diff --git a/pybis/src/python/pybis/dataset.py b/pybis/src/python/pybis/dataset.py
index 982977b0e67590603e3c0f327d072bd3b5feecda..6e893eb7d11100fe840e16e97cc7ea4b6a51f0b7 100644
--- a/pybis/src/python/pybis/dataset.py
+++ b/pybis/src/python/pybis/dataset.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import os
 from threading import Thread
-from tabulate import tabulate
 from queue import Queue
+from tabulate import tabulate
 from .openbis_object import OpenBisObject 
 from .definitions import openbis_definitions
 from .utils import VERBOSE
@@ -241,23 +241,21 @@ class DataSet(
         base_url = self.data['dataStore']['downloadUrl'] + '/datastore_server/' + self.permId + '/'
+        with DataSetDownloadQueue(workers=workers) as queue:
+            # get file list and start download
+            for filename in files:
+                file_info = self.get_file_list(start_folder=filename)
+                file_size = file_info[0]['fileSize']
+                download_url = base_url + filename + '?sessionID=' + self.openbis.token
+                filename_dest = os.path.join(destination, self.permId, filename)
+                queue.put([download_url, filename, filename_dest, file_size, self.openbis.verify_certificates, 'wb'])
-        queue = DataSetDownloadQueue(workers=workers)
-        # get file list and start download
-        for filename in files:
-            file_info = self.get_file_list(start_folder=filename)
-            file_size = file_info[0]['fileSize']
-            download_url = base_url + filename + '?sessionID=' + self.openbis.token
-            filename_dest = os.path.join(destination, self.permId, filename)
-            queue.put([download_url, filename, filename_dest, file_size, self.openbis.verify_certificates, 'wb'])
+            # wait until all files have downloaded
+            if wait_until_finished:
+                queue.join()
-        # wait until all files have downloaded
-        if wait_until_finished:
-            queue.join()
-        if VERBOSE: print("Files downloaded to: %s" % os.path.join(destination, self.permId))
-        return destination
+            if VERBOSE: print("Files downloaded to: %s" % os.path.join(destination, self.permId))
+            return destination
     def _download_link(self, files, destination, wait_until_finished, workers, linked_dataset_fileservice_url, content_copy_index):
@@ -265,42 +263,42 @@ class DataSet(
         Requires the microservice server to be running at the given linked_dataset_fileservice_url.
-        queue = DataSetDownloadQueue(workers=workers, collect_files_with_wrong_length=True)
+        with DataSetDownloadQueue(workers=workers, collect_files_with_wrong_length=True) as queue:
-        if content_copy_index >= len(self.data["linkedData"]["contentCopies"]):
-            raise ValueError("Content Copy index out of range.")
-        content_copy = self.data["linkedData"]["contentCopies"][content_copy_index]
+            if content_copy_index >= len(self.data["linkedData"]["contentCopies"]):
+                raise ValueError("Content Copy index out of range.")
+            content_copy = self.data["linkedData"]["contentCopies"][content_copy_index]
-        for filename in files:
-            file_info = self.get_file_list(start_folder=filename)
-            file_size = file_info[0]['fileSize']
+            for filename in files:
+                file_info = self.get_file_list(start_folder=filename)
+                file_size = file_info[0]['fileSize']
-            download_url = linked_dataset_fileservice_url
-            download_url += "?sessionToken=" + self.openbis.token
-            download_url += "&datasetPermId=" + self.data["permId"]["permId"]
-            download_url += "&externalDMSCode=" + content_copy["externalDms"]["code"]
-            download_url += "&contentCopyPath=" + content_copy["path"].replace("/", "%2F")
-            download_url += "&datasetPathToFile=" + urllib.parse.quote(filename)
+                download_url = linked_dataset_fileservice_url
+                download_url += "?sessionToken=" + self.openbis.token
+                download_url += "&datasetPermId=" + self.data["permId"]["permId"]
+                download_url += "&externalDMSCode=" + content_copy["externalDms"]["code"]
+                download_url += "&contentCopyPath=" + content_copy["path"].replace("/", "%2F")
+                download_url += "&datasetPathToFile=" + urllib.parse.quote(filename)
-            filename_dest = os.path.join(destination, self.permId, filename)
+                filename_dest = os.path.join(destination, self.permId, filename)
-            # continue download if file is not complete - do nothing if it is
-            write_mode = 'wb'
-            if os.path.exists(filename_dest):
-                actual_size = os.path.getsize(filename_dest)
-                if actual_size == int(file_size):
-                    continue
-                elif actual_size < int(file_size):
-                    write_mode = 'ab'
-                    download_url += "&offset=" + str(actual_size)
+                # continue download if file is not complete - do nothing if it is
+                write_mode = 'wb'
+                if os.path.exists(filename_dest):
+                    actual_size = os.path.getsize(filename_dest)
+                    if actual_size == int(file_size):
+                        continue
+                    elif actual_size < int(file_size):
+                        write_mode = 'ab'
+                        download_url += "&offset=" + str(actual_size)
-            queue.put([download_url, filename, filename_dest, file_size, self.openbis.verify_certificates, write_mode])
+                queue.put([download_url, filename, filename_dest, file_size, self.openbis.verify_certificates, write_mode])
-        if wait_until_finished:
-            queue.join()
+            if wait_until_finished:
+                queue.join()
-        if VERBOSE: print("Files downloaded to: %s" % os.path.join(destination, self.permId))
-        return destination, queue.files_with_wrong_length
+            if VERBOSE: print("Files downloaded to: %s" % os.path.join(destination, self.permId))
+            return destination, queue.files_with_wrong_length
@@ -584,50 +582,60 @@ class DataSet(
         # define a queue to handle the upload threads
-        queue = DataSetUploadQueue()
+        with DataSetUploadQueue() as queue:
-        real_files = []
-        for filename in files:
-            if os.path.isdir(filename):
-                real_files.extend(
-                    [os.path.join(dp, f) for dp, dn, fn in os.walk(os.path.expanduser(filename)) for f in fn])
-            else:
-                real_files.append(os.path.join(filename))
-        # compose the upload-URL and put URL and filename in the upload queue 
-        for filename in real_files:
-            file_in_wsp = os.path.join(folder, os.path.basename(filename))
-            url_filename = os.path.join(folder, urllib.parse.quote(os.path.basename(filename)))
-            self.files_in_wsp.append(file_in_wsp)
-            upload_url = (
-                datastore_url + '/datastore_server/session_workspace_file_upload'
-                + '?filename=' + url_filename
-                + '&id=1'
-                + '&startByte=0&endByte=0'
-                + '&sessionID=' + self.openbis.token
-            )
-            queue.put([upload_url, filename, self.openbis.verify_certificates])
+            real_files = []
+            for filename in files:
+                if os.path.isdir(filename):
+                    real_files.extend(
+                        [os.path.join(dp, f) for dp, dn, fn in os.walk(os.path.expanduser(filename)) for f in fn])
+                else:
+                    real_files.append(os.path.join(filename))
+            # compose the upload-URL and put URL and filename in the upload queue 
+            for filename in real_files:
+                file_in_wsp = os.path.join(folder, os.path.basename(filename))
+                url_filename = os.path.join(folder, urllib.parse.quote(os.path.basename(filename)))
+                self.files_in_wsp.append(file_in_wsp)
+                upload_url = (
+                    datastore_url + '/datastore_server/session_workspace_file_upload'
+                    + '?filename=' + url_filename
+                    + '&id=1'
+                    + '&startByte=0&endByte=0'
+                    + '&sessionID=' + self.openbis.token
+                )
+                queue.put([upload_url, filename, self.openbis.verify_certificates])
-        # wait until all files have uploaded
-        if wait_until_finished:
-            queue.join()
+            # wait until all files have uploaded
+            if wait_until_finished:
+                queue.join()
-        # return files with full path in session workspace
-        return self.files_in_wsp
+            # return files with full path in session workspace
+            return self.files_in_wsp
 class DataSetUploadQueue():
     def __init__(self, workers=20):
         # maximum files to be uploaded at once
         self.upload_queue = Queue()
+        self.workers = workers
         # define number of threads and start them
         for t in range(workers):
             t = Thread(target=self.upload_file)
-            t.daemon = True
+    def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """This method is called at the end of a with statement.
+        """
+        # stop the workers
+        for i in self.workers:
+            self.upload_queue.put(None)
     def put(self, things):
         """ expects a list [url, filename] which is put into the upload queue
@@ -636,12 +644,17 @@ class DataSetUploadQueue():
     def join(self):
         """ needs to be called if you want to wait for all uploads to be finished
+        # block until all tasks are done
     def upload_file(self):
         while True:
             # get the next item in the queue
-            upload_url, filename, verify_certificates = self.upload_queue.get()
+            queue_item = self.upload_queue.get()
+            if queue_item is None:
+                # when we call the .join() method of the DataSetUploadQueue and empty the queue
+                break
+            upload_url, filename, verify_certificates = queue_item
             filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)
@@ -713,14 +726,24 @@ class DataSetDownloadQueue():
     def __init__(self, workers=20, collect_files_with_wrong_length=False):
         self.collect_files_with_wrong_length = collect_files_with_wrong_length
         # maximum files to be downloaded at once
+        self.workers = workers
         self.download_queue = Queue()
         self.files_with_wrong_length = []
         # define number of threads
-        for t in range(workers):
-            t = Thread(target=self.download_file)
-            t.daemon = True
-            t.start()
+        for i in range(workers):
+            thread = Thread(target=self.download_file)
+            thread.start()
+    def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """This method is called at the end of a with statement.
+        """
+        # stop all workers
+        for i in range(self.workers):
+            self.download_queue.put(None)
     def put(self, things):
         """ expects a list [url, filename] which is put into the download queue
@@ -735,7 +758,11 @@ class DataSetDownloadQueue():
     def download_file(self):
         while True:
-                url, filename, filename_dest, file_size, verify_certificates, write_mode = self.download_queue.get()
+                queue_item = self.download_queue.get()
+                if queue_item is None:
+                    # when we call the .join() method of the DataSetDownloadQueue and empty the queue
+                    break
+                url, filename, filename_dest, file_size, verify_certificates, write_mode = queue_item
                 # create the necessary directory structure if they don't exist yet
                 os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename_dest), exist_ok=True)