From a8ae709737d8dd37d6453eb29d452aad75196066 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: cramakri <cramakri>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 15:27:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] LMS-1343 Modified run tests target to run the individual test

SVN: 14395
 openbis/build/build.xml | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openbis/build/build.xml b/openbis/build/build.xml
index dba8bfc514d..178f6160ac5 100644
--- a/openbis/build/build.xml
+++ b/openbis/build/build.xml
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
-      // Runs system tests (only on Linux)
+      // Runs system tests
 	<target name="run-system-tests" depends="prepare-gwt, compile-tests">
 		<delete dir="${output.test}" />
@@ -71,15 +71,69 @@
 			<sysproperty key="" value="manual" />
 			<sysproperty key="data-store-server-base-url" value="https://localhost:8889" />
 			<formatter type="xml" />
-			<test name="ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.SystemTestSuite" todir="${output.test}" />
+			<test name="ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.EditingTestSuite" todir="${output.test}" />
 				<isset property="tests-failed"/>
+		<junit dir="." fork="true" forkmode="once" maxmemory="1024m" showoutput="true" failureproperty="tests-failed">
+			<classpath>
+				<pathelement location="${sources}" />
+				<pathelement location="${sources.test}" />
+				<pathelement path="${ecp}" />
+				<pathelement location="${gwt.lib}/gwt-dev.jar" />
+			</classpath>
+			<jvmarg value="-ea" />
+			<sysproperty key="authentication-service" value="file-authentication-service" />
+			<sysproperty key="database.create-from-scratch" value="true" />
+			<sysproperty key="database.kind" value="system_test" />
+			<sysproperty key="script-folder" value="sourceTest" />
+			<sysproperty key="mass-upload-folder" value="sourceTest/sql/postgresql" />
+			<sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="etc/log_system_test.xml" />
+			<sysproperty key="" value="sourceTest/lucene/indices" />
+			<sysproperty key="" value="NO_INDEX" />
+			<sysproperty key="" value="manual" />
+			<sysproperty key="data-store-server-base-url" value="https://localhost:8889" />
+			<sysproperty key="gwt.args" value="-Xtries 1" />
+			<formatter type="xml" />
+			<test name="ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.ViewingTestSuite1" todir="${output.test}" />
+		</junit>
+		<fail>
+			<condition>
+				<isset property="tests-failed"/>
+			</condition>
+		</fail>
+			<junit dir="." fork="true" forkmode="once" maxmemory="1024m" showoutput="true" failureproperty="tests-failed">
+				<classpath>
+					<pathelement location="${sources}" />
+					<pathelement location="${sources.test}" />
+					<pathelement path="${ecp}" />
+					<pathelement location="${gwt.lib}/gwt-dev.jar" />
+				</classpath>
+				<jvmarg value="-ea" />
+				<sysproperty key="authentication-service" value="file-authentication-service" />
+				<sysproperty key="database.create-from-scratch" value="true" />
+				<sysproperty key="database.kind" value="system_test" />
+				<sysproperty key="script-folder" value="sourceTest" />
+				<sysproperty key="mass-upload-folder" value="sourceTest/sql/postgresql" />
+				<sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="etc/log_system_test.xml" />
+				<sysproperty key="" value="sourceTest/lucene/indices" />
+				<sysproperty key="" value="NO_INDEX" />
+				<sysproperty key="" value="manual" />
+				<sysproperty key="data-store-server-base-url" value="https://localhost:8889" />
+				<sysproperty key="gwt.args" value="-Xtries 1" />
+				<formatter type="xml" />
+				<test name="ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.ViewingTestSuite2" todir="${output.test}" />
+			</junit>
+			<fail>
+				<condition>
+					<isset property="tests-failed"/>
+				</condition>
+			</fail>
       // Makes a distribution file.