From 5f94925cae9bc2354d1d8274882e9a9c8cb3aebe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kohleman <kohleman>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2012 11:26:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] openBIS script for checking uniqueness of indices in a
 single- or dual-indexed sample pool

SVN: 26304
 .../source/Jython/  | 104 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 104 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 deep_sequencing_unit/source/Jython/

diff --git a/deep_sequencing_unit/source/Jython/ b/deep_sequencing_unit/source/Jython/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e39e569845f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deep_sequencing_unit/source/Jython/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import smtplib
+import string
+import copy
+def sendMail(registratorEmail, indexStrings='', sampleIdentifier='', additionalText=''):
+  '''
+  Send out an email to the specified recipients
+  '''
+  COMMASPACE = ", "
+  loe = [""]
+  if registratorEmail and registratorEmail not in loe:
+    loe.append(registratorEmail)
+  TO = COMMASPACE.join(loe)
+  SUBJECT = "WARNING! For pooled sample " + sampleIdentifier
+  FROM = ""
+  HOST = ""
+  text = "Sample: "+ sampleIdentifier + "\nBarcode: " + indexStrings + "\n" + additionalText
+  BODY = string.join((
+        "From: %s" % FROM,
+        "To: %s" % TO,
+        "Subject: %s" % SUBJECT ,
+        "",
+        text
+        ), "\r\n")
+  server = smtplib.SMTP(HOST)
+  server.sendmail(FROM, [TO], BODY)
+  server.quit()
+def checkDuplicateBarcodes():
+  '''
+  'parents' are a HashSet of SamplePropertyPE
+  ''' 
+  registratorEmail = entity.entityPE()
+  poolName = entity.entityPE().sampleIdentifier
+  listofIndices = []
+  listofIndices2 = []
+  returnString = " "
+  for e in entity.entityPE().parents:
+    for s in
+      if s.entityTypePropertyType.propertyType.simpleCode == VOCABULARY_INDEX1:
+        index = s.getVocabularyTerm().code
+        listofIndices.append(index)
+      if s.entityTypePropertyType.propertyType.simpleCode == VOCABULARY_INDEX2:
+        index = s.getVocabularyTerm().code
+        listofIndices2.append(index)
+    sampleIdentifier = e.sampleIdentifier
+  # if dual-indexed
+  if listofIndices2:
+    dualIndexList = []
+    if len(listofIndices) != len(listofIndices2):
+      indices = "\nIndex1 :" + str(listofIndices) + "\nIndex2: " + str(listofIndices2) 
+      returnString = "Dual indexing assignment is not complete for pool sample " + str(poolName)
+      sendMail(registratorEmail, indices , str(poolName), returnString)
+      return returnString
+    # build up a list of dual indices
+    for l in range(len(listofIndices)):
+      try:
+        dualIndexList.insert(l, [listofIndices[l], listofIndices2[l]])
+      except:
+        pass
+    # copy, needed by the for loop
+    dualIndexListOrig = copy.deepcopy(dualIndexList)
+    for dualIndex in dualIndexListOrig:
+      dualIndexList.remove(dualIndex)
+      if dualIndex in dualIndexList:
+        returnString = "WARNING! You assigned duplicate indices \n " + str(dualIndex) + \
+                        " in the dual-indexed pooled sample!"
+        sendMail(registratorEmail, str(dualIndex), str(poolName), returnString)
+        return returnString
+      else:
+        returnString = SUCCESS_MESSAGE
+        return returnString  
+  # else single index
+  else:
+    uniqueList=list(set(listofIndices))
+    if len(listofIndices) != len(uniqueList):
+      for index in uniqueList:
+        listofIndices.remove(index)
+      returnString = "WARNING! You assigned duplicate indices \n " + str(listofIndices) + \
+                        " in the single-indexed pooled sample!"
+      sendMail(registratorEmail, str(listofIndices), str(poolName), returnString)
+    else:
+      returnString = SUCCESS_MESSAGE
+    return returnString
+def calculate(): 
+    """Main script function. The result will be used as the value of appropriate dynamic property."""
+    return checkDuplicateBarcodes()