diff --git a/openbis_all/source/bash/tag_and_build_release.sh b/openbis_all/source/bash/tag_and_build_release.sh
index b3c885648d56820094b9c5a5a3027685dcf945cc..46455542f104609d1cb453c65ba7ebe3ac4609db 100755
--- a/openbis_all/source/bash/tag_and_build_release.sh
+++ b/openbis_all/source/bash/tag_and_build_release.sh
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ function state_end {
 	echo ""	
-function setup {
-	state_start Setup
+function setup13 {
+	state_start "Setup for 13.05"
   	echo "svn checkout svn+ssh://svncisd.ethz.ch/repos/cisd/build_resources/trunk build_resources"
 	if [ $EXECUTE_COMMANDS ]; then
   		svn checkout svn+ssh://svncisd.ethz.ch/repos/cisd/build_resources/trunk build_resources
@@ -54,29 +54,66 @@ function setup {
-function tag {
+function setup {
+  state_start Setup
+  if [ $SUBVER -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo "$BIN_DIR/build/branch.sh stage/$VER.x"
+    if [ $EXECUTE_COMMANDS ]; then
+      ./$BIN_DIR/build/branch.sh stage/$VER.x
+    fi
+  fi
+  echo "svn delete svn+ssh://svncisd.ethz.ch/repos/cisd/openbis_all/branches/release/$VER.x"
+  if [ $EXECUTE_COMMANDS ]; then
+    svn delete -m "replace release/$VER.x by stage/$VER.x: step 1: delete release/$VER.x" svn+ssh://svncisd.ethz.ch/repos/cisd/openbis_all/branches/release/$VER.x 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+  echo "svn cp svn+ssh://svncisd.ethz.ch/repos/cisd/openbis_all/branches/stage/$VER.x svn+ssh://svncisd.ethz.ch/repos/cisd/openbis_all/branches/release/$VER.x"
+  if [ $EXECUTE_COMMANDS ]; then
+    svn cp -m "replace release/$VER.x by stage/$VER.x: step 2: copy stage/$VER.x to release/$VER.x" svn+ssh://svncisd.ethz.ch/repos/cisd/openbis_all/branches/stage/$VER.x svn+ssh://svncisd.ethz.ch/repos/cisd/openbis_all/branches/release/$VER.x
+  fi
+  state_end
+function tag13 {
 	state_start "Tagging openBIS to $FULL_VER..."
 	echo "./tag_release.sh openbis_all $FULL_VER"
 	if [ $EXECUTE_COMMANDS ]; then
 		./tag_release.sh openbis_all $FULL_VER
-function build {
-  state_start "Building openBIS..."
+function tag {
+  state_start "Tagging release/$VER.x to $FULL_VER..."
+  echo "$BIN_DIR/build/tag.sh release/$VER.x $FULL_VER"
+  if [ $EXECUTE_COMMANDS ]; then
+    "$BIN_DIR/build/tag.sh" release/$VER.x $FULL_VER
+  fi
+  state_end
+function build13 {
+	state_start "Building openBIS..."
+	echo "./build_ant.sh openbis_all $FULL_VER"
+	if [ $EXECUTE_COMMANDS ]; then
+		./build_ant.sh openbis_all $FULL_VER
+	fi
+	state_end
+function build {
+  state_start "Building openBIS $FULL_VER"
+  echo "$BIN_DIR/build/build.sh release/$VER.x $FULL_VER"
   if [ $EXECUTE_COMMANDS ]; then
-    if [ ${FULL_VER%.*} == '13' ]; then
-      echo "./build_ant.sh openbis_all $FULL_VER"
-      ./build_ant.sh openbis_all $FULL_VER
-    else
-      echo "../$BIN_DIR/build/build.sh release/$VER.x $FULL_VER"
-      "../$BIN_DIR/build/build.sh" release/$VER.x $FULL_VER
-    fi
+    "$BIN_DIR/build/build.sh" release/$VER.x $FULL_VER
@@ -135,11 +172,17 @@ else
 	state_start "RUNNING DRY RUN"
+if [ ${VER%.*} == "13" ]; then
+  setup13
+  tag13
+  build13
+  copy_to_cisd_server
+  publish_javadocs
+  install_sprint
+  setup
+  tag
+  build
 state_start Done!