diff --git a/js-test/servers/common/core-plugins/tests/1/as/webapps/openbis-v3-api-test/html/index.html b/js-test/servers/common/core-plugins/tests/1/as/webapps/openbis-v3-api-test/html/index.html
index 5afe561476b8fcf6f0404e833cf6e5680140adb4..0162c0b78bd01aafffa6363461eb16f7668a7ebf 100644
--- a/js-test/servers/common/core-plugins/tests/1/as/webapps/openbis-v3-api-test/html/index.html
+++ b/js-test/servers/common/core-plugins/tests/1/as/webapps/openbis-v3-api-test/html/index.html
@@ -6,78 +6,88 @@
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="../common-test/qunit.css">
-  	var requirejs = {
-	  	paths: {
-    	    "jquery": "/openbis/resources/js/jquery",
-  			"qunit": "support/qunit",
-  			"qunit-report": "support/qunit-reporter-junit",  
-  			"common-test": "../common-test/common-test",
-  			"dto": "models/dto"
-    	},
-    	shim: {
-    		"qunit": {
-    			exports: "QUnit",
-    			init: function() {
-	               QUnit.config.autoload = false;
-    	           QUnit.config.autostart = false;
-        	   }
-    		},
-    		"qunit-report": {
-    			deps: ['qunit'],
-    		},
-    		"common-test": {
-    			deps: ['qunit', 'qunit-report'],
-    		},
-    		'support/Utils': {
-    			deps: ['support/stjs', 'support/type_registry', 'common-test']
-    		},
-    		'support/stjs': {
+    var requirejs = {
+      paths: {
+          "jquery": "/openbis/resources/js/jquery",
+        "qunit": "support/qunit",
+        "qunit-report": "support/qunit-reporter-junit",  
+        "common-test": "../common-test/common-test",
+        "dto": "models/dto"
+      },
+      shim: {
+        "qunit": {
+          exports: "QUnit",
+          init: function() {
+                 QUnit.config.autoload = false;
+                 QUnit.config.autostart = false;
+             }
+        },
+        "qunit-report": {
+          deps: ['qunit'],
+        },
+        "common-test": {
+          deps: ['qunit', 'qunit-report'],
+        },
+        'support/Utils': {
+          deps: ['support/stjs', 'support/type_registry', 'common-test']
+        },
+        'support/stjs': {
           exports: "stjs",
-    			deps: ['support/underscore-min.js']
-    		},
-    		// DTO dependencies: 
-    		// Generally, if the dto has a call "new SomethingSomething" it should be an explicit dependency in the dto module definition
-    		// these are currently needed for "fromJSON" reconstruction but this is still not the right way
-    		'dto/entity/experiment/Experiment': {
-    			deps: [ 'dto/id/experiment/ExperimentPermId', 
-    					'dto/id/experiment/ExperimentIdentifier', 
-    					'dto/entity/experiment/ExperimentType',
-    					'dto/entity/project/Project',
-    					'dto/entity/person/Person']
-    		},
-    		'dto/entity/experiment/ExperimentType': {
-    			deps: ['dto/fetchoptions/experiment/ExperimentTypeFetchOptions',
-    					'dto/id/entitytype/EntityTypePermId']
-    		},
-    		'dto/entity/project/Project': {
-    			deps: ['dto/id/project/ProjectPermId',
-    					'dto/id/project/ProjectIdentifier',
-    					'dto/entity/space/Space']
-    		},
-    		'dto/entity/space/Space': {
-    			deps: ['dto/fetchoptions/space/SpaceFetchOptions',
-    					'dto/id/space/SpacePermId']
-    		}
-    	}
-	};
+          deps: ['support/underscore-min.js']
+        },        
+        'support/underscore-min': {
+          exports: "_"
+        },
+        // DTO dependencies: 
+        // Generally, if the dto has a call "new SomethingSomething" it should be an explicit dependency in the dto module definition
+        // these are currently needed for "fromJSON" reconstruction but this is still not the right way
+        'dto/entity/experiment/Experiment': {
+          deps: [ 'dto/id/experiment/ExperimentPermId', 
+              'dto/id/experiment/ExperimentIdentifier', 
+              'dto/entity/experiment/ExperimentType',
+              'dto/entity/project/Project',
+              'dto/entity/person/Person']
+        },
+        'dto/entity/sample/Sample': {
+          deps: [ 'dto/id/sample/SamplePermId',
+              'dto/id/sample/SampleIdentifier', 
+              'dto/entity/sample/SampleType', 
+              'dto/entity/space/Space',
+              'dto/entity/experiment/Experiment' ]
+        },        
+        'dto/entity/experiment/ExperimentType': {
+          deps: ['dto/fetchoptions/experiment/ExperimentTypeFetchOptions',
+              'dto/id/entitytype/EntityTypePermId']
+        },
+        'dto/entity/project/Project': {
+          deps: ['dto/id/project/ProjectPermId',
+              'dto/id/project/ProjectIdentifier',
+              'dto/entity/space/Space']
+        },
+        'dto/entity/space/Space': {
+          deps: ['dto/fetchoptions/space/SpaceFetchOptions',
+              'dto/id/space/SpacePermId']
+        }
+      }
+  };
   <script src="support/require-src.js"></script>
-  	require(['jquery', 
-  	'qunit', 
-  	'openbis-v3-api-test',
-  	'support/Utils'], function($, 
-  				qunit, 
-  				tester, thisOneIsHereOnlyToMakeSureEverythingIsLoadedTODORemoveMe) {
-	  		qunit.load();
-	  		qunit.start();
-	  		tester();
-  	});
+    require(['jquery', 
+    'qunit', 
+    'openbis-v3-api-test',
+    'support/Utils'], function($, 
+          qunit, 
+          tester, thisOneIsHereOnlyToMakeSureEverythingIsLoadedTODORemoveMe) {
+        qunit.load();
+        qunit.start();
+        tester();
+    });