidationScriptRunner)
-OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-metadata"
-OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-data"
-class TimeSeriesDataExcel:
-	"""
-		An abstraction for accessing time series data following the BaSynthec conventions 
-		from an Excel file. This class ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming.
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, file, fileReader):
-		self.file = file
-		self.fileReader = fileReader
-	def getRawMetadataLines(self):
-		"""Get the raw lines of the metadata sheet."""
-		try:
-			return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME);
-		except IOException, ex:
-			operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + self.file.getPath() + ", sheet: "
-		return []
-	def getRawDataLines(self):
-		"""Get the raw lines of the data sheet."""
-		try:
-			return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME)
-		except IOException, ex:
-			operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + file.getPath() + ", sheet: "
-					+ OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME + "]", ex)
-		return []
-	def getMetadataMap(self):
-		"""
-			Return the metadata has a hashmap, with all keys uppercased.
-			Assumes the metadata sheet corresponds to the following format: [Property] [Value] [... stuff
-			that can be ignored], that is the property name is in column 1 and property value is in
-			column 2, and everything else can be ignored.
-		"""
-		metadataMap = {}
-		metadataLines = self.getRawMetadataLines()
-		# Skip the first line, this is just the header
-		for i in range(1, metadataLines.size()):
-			line = metadataLines.get(i)
-			value = line[1];
-			if "BLANK" == value:
-				value = None
-			metadataMap[line[0].upper()] = value
-		return metadataMap
-def create_time_series_excel(fileName):
-	"""Factory method for the TimeSeriesData object. Returns None if it cannot be created"""
-	file = java.io.File(fileName)
-	try:
-		workbook = ExcelFileReader.getExcelWorkbook(file)
-		fileReader = ExcelFileReader(workbook, True)
-		return TimeSeriesDataExcel(file, fileReader)
-	except IllegalArgumentException, ex:
-		operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex)
-	except IOException, ex:
-		operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex)
-	return None
-class ValidationHelper:
-	"""
-		Methods for simplifying validation in BaSynthec.
-		This class ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming. 
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, metadataMap, errors):
-		self.metadataMap = metadataMap
-		self.errors = errors
-	def checkIsSpecified(self, property, displayName):
-		if self.metadataMap.get(property) is None:
-			self.errors.append(ValidationError.createFileValidationError("A " + displayName
-					+ " must be specified."))
-			return False
-		return True
 def validate_data(time_series_data, errors):
 	gene_locus_regex = re.compile("^BSU[0-9]+|^BSU_misc_RNA_[0-9]+|^VMG_[0-9]+_[0-9]+(_c)?")
 	column_header_regex = re.compile("(\+|-)?[0-9]+::(value|mean|median|std|var|error|iqr)")
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/shared/shared-classes.py b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/shared/shared-classes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07f7cecb4e3b60380657a2b35d7d4f84b25054d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/shared/shared-classes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import java.io.File
+from java.io import IOException
+from java.lang import IllegalArgumentException
+from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.v1.validation import ValidationError, ValidationScriptRunner
+from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.utils import ExcelFileReader
+from ch.systemsx.cisd.common.logging import LogFactory, LogCategory
+operationLog = LogFactory.getLogger(LogCategory.OPERATION, ValidationScriptRunner)
+OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-metadata"
+OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-data"
+class TimeSeriesDataExcel:
+	"""
+		An abstraction for accessing time series data following the BaSynthec conventions 
+		from an Excel file. This class ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, file, fileReader):
+		self.file = file
+		self.fileReader = fileReader
+	def getRawMetadataLines(self):
+		"""Get the raw lines of the metadata sheet."""
+		try:
+			return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME);
+		except IOException, ex:
+			operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + self.file.getPath() + ", sheet: "
+		return []
+	def getRawDataLines(self):
+		"""Get the raw lines of the data sheet."""
+		try:
+			return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME)
+		except IOException, ex:
+			operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + file.getPath() + ", sheet: "
+					+ OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME + "]", ex)
+		return []
+	def getMetadataMap(self):
+		"""
+			Return the metadata has a hashmap, with all keys uppercased.
+			Assumes the metadata sheet corresponds to the following format: [Property] [Value] [... stuff
+			that can be ignored], that is the property name is in column 1 and property value is in
+			column 2, and everything else can be ignored.
+		"""
+		metadataMap = {}
+		metadataLines = self.getRawMetadataLines()
+		# Skip the first line, this is just the header
+		for i in range(1, metadataLines.size()):
+			line = metadataLines.get(i)
+			value = line[1];
+			if "BLANK" == value:
+				value = None
+			metadataMap[line[0].upper()] = value
+		return metadataMap
+def create_time_series_excel(fileName):
+	"""Factory method for the TimeSeriesData object. Returns None if it cannot be created."""
+	file = java.io.File(fileName)
+	try:
+		workbook = ExcelFileReader.getExcelWorkbook(file)
+		fileReader = ExcelFileReader(workbook, True)
+		return TimeSeriesDataExcel(file, fileReader)
+	except IllegalArgumentException, ex:
+		operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex)
+	except IOException, ex:
+		operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex)
+	return None
+class ValidationHelper:
+	"""
+		Methods for simplifying validation in BaSynthec.
+		This class is ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming. 
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, metadataMap, errors):
+		self.metadataMap = metadataMap
+		self.errors = errors
+	def checkIsSpecified(self, property, displayName):
+		"""Verify that a property is specified; if not, add a validation error to the list."""
+		if self.metadataMap.get(property) is None:
+			self.errors.append(ValidationError.createFileValidationError("A " + displayName
+					+ " must be specified."))
+			return False
+		return True
+strainIdRegex = re.compile("^MGP[0-9]{1,3}")
+def isStrainIdValid(strainId):
+	"""Return true if the strain id passes validation (has the form MGP[:digit:]{1,3})"""
+	match = strainIdRegex.match(strainId)
+	if match is None:
+		return False
+	return match.end() == len(strainId)
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/transcriptomics/data-set-validator.py b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/transcriptomics/data-set-validator.py
index 5cdf0840db0c90ff7924b16fc815d952788a3528..b42c2fdb592174caba11535c09fc11aef39273eb 100644
--- a/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/transcriptomics/data-set-validator.py
+++ b/eu_basynthec/dist/etc/transcriptomics/data-set-validator.py
@@ -1,95 +1,3 @@
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import java.io.File
-from java.io import IOException
-from java.lang import IllegalArgumentException
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.v1.validation import ValidationError, ValidationScriptRunner
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.utils import ExcelFileReader
-from ch.systemsx.cisd.common.logging import LogFactory, LogCategory
-operationLog = LogFactory.getLogger(LogCategory.OPERATION, ValidationScriptRunner)
-OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-metadata"
-OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-data"
-class TimeSeriesDataExcel:
-	"""
-		An abstraction for accessing time series data following the BaSynthec conventions 
-		from an Excel file. This class ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming.
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, file, fileReader):
-		self.file = file
-		self.fileReader = fileReader
-	def getRawMetadataLines(self):
-		"""Get the raw lines of the metadata sheet."""
-		try:
-			return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME);
-		except IOException, ex:
-			operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + self.file.getPath() + ", sheet: "
-		return []
-	def getRawDataLines(self):
-		"""Get the raw lines of the data sheet."""
-		try:
-			return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME)
-		except IOException, ex:
-			operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + file.getPath() + ", sheet: "
-					+ OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME + "]", ex)
-		return []
-	def getMetadataMap(self):
-		"""
-			Return the metadata has a hashmap, with all keys uppercased.
-			Assumes the metadata sheet corresponds to the following format: [Property] [Value] [... stuff
-			that can be ignored], that is the property name is in column 1 and property value is in
-			column 2, and everything else can be ignored.
-		"""
-		metadataMap = {}
-		metadataLines = self.getRawMetadataLines()
-		# Skip the first line, this is just the header
-		for i in range(1, metadataLines.size()):
-			line = metadataLines.get(i)
-			value = line[1];
-			if "BLANK" == value:
-				value = None
-			metadataMap[line[0].upper()] = value
-		return metadataMap
-def create_time_series_excel(fileName):
-	"""Factory method for the TimeSeriesData object. Returns None if it cannot be created"""
-	file = java.io.File(fileName)
-	try:
-		workbook = ExcelFileReader.getExcelWorkbook(file)
-		fileReader = ExcelFileReader(workbook, True)
-		return TimeSeriesDataExcel(file, fileReader)
-	except IllegalArgumentException, ex:
-		operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex)
-	except IOException, ex:
-		operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex)
-	return None
-class ValidationHelper:
-	"""
-		Methods for simplifying validation in BaSynthec.
-		This class ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming. 
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, metadataMap, errors):
-		self.metadataMap = metadataMap
-		self.errors = errors
-	def checkIsSpecified(self, property, displayName):
-		if self.metadataMap.get(property) is None:
-			self.errors.append(ValidationError.createFileValidationError("A " + displayName
-					+ " must be specified."))
-			return False
-		return True
 def validate_data(time_series_data, errors):
 	gene_locus_regex = re.compile("^BSU[0-9]+|^BSU_misc_RNA_[0-9]+|^VMG_[0-9]+_[0-9]+(_c)?")
 	dataLines = time_series_data.getRawDataLines()
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/examples/OD600-BadData.xlsx b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/examples/OD600-BadData.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77472c04d3163f7920b325721eaa0ad7c375796a
Binary files /dev/null and b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/examples/OD600-BadData.xlsx differ
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/examples/OD600-Example.xlsx b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/examples/OD600-Example.xlsx
index d6e35b4b893639449069f18023af3fb499c40204..4f83f9ce28149ce85353f1e0456bfaddba7aa093 100644
Binary files a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/examples/OD600-Example.xlsx and b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/examples/OD600-Example.xlsx differ
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/examples/OD600-Template.xlsx b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/examples/OD600-Template.xlsx
index 08dbb1ba136006d62f943514eda36cfbc8d33a88..be43feb2f882179020b274e7f3ca47119135cad8 100644
Binary files a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/examples/OD600-Template.xlsx and b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/examples/OD600-Template.xlsx differ
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/growthprofiles/OD600DataSetRegistratorTest.java b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/growthprofiles/OD600DataSetRegistratorTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eaa8a49f4226f153e3236ee4e1ef825b239f189d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/growthprofiles/OD600DataSetRegistratorTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ * Copyright 2011 ETH Zuerich, CISD
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package eu.basynthec.cisd.dss.growthprofiles;
+import static ch.systemsx.cisd.common.Constants.IS_FINISHED_PREFIX;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
+import org.jmock.Expectations;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+import ch.systemsx.cisd.common.filesystem.FileUtilities;
+import ch.systemsx.cisd.common.test.RecordingMatcher;
+import ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.AbstractJythonDataSetHandlerTest;
+import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.basic.dto.DataSetType;
+import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.basic.dto.Experiment;
+import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.basic.dto.builders.ExperimentBuilder;
+import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.AtomicEntityOperationResult;
+import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.NewExternalData;
+import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.NewProperty;
+import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.identifier.ExperimentIdentifierFactory;
+ * @author Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan
+ */
+public class OD600DataSetRegistratorTest extends AbstractJythonDataSetHandlerTest
+    private static final String STRAIN_NAMES_PROP = "STRAIN_NAMES";
+    private static final String DATA_SET_CODE = "data-set-code";
+    private static final DataSetType DATA_SET_TYPE = new DataSetType("OD600");
+    private static final String EXPERIMENT_IDENTIFIER = "/TEST/TEST/TEST";
+    @Test
+    public void testSimpleTransaction() throws IOException
+    {
+        setUpHomeDataBaseExpectations();
+        Properties properties =
+                createThreadPropertiesRelativeToScriptsFolder("data-set-handler.py",
+                        "dist/etc/shared/shared-classes.py,dist/etc/growth-profiles/data-set-validator.py");
+        createHandler(properties, false, true);
+        createData();
+        ExperimentBuilder builder = new ExperimentBuilder().identifier(EXPERIMENT_IDENTIFIER);
+        final Experiment experiment = builder.getExperiment();
+        final RecordingMatcher<ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.AtomicEntityOperationDetails> atomicatOperationDetails =
+                new RecordingMatcher<ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.AtomicEntityOperationDetails>();
+        context.checking(new Expectations()
+            {
+                {
+                    one(openBisService).createDataSetCode();
+                    will(returnValue(DATA_SET_CODE));
+                    atLeast(1).of(openBisService).tryToGetExperiment(
+                            new ExperimentIdentifierFactory(experiment.getIdentifier())
+                                    .createIdentifier());
+                    will(returnValue(experiment));
+                    one(dataSetValidator).assertValidDataSet(DATA_SET_TYPE,
+                            new File(new File(stagingDirectory, DATA_SET_CODE), "data"));
+                    one(openBisService).performEntityOperations(with(atomicatOperationDetails));
+                    will(returnValue(new AtomicEntityOperationResult()));
+                }
+            });
+        handler.handle(markerFile);
+        assertEquals(1, atomicatOperationDetails.recordedObject().getDataSetRegistrations().size());
+        NewExternalData dataSet =
+                atomicatOperationDetails.recordedObject().getDataSetRegistrations().get(0);
+        assertEquals(DATA_SET_CODE, dataSet.getCode());
+        assertEquals(DATA_SET_TYPE, dataSet.getDataSetType());
+        HashMap<String, NewProperty> propertyMap =
+                getDataSetPropertiesMap(dataSet.getDataSetProperties());
+        NewProperty strainProperty = propertyMap.get(STRAIN_NAMES_PROP);
+        assertNotNull(strainProperty);
+        assert null != strainProperty;
+        assertEquals("MGP1,MGP100,MGP20,MGP999", strainProperty.getValue());
+        context.assertIsSatisfied();
+    }
+    private void createData() throws IOException
+    {
+        File dataFile = new File("sourceTest/examples/OD600-Example.xlsx");
+        FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(dataFile, workingDirectory);
+        incomingDataSetFile = new File(workingDirectory, dataFile.getName());
+        markerFile = new File(workingDirectory, IS_FINISHED_PREFIX + dataFile.getName());
+        FileUtilities.writeToFile(markerFile, "");
+    }
+    protected HashMap<String, NewProperty> getDataSetPropertiesMap(
+            List<NewProperty> dataSetProperties)
+    {
+        HashMap<String, NewProperty> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, NewProperty>();
+        for (NewProperty prop : dataSetProperties)
+        {
+            propertyMap.put(prop.getPropertyCode(), prop);
+        }
+        return propertyMap;
+    }
+    @Override
+    protected String getRegistrationScriptsFolderPath()
+    {
+        return "dist/etc/growth-profiles/";
+    }
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/growthprofiles/OD600ValidatorTest.java b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/growthprofiles/OD600ValidatorTest.java
index de98a23d1928e942f60f0c590258888a89c99185..3d4059fb0361ead8a98d8d60b0b82da41e2b7734 100644
--- a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/growthprofiles/OD600ValidatorTest.java
+++ b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/growthprofiles/OD600ValidatorTest.java
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.v1.validation.ValidationS
 public class OD600ValidatorTest extends AssertJUnit
     private static final String[] VALIDATION_SCRIPT_PATH = new String[]
-        { "dist/etc/growth-profiles/data-set-validator.py" };
+        { "dist/etc/shared/shared-classes.py", "dist/etc/growth-profiles/data-set-validator.py" };
     public void testGoodData()
@@ -43,6 +43,20 @@ public class OD600ValidatorTest extends AssertJUnit
         assertTrue("The example should have no errors", errors.isEmpty());
+    @Test
+    public void testBadData()
+    {
+        ValidationScriptRunner scriptRunner =
+                ValidationScriptRunner.createValidatorFromScriptPaths(VALIDATION_SCRIPT_PATH);
+        List<ValidationError> errors =
+                scriptRunner.validate(new File("sourceTest/examples/OD600-BadData.xlsx"));
+        assertEquals("The bad data should have two errors", 2, errors.size());
+        assertEquals("Line 2, column 1 must be MGP[0-999] (instead of OD600).", errors.get(0)
+                .getErrorMessage());
+        assertEquals("Line 3, column 1 must be MGP[0-999] (instead of MGP1000).", errors.get(1)
+                .getErrorMessage());
+    }
     public void testTemplate()
@@ -50,11 +64,7 @@ public class OD600ValidatorTest extends AssertJUnit
         List<ValidationError> errors =
                 scriptRunner.validate(new File("sourceTest/examples/OD600-Template.xlsx"));
-        if (errors.size() > 0)
-        {
-            System.out.println(errors);
-        }
-        assertEquals("The template should have five errors", 5, errors.size());
+        assertEquals("The template should have five errors", 4, errors.size());
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/metabolomics/MetabolomicsValidatorTest.java b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/metabolomics/MetabolomicsValidatorTest.java
index 6d2fcf11532b3d7fef72af490035311ad4223f0d..8dc2ba733bd7ed9eb27c41b82ed5e74d371aa452 100644
--- a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/metabolomics/MetabolomicsValidatorTest.java
+++ b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/metabolomics/MetabolomicsValidatorTest.java
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.v1.validation.ValidationS
 public class MetabolomicsValidatorTest extends AssertJUnit
     private static final String[] VALIDATION_SCRIPT_PATH = new String[]
-        { "dist/etc/metabolomics/data-set-validator.py" };
+        { "dist/etc/shared/shared-classes.py", "dist/etc/metabolomics/data-set-validator.py" };
     public void testGoodData()
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/proteomics/ProteomicsValidatorTest.java b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/proteomics/ProteomicsValidatorTest.java
index d75f588fc76cf87c67781bf237a98c32b1e6f40e..2a41d4361169c7fbad6ac98a6e082dc29c3ab685 100644
--- a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/proteomics/ProteomicsValidatorTest.java
+++ b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/proteomics/ProteomicsValidatorTest.java
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.v1.validation.ValidationS
 public class ProteomicsValidatorTest extends AssertJUnit
     private static final String[] VALIDATION_SCRIPT_PATH = new String[]
-        { "dist/etc/proteomics/data-set-validator.py" };
+        { "dist/etc/shared/shared-classes.py", "dist/etc/proteomics/data-set-validator.py" };
     public void testGoodData()
diff --git a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/transcriptomics/TranscriptomicsValidatorTest.java b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/transcriptomics/TranscriptomicsValidatorTest.java
index e6c76a7c28328c4b61e3c88839cc1913dd64e43d..1b009c1724585e0dced241ca08be1e4af6d6c3fa 100644
--- a/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/transcriptomics/TranscriptomicsValidatorTest.java
+++ b/eu_basynthec/sourceTest/java/eu/basynthec/cisd/dss/transcriptomics/TranscriptomicsValidatorTest.java
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.v1.validation.ValidationS
 public class TranscriptomicsValidatorTest extends AssertJUnit
     private static final String[] VALIDATION_SCRIPT_PATH = new String[]
-        { "dist/etc/transcriptomics/data-set-validator.py" };
+        { "dist/etc/shared/shared-classes.py", "dist/etc/transcriptomics/data-set-validator.py" };
     public void testGoodData()